Live from New York, it’s Ojas Oasis. Today, Sasha and Erin got to chat in-person to deep dive into the second chakra, Svadhistana, located at the sacrum above the Muladhara, which abides in the tail bone or coccyx. The sacrum is a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine that connects to the pelvis and is made up of five fused vertebrae, numbered S-1 to S-5.
Now that we know where it lives, lets talk about what it means. Svadhistana translates as “the seat of taste/desire.” “Swa means taste, and “Stana” means abode or seat. It represents the Water element, relates to the physical reproductive organs and brings Prana to the reproductive system. This is where our desire comes from - for enjoyment, pleasure, sexuality, creativity and flow.
Desire is a fascinating thing. And an important thing at that, as far our basic evolution and survival go. But craving and aversion, become a relentless assault on the present moment if we fail to understand and master the nature of it. Aversion is essentially Anxiety, Resentment, Regret, All Addiction, Self-Hatred, all sense of Lack, the gap between who you are and who you want to be, what you have and what you want to have.
Desire is not the actual problem. Because we aren’t actually looking for a “thing.” We are looking for “the experience of the thing, the feeling of the thing.” That is the first level of balancing this chakra, or subtle energy center: Distinguishing what it is we ultimately truly Desire.
In Ayurveda, it is important to not suppress Desire. In Yoga, it is important to refine the experiencer, or the one experiencing Desire, so that the Desire becomes refined. As our Ayurvedic habits and Yoga practice deepens, toxic habits fall away, including toxic desires. And this is because as our human system becomes balanced, the tendencies of imbalance heal into harmonious tendencies. This is a whole nother level of healing.
When our Svadhistana is balanced, there is an energy of abundance, and understanding of timing. When imbalanced, there is guilt, self-hatred, a state of wanting or lack, self-harming, drama, holding of childhood issues, traumas, and sexual scarring, and a tamasic level of desire to relate but an inability to relate to anyone. Since our present relationships are all informed by our past, we must free ourselves from incorrect, unrefined information in our system. We must clean this chakra by learning how to activate it. Otherwise, Fear will show up to sabotage what it is we truly want.
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