
  • An Update From Tim
    Apr 8 2019

    A message from Tim to let everyone know that we will be putting this podcast on pause for now. It will remain active online so you can still listen or re-listen to his sermons.

    If you want to hear more from Tim, check out The Bible Project Podcast: https://thebibleproject.com/podcasts/the-bible-project-podcast/

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    5 min
  • The Crocus Flower and the Empty Tomb - Gospel of Matthew Part 35
    Feb 11 2019

    This story has changed the course of human history over the past 2,000 years. Of course the story is profound, but the IMPLICATIONS of what it means to the history of our universe leading up to Jesus’ resurrection is incredible. This teaching is a reflection about the significance of Easter.

    Jesus walking out of the empty tomb offered a whole new history of the world.

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    52 min
  • The Blood Cries Out - Gospel of Matthew Part 34
    Jan 28 2019

    We are in the final moments of Jesus’ story, and we focus on his trial, but also the story in Matthew about Judas after his betrayal of Jesus. Judas experiences extreme remorse and ends up committing suicide.

    These are grim stories, but they are very important insights into human conditions. You can see how Judas became trapped in his black hole of terrible decisions and how they destroyed him. It’s a very sobering and sobering portrait of the human condition.

    I think you’ll find these stories profound and interesting while they address some of life’s biggest questions.

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    57 min
  • Panic Attack - Gospel of Matthew Part 33
    Jan 13 2019

    We’ve come to (from my perspective) one of the most profound, mysterious, and almost terrifying stories of the Gospel. It is the story of Jesus right before he gets arrested and executed.

    He took his friends and followers to a small olive grove and he was disappointed by their inability to stay awake… his closest people fail him at the moment that he needs them the most. So then Jesus turns to God and multiple times he asks that he not have to go through the arrest and execution. It was so scary that Jesus actually experienced a panic attack.

    This story tells us so much about Jesus’ experience with God and it blows my mind. Listen in and we’ll learn together.

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    57 min
  • The Passover Meal - Gospel of Matthew Part 32
    Dec 31 2018

    This teaching is actually kind of a replay and development of a teaching that I gave numerous times about the Messianic Passover. As we retell the story of Passover year after year, we can see that the story is forward-pointing as it represents liberation. What Jesus does with this meal and how he takes its meaning and tweaks it is really interesting. We address all of this and more about the Passover Meal in this episode.

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    54 min
  • Gold, Darkness, and Dwarves - Gospel of Matthew Part 31
    Dec 17 2018

    Today we ponder a pretty well-known peril of Jesus that has been misused and abused in unfortunate ways when it is read out of context.

    This story is about a landowner who gives different sized investments to his servants and then expects them to produce something with the investments. Then based on what they have done with the investment, the landowner rewards or punishes different people.

    As you can see, this is one of those stories where if you take it out of context, you can just do terrible things with it.BUT when you locate this parable as a warning or challenge that Jesus gives to the leaders of Jerusalem, all kinds of parts of this parable pop out in new ways.

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    52 min
  • Signs of the Times - Gospel of Matthew Part 30
    Dec 3 2018

    We go over Matthew Chapter 24 today, which in modern, especially American Protestantism, has become a very controversial text related to biblical discussions about “the end times”.

    The longer I’ve gone on to learn more about the bible and how symbolism works and apocalyptic texts in Jewish writing, my understanding has really depended. That being said, they still remain controversial because of the symbolism.

    Let's dive in together.

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    59 min
  • Love and the Rebirth of the Universe - Gospel of Matthew Part 29
    Nov 26 2018

    We are in the “passion” week during Jesus’ stay in Jerusalem for Passover, and there are a series of controversies. Today we explore a controversy that Jesus has with some priests. They try to trap Jesus in a scripture-type puzzle, but he really doesn’t fall for it.

    We watch Jesus deal with controversy, the future, resurrection, and more in this episode.

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    55 min