DERELICT Premium: Set during the events of Episode 2, ISD Agent Blayne and Doctor Sarah Klayton struggle to survive outside and inside Fathom's North Platform after Mack's true nature is revealed, an unexpected tide surge wreaks havoc...and loyalties are tested due to the simple fact that sometimes, there are no right choices. "What a day..." DERELICT Merch: DERELICT Discord: DERELICT Website: FATHOM is created, written, and directed by J. Barton Mitchell; produced by Elizabeth Laidlaw, Kirsten Rudberg and Thomas Barker; features original music by Makeup and Vanity Set, Luke Atencio, Ryan Taubert, and Chris Coleman; sound design and editing by J. Barton Mitchell; additional sound design by Music Radio Creative. Cast: Michael Mau - BLAYNE; Dani Payne - SARAH KLAYTON; Michelle Campbell - VALARIE BLAYNE; Elizabeth Laidlaw - EVA GRAFF; Eli Goodman - JOE FREEMAN. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit