I have a magnet on my fridge that I got on one of my trips to Italy years ago. It reads, "Stronzo non fumare," which loosely means, "A**hole, don't smoke."
After 25 years, I quit smoking cigarettes on June 1, 2021. I don’t think or have any reason to think that I will pick up smoking as a habit again. But never say never, because just as easily as I became dependent in 1996, I could just as easily pick it up again in 5 or ten years from now. Just the same, this time feels different. This time feels right. This time, I feel in control. I know the work it takes, and I’m willing to put it in to get where I want to be and stay smoke-free.
Finally, I had success with a combination of factors - a perfect recipe for me to finally quit smoking cigarettes. Learn more at FudaForThought.com blog & podcast and follow me @CarloFuda across the metaverse.
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