As a gay man who never will get pregnant and who never wants to have children in this lifetime, I thought it would be a good time to offer some food for thought on the topic of abortion. You might be asking, "Well, what makes you think we want to hear your opinion?"
I'm coming to the topic as a Medical Technologist. As a Secular Humanist who attended a Catholic University. As a son. As a friend to women, trans men, and non-binary people. As a champion of loving parenting and amazing parents. As a Devil's Advocate to red herrings and Karen-esque comments like, "People should be more responsible with sex" or "Women should close their legs" or "Show up at the polls" - Idgaf if you are a Democrat, a Republican, a MAGA Trumplican Cult Member, a ChristoFascist, an Independent, or a citizen of some foreign land watching this reality shit-show we called The United States of America. Whatever the case, there is a profound little nugget somewhere in this episode for everyone.
I would like to say that I'm shocked Roe vs Wade has been overturned, but I'm not. I'm disappointed in a nation that was once the envy of the free world, and now, we have their sympathy and concern. Even the Pope's.