
  • Exposing Truth with Jennifer Sey
    May 28 2024

    “Sport is a means to develop the whole person”, and when coaches abuse this it can lead to long term trauma and effects. This is the story of Jennifer Sey, former national champion gymnast, who was the first to expose the wide spread abuse in women’s gymnastics. She joins Sam to discuss the lasting effects of abuse in sport, and also how we can fight against the current abuses in sport. You won’t want to miss this riveting conversation where Sam and Jen shed light on these issues and rally to fight against these things. You will be inspired- listen, share it, and join the fight! As Jen says, “I believe in the truth and I think it’s really pernicious to further a lie and I won’t let it pass through me.”

    Support and wear proudly XX-XY Athletics: https://www.xx-xyathletics.com/

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    Read more about FIERCE on our website - Fierce.org

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    46 min
  • Leadership
    May 13 2024

    Last episode of the FIERCE Athlete Toolbox, and all other episodes and growth lead to this one- Leadership. Sam, Danae, and Angel challenge you to take what you've learned and positively impact those around you. They discuss different leadership styles, what not to do, and make the point that living a Christian life allows you to embody all the characteristics needed to lead. After all, Jesus Christ was the greatest leader in human history. Join us for our last episode of season 4, and then go shine bright and bring the light out in those around you!

    Bible Verse: Hebrews 13:7 “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”

    Takeaway: Do a leadership inventory- things you want to or don’t want to do as a leader. Consider those leaders you admire and what you have learned from them!

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    28 min
  • Being Coachable
    May 6 2024

    “How we receive feedback can be empowering.” This week Sam, Danae, and Angel talk about a tool that can not only set you apart as an athlete, but lead to growth in all areas of your life- “being coachable”. We discuss, learning how to properly ask for feedback, how to graciously ignore bad feedback, and how to give feedback ourselves. Ultimately, this prepares our hearts to receive true coaching from our Heavenly Father! We promise, growth in this skill can only help you become more confident!

    Bible Verse: James 1:19 "Understand this my dear brothers and sisters, you must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”

    Take away: Meet with a coach, mentor, spiritual director, or boss and ask for some constructive feedback.

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    27 min
  • Communication
    Apr 29 2024

    Communication îs an art. Whether with a coach, teammate, parent, friend, or in the media, the way we communicate through our tone, body language, and words, reveals a lot. As athletes, we need to hone this skill. Sam, Danae, and Angel discuss how our communication has the power to heal and make others feel like they belong and are worth listening to, but also how it has the power to be toxic when used for gossip or when we ignore others. Ultimately, communication with God is our goal. Journey with us as we challenge and grow our ability to be a better teammate, leader, and Christian.

    Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

    Takeaway: Set up a time to have an in person conversation with someone you haven't talked to in a while, or who needs a friend.

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    31 min
  • Ownership
    Apr 22 2024

    Ownership is essential not only to personal success, but also team success. This week we begin talking about elements of our toolbox that affect and involve others. Sam, Angel, and Danae discuss the importance of ownership to create a culture of trust, to navigate unforeseen circumstances, to discover your role, and to accept your reality. They get deep, warning us not to allow our ownership to impact our identity, and to not own things that are not ours to own. All of these principles apply to ownership in our spiritual life and our eternal destiny. You don't want to miss this episode! Get ready to be challenged and get ready to grow!

    Bible Verse: Luke 15:11-32

    Takeaway: Do an Examination of Conscience and go to Confession. Consider starting a Daily Examen.

    Daily Examen: https://www.jesuits.org/spirituality/the-ignatian-examen/
    Examination of Conscience: https://www.beginningcatholic.com/catholic-examination-of-conscience

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    32 min
  • Focus
    Jan 29 2024

    "If I have a peaceful, quiet soul, it is going to allow the rest of my life to be balanced and focus." When the game gets heated or comes down to the wire...how do we stay focused on the task at hand? Angel, Sam, and Danae discuss the best way to refocus our selves, our minds, and our tasks in order to reach our goals, especially amidst the many many distractions that vie for our attention both on and off the court. You won't want to miss this very practical episode where we will break down the goals you want to achieve, and help you focus in on how to achieve them. The good news is our focus in our sport, allows us to focus in our path toward heaven. Join us on this journey as we grow together physically, mentally and spiritually.

    Bible Verse: 1 Peter 5:8 Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.

    Takeaway #1: Set one long term goal, then three short term for the week. Write them somewhere you will see them multiple times a day.

    Takeaway #2: Do a social media fast.

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    23 min
  • Work Ethic
    Oct 30 2023

    Join us as we jump back into our Athlete Toolbox- the attitudes and characteristics that will distinguish you as a player and person. While internal drive may get you out of bed in the morning, today we're talking about HOW you approach the workout, game, practice, and our sport. Yes- lets talk "Work Ethic". It is virtuous to work hard, to do everything in front of you to the best of your ability! Join this discussion of how to grow in discipline to positively impact your sport performance, your spiritual life, and your whole life- especially when no one else is watching or there.

    Bible Verse: 2 Thes 3:10-12 "For even when we were with you we gave you this command, anyone unwilling to work should not eat. For we hear that some of you are living irresponsibly, mere busy bodies, not doing any work. Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, to do their work quietly and earn their own living."

    Takeaway: "Do it Again" by Steven Furtick

    Movie: "Greater"

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    22 min
  • Don't Let the Ball Drop with Macy Petty
    Oct 9 2023

    Macy Petty was forced to play against a man in high school club girls volleyball back in 2019. Since then she has found herself becoming a leading advocate to protect women's sports. In continuing our mini-series on Fighting for Women in Sport, Sam and Macy discuss what has inspired her to step out in truth. You don't want to miss this very full and vibrant conversation that covers discernment of spirits, protection of our right to free speech, the war on language, masculinity and femininity, and advocating for truth! Macy finishes by offering spiritual, sport-related and advocacy-related advice to our listeners. She encourages all of us to "not let the ball drop", but to continue to build on the efforts of so many women fighting for the preservation of women's sports.

    Follow Macy: @macypetty

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    36 min