Faith Over Fear

Auteur(s): Jennifer Slattery Faith Over Fear Author and Speaker
  • Résumé

  • Life is too short and God has too much for us to do for any of us to live enslaved. Jesus promised His followers would experience filled to overflowing life, a life characterized by joy, peace, and spiritual and emotional vitality. And yet, we daily make decisions based on fear, not faith. In Faith Over Fear, author and speaker Jennifer Slattery helps us see different areas of life where fear has a foothold, and how our identity as children of God can help us move from fear to faithful, bold living.

    This podcast covers topics like:

    ⭐️ How to Overcome Fear
    ⭐️ Biblical Strategies for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
    ⭐️ Powerful Steps to Fight Anxiety
    ⭐️ Finding God Faithful in Hard Seasons
    ⭐️ Courage to Wait on God

    Jesus has more planned for us than we could imagine and He’s fully committed to perfecting that which concerns us. Fear holds us back, but His perfect love has the power to cast out all fear!

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  • Painful Relationships: When Should We Cut Contact?
    Mar 4 2025

    Deciding to go "no contact" can be one of the most painful and confusing decision we make, especially when it involves people in our family of origin. This can feel even more difficult for those taught "hyper-grace" at the expense of health and truth. In this episode, mental health professional, author, and speaker Gina Birkemeir shares insights on how we can heal from learned shame, differentiate between uncomfortable versus unsafe relationships, how to express boundaries clearly, and why these issues are so important to our well-being and our ability to live for Christ.

    Resource referenced: Generations Deep: Unmasking Inherited Dysfunction and Trauma to Rewrite Our Stories Through Faith and Therapy

    Discussion/reflective questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. How would you differentiate between an uncomfortable versus an unsafe relationship?
    3. Why might it be beneficial, to your mental health and sense of identity, not to make decisions out of anger?
    4. What are some steps you can take to work through your anger in regard to a relationship so that you can set boundaries from a place of calm wisdom?
    5. Who in your life can act like an "emotional cushion" before and after difficult conversations with challenging people?
    6. In what ways can shame be learned (or, in what ways has your upbringing created within you learned shame)?
    7. What is one action step you can take having listened to this episode?

    Connect with Gina Birkemeier:

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    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    32 min
  • When God Says Do Not Fear
    Feb 25 2025

    God understands that we live in a world that often feels frightening and overwhelming, but He doesn't want us to become enslaved by fear. But neither does He expect us to simply will ourselves into a state of peace and inner calm. Instead, He with each verse in which He says, "Do not be afraid", He provides important truths that enable us to live with the courage and confidence of a well-cared for child of God, which is precisely who we are. In this episode hosts Carol McCracken and Jennifer Slattery discuss verses from the Old and New Testament in which God tells us not to be afraid, why He says we have no cause for fear, and how we can apply these truths to our lives when we feel anxious and afraid. (Scripture discussed: Deuteronomy 31, 33:12, 34, James 1:5, John 14:1-27.)

    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. Had you been Joshua, what aspects of your assignment might you have found most challenging or intimidating, and why?
    3. How might Joshua's time following Moses have helped prepare him for his leadership role after Moses passed?
    4. What does God's repetition in the verses discussed (Do not fear; I'll go with you; I won't leave you ...) reveal regarding His heart?
    5. What does it mean to you in your current circumstances that God Almighty is with you?
    6. What are some ways you intentionally try to "get out of your head" when you feel your anxiety escalating?
    7. What is one action step God might be inviting you to take having listened to this episode?

    Find Carol McCracken:

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    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    31 min
  • Maintaining Faith Amid Financial Uncertainty
    Feb 18 2025

    How can we maintain faith when our economy always seems so unstable? How can we hold tight to God's promises when enduring long seasons of unemployment or when our financial situation feels outside of our control? Join hosts Carol McCracken and Jennifer Slattery as they discuss a passage in Scripture that demonstrates God's ability to provide and how He uses our needs to deepen our faith and relational intimacy with Him. (Scripture referenced or discussed: 1 Kings 17, Proverbs 14:1, Philippians 4:19)

    Discussion/Reflective Questions:

    1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
    2. What most surprised or intrigued you regarding how God provided for Elijah and the widow?
    3. What does this reveal regarding His character, ways, or heart?
    4. How can recognizing our needs draw us closer to Christ?
    5. What might it look like to turn to and rely on God during your current season?
    6. What is one action step God might be inviting you to take having listened to this episode?

    Find Carol McCracken:

    On her website

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    Find Jennifer Slattery:

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    38 min

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