
  • The Gift of Salvation | Isaiah 54:1-55:13
    Sep 8 2024
    God issues the invitation to receive the gift of salvation that He has secured through the Suffering Servant. This gift of salvation brings a great reversal from shame to honor and from fear to power. This gift of salvation is freely available to all those who repent. While this gift might sound too good to be true, it is guaranteed by God's way, God's word, and God's sign.
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    37 min
  • Man of Sorrows | Isaiah 52:13-53:12
    Sep 1 2024
    Isaiah points to the coming Messiah as the suffering servant. This Messiah shall come and bring salvation and heal many through his sacrifice and death. In this passage, we will see not only the merciful salvation that we have received, but also our Lord who fully identified with all our pain, brokenness, and suffering as he was crushed on our behalf.
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    32 min
  • Waiting for Salvation | Isaiah 51:1-52:12
    Aug 26 2024
    After the people have returned from exile and received God's great vision of salvation through the Servant of the Lord, they are still left waiting for this salvation. Likewise, we too find ourselves waiting for Christ to return in order to fully establish God's Kingdom. We can rightly wait for our future salvation by crying out to God in faith to bring salvation soon, by maintaining courage in the face of fear, by remembering the free gift of God's grace, and by leaving behind the old life of sin.
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    33 min
  • The Servant of the Lord | Isaiah 49:1-50:11
    Aug 18 2024
    After prophesying the unexpected deliverance of Israel through Cyrus, Isaiah then points to the true servant of God, the Messiah of the Lord, who will bring ultimate deliverance and salvation. Jesus is the fulfillment and true servant of God who came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Through his obedience, God proves his love, care, and mercy for us. Through his obedience, we are healed. He served us completely so that we may serve in full obedience and trust.
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    32 min
  • God Moves in Mysterious Ways | Isaiah 44:24-48:22
    Aug 11 2024
    As God has hinted at before, He now makes it very clear that He will deliver His people out of exile, but He will do so through the Persian emperor Cyrus. With this move, God shows Himself to work in mysterious ways beyond our narrow set of expectations, which can lead us to question His wisdom and goodness. But when God works in mysterious ways, we should respond by putting aside our arrogance, trusting that God will exceed our expectations, and resting in God's commitment to us.
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    33 min
  • The Folly of Idolatry | Isaiah 44:6-23
    Aug 4 2024
    After presenting the salvation that He alone offers, God points out the folly of idolatry. God's people were prone to look for salvation elsewhere - just as we are prone to do so today. But God shows that idolatry is futile, burdensome, and blinding. God invites us to turn away from our idolatry by remembering His power, returning to Him in repentance, and rejoicing in Him through singing.
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    34 min
  • The Facets of Salvation | Isaiah 42:14-44:5
    Jul 28 2024
    As God has comforted His people and reaffirmed their place in His Kingdom, He now unpacks what their salvation entails. Salvation is like a multi-faceted diamond that shines in many different ways. In this passage, we see five major facets of salvation: adoption, revelation, deliverance, forgiveness, and revival. This multi-faceted salvation is ultimately made available for us in Christ.
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    37 min
  • Servants of the Lords | Isaiah 41:1-42:13
    Jul 21 2024
    While God's people are stuck in exile and wondering if God's done with them, God affirms that they are still His servants. As His servants, God's people are chosen by God's grace, protected by God's presence, empowered for God's mission, and sustained by God's compassion. The surprising irony in all this is that in God's Kingdom, servants of the Lord are served by the Lord. This is most exemplified by the True Servant (Jesus) who came not to be served but to serve by giving his life as a ransom for many.
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    34 min