
  • High Conflict Co-Parenting and Family Law Reform
    Feb 7 2017
    Part I: Two or more years after a divorce, a significant number of parents are still locked in conflicts that are very distressing for their children. How can we help these parents protect themselves from hostile interactions with their exes? How can we help them protect their kids from the fallout? Bill Eddy will describe a program that is available in private sessions with trained counselors and online and has been proven effective. Part II: Most children of divorced parents who are not locked in conflict do best if they have plenty of time with each of their parents. Nevertheless laws and habits in family courts often leave these children with little access to one of their parents. Dan Deuel does a good job explaining how an ordinary citizen can get effectively involved in changing laws that do not serve families well.
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    59 min
  • Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex
    Jan 10 2017
    Is your ex trying to turn your child against you? Is he or she trying to convince your child that you are unsafe, unloving, and unavailable when that is not at all true? Sadly, some parents do this to their children, with or without realizing that they are harming the children immensely. Children in these circumstances need the targeted parent to keep loving them and trying to build a positive relationship. What can you do when you feel angry, humiliated, and demoralized in the face-off your ex’s hostility and your child’s rejection of you? Dr. Amy Baker, co-author of Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex, has some answers. She describes signs and symptoms of parental alienation, how to avoid taking the bait when your ex and child provoke you, and how to maintain a relationship with your child even when your ex is actively and intentionally interfering and undermining that relationship.
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    55 min
  • Mindfulness in Family Relationships and Vitality in Family Members
    Jul 19 2016
    During the first half of the show, relationship counselor Margie Ulbrick talks with Dr. Colin about applying the skills of mindfulness in intimate relationships, in parenting, and in family life. Building mindful and caring relationships at home, at work, and in the community starts with being mindful in relation to yourself. Positive changes ripple out from that beginning. During the second half of the show, Dr. Deborah Zucker, a naturopathic physician and transformational health coach, describes how people can revolutionize their health by learning to love, nourish, and heal themselves on every level. We can learn to live as if our life matters and to turn toward the inner self with compassion and with a fierce protective love that gives courage.
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    1 h et 1 min
  • The Divorce Dance: Taking the Lead
    Apr 26 2016
    Financial expert Stan Corey and family mediator Virginia Colin will confer about how a people can divorce respectfully. In addition to discussing what they have learned from numerous experiences with a wide variety of couples, They will discuss Stan’s novel, “The Divorce Dance.” This book takes readers on a journey with a couple going through divorce and making decisions that will influence the rest of their lives. At first the husband leads in the dance, but by the end the wife has taken the lead. Along the way, she needs to learn from a team of professionals with varying kinds of expertise.
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    51 min
  • Finding Your Balance While Caring for an Elderly Loved One
    Feb 9 2016
    Few of us can devote full time to caregiving an elderly parent or relative. Most of us have a full-time job, a spouse, and sometimes children to care for as well. If you are in the role of primary caregiver and feel the squeeze of time constraints closing around you with no solution in sight, listening to this program will help you develop strategies to meet the needs of everyone involved.
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    58 min
  • Collaborative Law, Team Mediation, and High Conflict Divorces
    Feb 2 2016
    When an individual or a couple wants to divorce, there are a variety of ways to decide about the terms of the divorce. The host of Family Matters believes that working with a professional family mediator is the best approach for most couples. Her guests, both of whom are lawyers and mediators, describe other alternatives, such as collaborative law, team mediation, litigation, and evaluative settlement conferences with retired judges. One guest describes some of what works and what does not work with high-conflict couples who are divorcing. This program can help people make well-informed choices about what approach to divorce will make most sense for them.
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    56 min
  • Parenting 101: Nurturing Gratitude and Kindness, not Entitlement
    Jan 26 2016
    Some parents, with the best of intentions, focus so much on their children’s happiness and feel so uncomfortable when one of their children is distressed that they behave in ways that produce the opposite of the results they would like to see. Instead of being secure, happy, and kind, their children become “spoiled” or “entitled” — difficult, unhappy, dissatisfied, and unable to regulate their own emotions well. Listen as two clinical psychologists, Dr. Lisa Ferrari and Dr. Carla Fry, talk with host Virginia Colin about the importance of parents paying attention to the values they want to encourage in their families and planning how to act accordingly. Authentically practicing gratitude and teaching your children to do the same can be a big part of raising children who are kind and grateful and are likely to grow up to be happy, self-reliant adults. Dr. Fry and Dr. Ferrari provide lots of practical step-by-step advice for raising children well.
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    57 min
  • How to Save Your Marriage
    Jan 19 2016
    What do you do when your spouse says they want out? Sadly this is a very common occurrence. More often than not it leads to separation and divorce. It is also one of the most difficult problems a couple will ever have to deal with and is the cause of great stress and heartbreak. Marriage and relationships coach Liam Naden will discuss how to know if your marriage is headed for trouble, what to do if your spouse gives you the dreaded news that they are thinking about leaving, and what some of the most important things are that you can do to keep your marriage strong and healthy. Liam gets people thinking about their marriage issues in new and empowering ways.
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    55 min