
  • Heartfelt Conversations: Exploring Emotions and Connection with Jen Person
    May 10 2024

    Are you craving authentic connections and meaningful conversations? Me too, which is why I turned to my favorite person (Person!) in the world, Jen Person, to have my first coffee conversation.

    Jen is a badass executive, leadership and personal development coach, so well-versed in emotional intelligence and.... she is my sister.

    We connected for a completely unscripted conversation and let it rip! Join us as we delve into the heart of emotions and sisterhood, in our latest podcast episode inspired by the teachings of Brene´ Brown.

    You can find out more about Jen at https://www.boundlesshorizonllc.com/.

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #114 here.

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!

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    31 min
  • An exercise to make parenting easier
    May 3 2024

    Parenting is no joke! It's hard to juggle and figure out all the rules (which none of the kids want to follow).

    But there are ways to make it easier. Today we're going to do a reflective exercise to understand how becoming aware of and defining your values creates a foundation for making parenting easier.

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #113 here.

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!

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    11 min
  • The Power of Being a Real Human: Unpacking Expertise
    Apr 19 2024

    Let's weave this together: celebrating certifications, expertise, and defining how you are an expert in your life, health and family. In today's show,

    • Wendy celebrates achieving the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential through the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
    • She discusses the significance of credentials in her coaching journey and emphasizes the importance of authenticity and human connection.
    • Wendy highlights the value of being a genuine, imperfect human being and how it forms the core of her approach in Family in Focus programs.
    • Wendy encourages listeners to embrace their authenticity to model that for others and invites them to join the last group program for the Spring season.

    Note: Explicit for the use of the word "bitch" like on the towel in the cover art. That's it. Just alerting in case there are young ears in the background.

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #112 here.

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!

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    11 min
  • My simple steps to eat less chocolate
    Mar 22 2024

    I've been destroying the chocolate lately. Specifically, peanut butter M&Ms. In today's episode, I'm going to walk you through the process that I'm using to get really clear on the problem and the steps I'm taking to make change.

    You're welcome to take the simple steps with me to make any change you want to see in your life.

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #111.

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min
  • A Conversation for Teens and Parents: Creating Supportive Relationships
    Feb 23 2024
    Welcome to my very special listeners, teens! Today I want to share some videos I recently created to answer the question, "What does a supportive relationship look like between an adult and a teen?"   Well there are two folks to consider in this question and I answered with what can be considered by teens trying to figure out WHY they would ever want to connect with adults, and how adults can be welcoming and supportive to teens.   Please feel free to go to the blog or YouTube to see the video versions of both aspects and watch with your teens. There is such wealth in exploring perspectives on both sides of the relationship, which largely involves trust, safe spaces and vulnerability. I welcome your input, ah-ha's and questions. As always, you can drop me a line at wendy@wendyschofermd.com.

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #110 here.

    Calling all Healthcare Professionals: I'm so glad you're here, to benefit yourself, your family, and your patients. The CE experience for this Podcast is powered by CMEfy - click here to reflect and earn credits: https://earnc.me/yrHnup

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!

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    13 min
  • Shake It Off: How to shift when you're stressed
    Feb 16 2024

    You're zapped, trying to focus on getting that report done. Or from the kids running on your nerves all day long. And the kids are having a meltdown and just arguing with each other, raiding the cabinets and doing anything but homework.

    What do you do?

    In today's episode I explore the concept of the "Shake Off," and I swear I'm not singing Taylor Swift the whole time (I.do.not.sing!). What is shaking it off? What does it do? How does it change your physiology? Why does that matter?

    Let's dive in!

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #109 here.

    Calling all Healthcare Professionals: I'm so glad you're here, to benefit yourself, your family, and your patients. The CE experience for this Podcast is powered by CMEfy - click here to reflect and earn credits: https://earnc.me/yrHnup

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!


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    15 min
  • Are you playing ping pong or chess with your kids?
    Feb 9 2024

    As a parent, are you playing ping pong or chess with your kids? It's not all about the games, it's about the approach to being with them.

    In this episode we talk about taking some lessons from Improv Comedy and apply them to working with our kids. No one approach is better than another, but is it possible that your go-to (like my strength of being a Maximizer) is keeping you from fully having the experience you want at home?

    Let's talk about health, habits, strengths (and their downside), the responsiveness in ping pong, the future planning and being in the moment. Whether you call it meditation, mindfulness, awareness, presence or something else, let's explore together. As you will find from a story about a client's use of awareness, it completely changes our relationship with ourselves and our family.

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #108 here.

    Calling all Healthcare Professionals: I'm so glad you're here, to benefit yourself, your family, and your patients. The CE experience for this Podcast is powered by CMEfy - click here to reflect and earn credits: https://earnc.me/yrHnup

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!


    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min
  • “Snack Sneakers Snonymous”: 3 Steps for Parents to Understand the Sneaking
    Feb 2 2024

    Are you ready to be a member of the secret parent society, "Snack Sneakers... S-nonymous?"

    Parents are frustrated with snack sneaking and want to know how to fix it. Today we talk about 3 steps that you haven't heard before to get to the root of the question, "What do I do about snack sneaking?"

    Full show notes available here.

    YouTube version of Episode #107 here.

    Calling all Healthcare Professionals: I'm so glad you're here, to benefit yourself, your family, and your patients. The CE experience for this Podcast is powered by CMEfy - click here to reflect and earn credits: https://earnc.me/yrHnup

    Join Family in Focus coaching now. Current offerings available here.

    The Family in Focus signature program starts again in April. Join here now to start making the change you want to see in your home.

    Weight Loss 101 for Your Whole Family: get started helping your whole family with the self-paced mini-course HERE.


    I ask a favor of you: if you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast service, and share with your friends so they know that there is a different way to stop struggling with worries about weight. It's easy and fun!

    And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about how the Family in Focus program can help you and your family create lifelong healthy relationships with food and body, now and at every weight.

    Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!


    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min