In this shocking and strangely heartfelt episode, Blake Winchester takes his self-proclaimed mission to “save” the babysitter to bold and unsettling heights. What starts as a chance encounter at the college library quickly spirals into a deeply misguided yet passionate crusade. Armed with nothing but the lyrics of Father Figure by George Michael and his unwavering belief in fate, Blake finds himself baring his soul—and his dubious intentions—to a young woman already caught in a web of scandal.
With an offer to spend New Year’s Eve at an “undisclosed location” that Blake insists is romantic but everyone else finds deeply alarming, this episode explores Blake’s oblivious descent into obsession. Mixing self-delusion with a misguided sense of heroism, Blake reflects on his role as a “guiding light” for the babysitter while ignoring every boundary of good sense and decency.
Is this the start of an inspirational tale of redemption, or just another chapter in Blake’s unhinged escapades? Tune in to find out as Blake weaves his tangled web of misplaced chivalry, eerie romantic advances, and questionable moral clarity.