Cartoonist and author, Mark Siermaczeski, hopped on the podcast to talk about his new book, Field Guide of the Mind at the End of the World Volume 1.
Note: This conversation was recorded BEFORE the US presidential election, so there was some talk as to how that was all going to shake out. Thank goddess time isn’t linear ‘n all…
Part 2:
All things Dani, including books, courses, webinars and coaching:
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Show notes:
- Political climate in Vegas per-election
- New book- ‘Field Guide of the Mind At the End of the World’
- Mark’s Kundalini awakening & dark night of the soul
- Revelations while in relationship
- David Icke and bitter red pills
- Tantric teachers, training, and tests
- Equanimity and remaining unhooked
- Freeing himself from the Black Magic Woman
- Mark’s ayahuasca experiences
- Origins of his new book
- All is mind and perception
- Drop all stories and embrace the unknown
- Mark’s transformation from writing the book
- What is ‘mind tunneling’?- a personal recounting
- Mainstream music and programming
- Being vs Narrating voice of mind
- Feminine enhancement after kundalini
- Mark describes his Field Guide
- Transcending the instinct to fight
- Guide as antidote to mind control
- Observing the effects of his work
- Dopamine dip after project completion
- Choosing how and where we focus
- ‘May all beings be free”- activating agency