Today, we’re diving into something that’s been simmering in the background of global politics and economics for a while now, but it’s starting to boil over in ways that could seriously impact the U.S. economy. And, of course, it ties back to everyone’s favorite orange-hued, tariff-loving president: Donald Trump. Yep, we’re talking about Trump’s tariffs, the rise of BRICS+, and what happens when the U.S. decides to play hardball with global trade. Buckle up, because this is gonna get spicy. Okay, let’s start with the basics. Trump is slapping tariffs on China, Mexico, Canada, and basically anyone who isn’t kissing his ring? Yeah. The idea is to “protect American jobs” and “bring manufacturing back to the U.S.” Sounds great in theory, right? But here’s the thing: tariffs are like a boomerang. You throw them out there, and eventually, they come back and smack you in the face. And guess what? That boomerang is heading straight for us. Now, Imagine this scenario: Canada and Mexico—yes, our neighbors to the north and south—decide to join BRICS+. Wait, what’s BRICS+? I know, I know, it’s not exactly dinner table conversation unless you’re a total geopolitics nerd. But stick with me, because this is huge. BRICS+ is basically a coalition of some of the biggest emerging economies in the world: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The “+” is for the new countries joining the club, like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. Together, these countries represent 40% of global trade, 50% of the world’s population, and a staggering $600 billion of all U.S. imports. That’s not chump change, folks. Now, if Canada and Mexico—two of our largest trading partners—decide to join BRICS+, it’s game over for the U.S. in terms of maintaining its economic dominance. Why? Because BRICS+ is all about creating an alternative to the U.S.-dominated global financial system. They’re talking about trading in their own currencies, bypassing the U.S. dollar, and basically telling the U.S. to take its tariffs and shove ‘em. And let’s be real, this didn’t happen in a vacuum. Trump’s tariffs were like throwing gasoline on a fire. They pissed off our allies, alienated our trading partners, and made the U.S. look like the schoolyard bully who thinks he can push everyone around. But here’s the thing about bullies: eventually, the other kids get tired of getting pushed around and band together to fight back. That’s exactly what’s happening with BRICS+. And when the “f*** around and find out” moment comes home to roost, who do you think the MAGA crowd is gonna blame? Obama? Nancy Pelosi? CNN? Or maybe DEI—because apparently, that’s the new scapegoat for everything these days. Of course they will. That is who they have been conditioned to blame. But here’s the truth: this will be a self-inflicted wound. Protectionist, isolationist, antagonistic trade policies don’t make a country stronger—they make it weaker. They shrink economies, stifle innovation, and create a whole lot of bad blood with the rest of the world. Now, I know some of you are thinking, “But hey, tariffs feel good in the moment, right?” We are taking action. We are putting America first! Sure, if you’re the bully picking on someone because you’ve got low self-esteem, no genuine plan. It feels powerful to flex your muscles and say, “We’re not gonna take it anymore!” But that feeling is short-lived. Eventually, the other kids stop playing with you, and you’re left sitting alone at the lunch table. And that’s where we’re headed if we don’t course-correct. Free trade expands the economic interests of everyone involved. It creates jobs, lowers prices for consumers, and fosters innovation. Protectionism does the opposite. It’s like building a wall around your economy and hoping no one notices that the rest of the world is moving on without you. So, what’s the takeaway here? Well, for starters, we need to stop pretending that tariffs are some kind of magic bullet for economic growth. They’re not. They’re a blunt instrument that does more harm than good in the long run. And we need to start paying attention to what’s happening with BRICS+. This isn’t just some abstract geopolitical concept—it’s a real threat to U.S. economic dominance. And finally, we need to stop blaming everyone else for our problems. Obama didn’t do this. Nancy Pelosi didn’t do this. CNN didn’t do this. This is on us. We voted for the guy who thought tariffs were a good idea, and now we’re going to reap what we sow. So, good luck, America! We’re gonna need it. Because if Canada and Mexico decide to join BRICS+, it’s gonna be a whole new world out there. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure we’re ready for it. Thanks for tuning in, everyone. If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. And hey, if you’ve got ...