• Finding Courage and Community at Zagrebački Carnival

  • Mar 7 2025
  • Durée: 19 min
  • Podcast

Finding Courage and Community at Zagrebački Carnival

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Courage and Community at Zagrebački Carnival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-03-07-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zimsko sunce polako se probijalo kroz oblake iznad Zagrebačkog zelenog tržnice.En: The winter sun was slowly breaking through the clouds above the Zagrebački green market.Hr: Ivana je već bila na svom štandu, pažljivo aranžirajući bukete tulipana i narcisa.En: Ivana was already at her stall, carefully arranging bouquets of tulips and daffodils.Hr: Cijelo tržište je mirisalo na svježe cvijeće i slatke mirise krafni pripremljene za nadolazeći Karneval.En: The entire market smelled of fresh flowers and the sweet aromas of doughnuts prepared for the upcoming Carnival.Hr: Ivana se osmjehnula prolaznicima, ali u srcu je osjećala nemir.En: Ivana smiled at passersby, but in her heart, she felt uneasy.Hr: Oduvijek je voljela slikati, ali nikada nije imala hrabrosti pokazati svoje radove javnosti.En: She had always loved to paint but never had the courage to show her work to the public.Hr: Mateo je bio na štandu do njenog.En: Mateo was at the stall next to hers.Hr: Imao je razne rukotvorine, drvene igračke i skulpture.En: He had various handicrafts, wooden toys, and sculptures.Hr: Uvijek je bio nasmijan, ali ovo kasno zimsko jutro, brige su mu ležale na ramenu.En: He was always smiling, but on this late winter morning, worries were resting on his shoulders.Hr: Pitao se da li će proširenje posla biti pravi potez.En: He wondered if expanding the business would be the right move.Hr: Usprkos svojim sumnjama, Mateo je uvijek nalazio vremena ohrabriti Ivanu.En: Despite his doubts, Mateo always found time to encourage Ivana.Hr: "Trebaš izložiti svoje slike, Ivana," reče Mateo dok je namještao keramički vjetrokaz.En: "You should display your paintings, Ivana," said Mateo while adjusting a ceramic weather vane.Hr: "Ljudi bi cijenili tvoj talent."En: "People would appreciate your talent."Hr: Ivana je nestrpljivo vrtjela prstima.En: Ivana nervously twirled her fingers.Hr: "Ne znam, Mateo... Što ako nekom ne bude sviđalo?"En: "I don't know, Mateo... What if someone doesn't like it?"Hr: Uto je stigla Lucija, organizatorica festivala.En: Just then, Lucija, the festival organizer, arrived.Hr: S puno energije i duha, pripremala je savršeni Karneval s puno natjecanja i boja.En: Full of energy and spirit, she was preparing the perfect Carnival with many competitions and colors.Hr: Ali duboko u sebi osjećala se usamljeno.En: But deep inside, she felt lonely.Hr: Nedostajao joj je njen mali primorski gradić.En: She missed her small coastal town.Hr: Uvijek je tražila taj skriveni osjećaj zajedništva kroz svoje projekte.En: She was always seeking that hidden sense of community through her projects.Hr: "Kako ide pripreme?" pitala je Veselo Lucija, promatrajući šarenilo štandova.En: "How are the preparations going?" asked Lucija cheerfully, observing the colorful stalls.Hr: "Svi smo spremni," odgovori Mateo.En: "We're all set," replied Mateo.Hr: "Ali možda bismo mogli obogatiti štand s Ivaninim slikama."En: "But maybe we could enrich the stall with Ivana's paintings."Hr: Lucija je pogledala Ivanu s oduševljenjem.En: Lucija looked at Ivana with excitement.Hr: "To bi bilo divno! Tvoj talent bi dodao posebnu čaroliju festivalu."En: "That would be wonderful! Your talent would add a special magic to the festival."Hr: Ova misao ohrabrila je Ivanu.En: This thought encouraged Ivana.Hr: Te večeri, odlučila je izložiti jednu od svojih slika među cvijećem.En: That evening, she decided to display one of her paintings among the flowers.Hr: Slika je prikazivala veseli maškare, šarene maske i sretna lica – sve što je simboliziralo radost Karnevala.En: The painting depicted joyful masqueraders, colorful masks, and happy faces — everything that symbolized the joy of the Carnival.Hr: Ivana se nadala da će je ljudi primijetiti.En: Ivana hoped people would notice it.Hr: Subota ujutro, tržište je bilo prepuno.En: Saturday morning, the market was packed.Hr: Ivana je nervozno promatrala ljude kako prolaze.En: Ivana nervously watched people passing by.Hr: Napeto je čekala reakcije na svoju sliku.En: She anxiously awaited reactions to her painting.Hr: Gotovo istog trenutka, skupina djece svratila je na štand, privučena vedrim bojama slike.En: Almost instantly, a group of children stopped by the stall, drawn by the painting's bright colors.Hr: Roditelji su hvalili njen rad, a njihovi osmijesi povratili su Ivanino povjerenje.En: Parents praised her work, and their smiles restored Ivana's confidence.Hr: Mateo je ovo vidio izdaleka, duboko uzdahnuvši.En: Mateo saw this from afar and sighed deeply.Hr: Ako Ivana može pronaći hrabrost za svoj san, zašto ne bi i on?En: If Ivana could find the courage for her dream, why couldn't he?Hr: Ove pozitivne reakcije ohrabrile su ga da planira izložbu ...
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