
  • Life Between Consciousness and Soul - Book Announcement & Update on the state of this podcast
    Sep 11 2022

    Gabriel Raam's new book "Life Between Consciousness and Soul: Volume I" provides a deep inside into how we can navigate our lives and search for truth in accordance with the Tao.

    It can be purchased as hard and soft cover on the link below:


    Description of the book:

    One of the greatest diseases of today is inner emptiness, which lies at the base of many people’s dissatisfaction with life. For these dissatisfied people, the psychologist’s door is open. But psychology assumes we are complete as we are, and, moreover, that we are pursuing happiness or a balanced life.

    Yet it is not unhappiness or lack of balance that is causing our inner emptiness, it is our incompleteness. Many seekers feel this incompleteness and embark on a journey of self-development, in order to reach what we could and should be.

    However, the self-development needed to become complete is only the higher part of the journey. What is most commonly overlooked is one extremely basic area with which this book is largely concerned: facing your life and then, actually having your own life.

    Many seekers of truth, wisdom, and self-development give up having a full, real life, in their quest for consciousness awakening, or illumination. This is a mistake, for without a full vibrant life, which involves a constant inner vitality or activity, there is no base, no ground in which the roots of higher development can establish themselves. So, actually having your life is a prerequisite for the quest to develop the higher faculties and become a whole, full person.

    But it is not easy, for without self-acceptance – which means accepting and being at peace with what you cannot change in yourself, particularly your weaknesses – you cannot have a life at all. And without a life, your journey will operate in a vacuum, and you will go around in circles.

    And so, this book is about confronting the need to have your life and learning self-acceptance. Only from this base can the journey begin.

    The book is primarily an original, current group of related essays, but it is also eclectic and draws on various sources, which give it a frame of reference, body, and support. Just to name a few of such influential sources and philosophers:

    • Martin Heidegger
    • Heraclitus the Obscure
    • R. D. Laing
    • P.D. Ouspensky & G.I. Gurdjieff
    • Existential philosophy
    • Zen Buddhism
    • Kundalini
    • Sufism
    • Quantum physics
    • Hasidic philosophy


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Venutti: soundcloud.com/nazimvenutti

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    5 min
  • Chapter 63: Taking Things Lightly Results in Great Difficulty
    Jun 26 2022

    In this episode, Gabriel Raam, a unique philosopher, author, and thinker from Israel, gives his unique, radical interpretation of chapter 63 of the Tao Te Ching. 

    Practice non-action.
    Work without doing.
    Taste the tasteless.
    Magnify the small, increase the few.
    Reward bitterness with care.

    See simplicity in the complicated.
    Achieve greatness in little things.

    In the universe the difficult things are done as if they are easy.
    In the universe great acts are made up of small deeds.
    The sage does not attempt anything very big,
    And thus achieved greatness.

    Easy promises make for little trust.
    Taking things lightly results in great difficulty.
    Because the sage always confronts difficulties,
    He never experiences them.


    Chapter 63 of Tao Te Ching, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng (馮家福 Feng Jia-fu, 1919–1985) and Jane English (1942–), Vintage Books, 1989 


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Venutti: soundcloud.com/nazimvenutti

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Chapter 62: Therefore This Is the Greatest Treasure of the Universe
    Jun 5 2022

    In this episode, Gabriel Raam, a unique philosopher, author, and thinker from Israel, gives his unique, radical interpretation of chapter 62 of the Tao Te Ching. 

    Tao is source of the ten thousand things.
    It is the treasure of the good man, and the refuge of the bad.
    Sweet words can buy honor;
    Good deeds can gain respect.
    If a man is bad, do not abandon him.
    Therefore on the day the emperor is crowned,
    Or the three officers of state installed,
    Do not send a gift of jade and a team of four horses,
    But remain still and offer the Tao.
    Why does everyone like the Tao so much at first?
    Isn't it because you find what you seek and are forgiven when you sin?
    Therefore this is the greatest treasure of the universe.


    Chapter 62 of Tao Te Ching, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng (馮家福 Feng Jia-fu, 1919–1985) and Jane English (1942–), Vintage Books, 1989 


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Venutti: soundcloud.com/nazimvenutti

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Chapter 60: Ruling the Country Is Like Cooking a Small Fish
    Mar 6 2022

    In this episode, Gabriel Raam, a unique philosopher, author, and thinker from Israel, gives his unique, radical interpretation of chapter 60 of the Tao Te Ching. 

    Ruling the country is like cooking a small fish.
    Approach the universe with Tao,
    And evil will have no power.
    Not that evil is not powerful,
    But its power will not be used to harm others.
    Not only will it do no harm to others,
    But the sage himself will also be protected.
    They do not hurt each other,
    And the Virtue in each one refreshes both.


    Chapter 60 of Tao Te Ching, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng (馮家福 Feng Jia-fu, 1919–1985) and Jane English (1942–), Vintage Books, 1989 


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Venutti: soundcloud.com/nazimvenutti

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Chapter 59: The Tao of Long Life and Eternal Vision
    Feb 20 2022

    In this episode, Gabriel Raam, a unique philosopher, author, and thinker from Israel, gives his unique, radical interpretation of chapter 59 of the Tao Te Ching. 

    In caring for others and serving heaven,
    There is nothing like using restraint.
    There is nothing like using restraint.
    This depends on Virtue gathered in the past.
    If there is a good store of Virtue, then nothing is impossible.
    If nothing is impossible, then there are no limits.
    If a man knows no limits, then he is fit to be a ruler.
    The mother principle of ruling holds good for a long time.
    This is called having deep roots and a firm foundation,
    The Tao of long life and eternal vision.


    Chapter 59 of Tao Te Ching, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng (馮家福 Feng Jia-fu, 1919–1985) and Jane English (1942–), Vintage Books, 1989 


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Venutti: soundcloud.com/nazimvenutti

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Chapter 58: Goodness Becomes Witchcraft
    Feb 6 2022

    In this episode, Gabriel Raam, a unique philosopher, author, and thinker from Israel, gives his unique, radical interpretation of chapter 58 of the Tao Te Ching. 

    When the country is ruled with a light hand, 
    The people are simple. 
    When the country is ruled with severity, 
    The people are cunning. 

    Happiness is rooted in misery. 
    Misery lurks beneath happiness. 
    Who knows what the future holds? 
    There is no honesty. 
    Honesty becomes dishonest. 
    Goodness becomes witchcraft. 
    Man's bewitchment lasts for a long time. 

    Therefore the sage is sharp but not cutting, 
    Pointed but not piercing, 
    Straightforward but not unrestrained, 
    Brilliant but not blinding. 


    Chapter 58 of Tao Te Ching, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng (馮家福 Feng Jia-fu, 1919–1985) and Jane English (1942–), Vintage Books, 1989 


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Venutti: soundcloud.com/nazimvenutti

    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • Chapter 57: Become Master of the Universe Without Striving
    Jan 23 2022

    In this episode, Gabriel Raam, a unique philosopher, author, and thinker from Israel, gives his unique, radical interpretation of chapter 57 of the Tao Te Ching. 

    Rule a nation with justice. 
    Wage war with surprise moves. 
    Become master of the universe without striving. 
    How do I know that this is so? 
    Because of this! 

    The more laws and restrictions there are, 
    The poorer people become. 
    The sharper men's weapons, 
    The more trouble in the land. 
    The more ingenious and clever men are, 
    The more strange things happen. 
    The more rules and regulations, 
    The more thieves and robbers. 

    Therefore the sage says: 
    I take no action and people are reformed. 
    I enjoy peace and people become honest. 
    I do nothing and people become rich. 
    I have no desires and people return to the good and simple life.


    Chapter 57 of Tao Te Ching, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng (馮家福 Feng Jia-fu, 1919–1985) and Jane English (1942–), Vintage Books, 1989 


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Kilic: soundcloud.com/orhannazim  

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • Chapter 56: Be At One With The Dust Of The Earth
    Jan 9 2022

    In this episode, Gabriel Raam, a unique philosopher, author, and thinker from Israel, gives his unique, radical interpretation of chapter 56 of the Tao Te Ching. 

    Those who know do not talk. 
    Those who talk do not know. 

    Keep your mouth closed. 
    Guard your senses. 
    Temper your sharpness. 
    Simplify your problems. 
    Mask your brightness. 
    Be at one with the dust of the earth. 
    This is primal union. 

    He who has achieved this state 
    Is unconcerned with friends and enemies, 
    With good and harm, with honour and disgrace. 
    This therefore is the highest state of man. 


    Chapter 56 of Tao Te Ching, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng (馮家福 Feng Jia-fu, 1919–1985) and Jane English (1942–), Vintage Books, 1989 


    Consciousness Way Facebook page: facebook.com/consciousnessway  

    Consciousness Way Website: consciousnessway.org  

    Original music composed and performed by Nazim Venutti: soundcloud.com/nazimvenutti

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min