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Fluent Fiction - Danish

  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

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  • Unity in the Silkeborg Forest: A Tale of Leadership and Trust
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Unity in the Silkeborg Forest: A Tale of Leadership and Trust Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: Solen skinnede gennem de høje fyrretræer, og fuglene sang i skovene ved Silkeborg.En: The sun shone through the tall pine trees, and the birds sang in the forests near Silkeborg.Da: Mikkel tog en dyb indånding af den friske sommerluft.En: Mikkel took a deep breath of the fresh summer air.Da: Han elskede dette sted.En: He loved this place.Da: Det var her, han følte sig fri og levende.En: It was here that he felt free and alive.Da: Men det var også her, presset kunne mærkes mest.En: But it was also here where the pressure could be felt the most.Da: Freja stod lidt væk, strakte sine muskler, og kiggede nervøst rundt.En: Freja stood a little distance away, stretching her muscles, and nervously looking around.Da: Hun var ny i lejren og kendte ikke de andre godt endnu.En: She was new to the camp and didn't know the others well yet.Da: Hun havde hørt så meget om Mikkel, den naturlige leder.En: She had heard so much about Mikkel, the natural leader.Da: Han var altid så selvsikker, selvom han inderst inde tvivlede på sig selv.En: He was always so confident, even though he doubted himself deep inside.Da: "Hey Freja," råbte Mikkel og vinkede hende over.En: "Hey Freja," Mikkel shouted and waved her over.Da: "Er du klar til at træne?"En: "Are you ready to train?"Da: "Ja, jeg tror det," mumlede Freja og gik hen til ham.En: "Yes, I think so," Freja mumbled and walked over to him.Da: Hun følte sig lille ved siden af ham.En: She felt small next to him.Da: De begyndte at løbe.En: They began to run.Da: Stierne var ujævne og udfordrende, men Mikkel navigerede dem som om han kendte dem som sin egen baglomme.En: The trails were uneven and challenging, but Mikkel navigated them as if he knew them like the back of his hand.Da: Freja kæmpede for at holde trit.En: Freja struggled to keep up.Da: Hun ville så gerne imponere Mikkel og vise, at hun hørte til her på holdet.En: She wanted so much to impress Mikkel and show that she belonged on the team.Da: Men hun var også så bange for at fejle.En: But she was also so afraid of failing.Da: Mikkel kunne mærke hendes anspændthed.En: Mikkel could feel her tension.Da: Han vidste, hvad det betød at føle presset.En: He knew what it meant to feel the pressure.Da: Han besluttede sig for at tage ekstra tid til at hjælpe Freja.En: He decided to take extra time to help Freja.Da: Han troede, at hvis han kunne styrke hendes selvtillid, ville det gavne hele holdet.En: He believed that if he could boost her confidence, it would benefit the entire team.Da: "Du gør det godt, Freja," sagde han opmuntrende.En: "You're doing well, Freja," he said encouragingly.Da: "Bare husk at trække vejret og tage det et skridt ad gangen."En: "Just remember to breathe and take it one step at a time."Da: Freja nikkede, men inde i sig selv kæmpede hun stadig.En: Freja nodded, but inside she was still struggling.Da: Hun satte farten op, pressede sig selv hårdere.En: She increased her pace, pushing herself harder.Da: Hun ville vise, at hun kunne klare det.En: She wanted to show that she could handle it.Da: Men hendes krop var ved at give op.En: But her body was about to give up.Da: Hun følte sig svimmel, benene blev tunge.En: She felt dizzy, her legs becoming heavy.Da: Pludselig snublede hun og faldt til jorden.En: Suddenly, she stumbled and fell to the ground.Da: Mikkel stoppede op og løb tilbage til hende.En: Mikkel stopped and ran back to her.Da: "Er du okay?"En: "Are you okay?"Da: spurgte han, og bekymringen lyste ud af hans øjne.En: he asked, concern shining in his eyes.Da: Freja havde tårer i øjnene.En: Freja had tears in her eyes.Da: "Jeg kan ikke mere," hviskede hun.En: "I can't do this anymore," she whispered.Da: Mikkel stod stille et øjeblik.En: Mikkel stood still for a moment.Da: Han vidste, hvor vigtigt det var at træne hårdt, men Frejas helbred var vigtigere.En: He knew how important it was to train hard, but Freja's health was more important.Da: Han besluttede at prioritere hendes velbefindende.En: He decided to prioritize her well-being.Da: "Lad os tage en pause," sagde han mildt og hjalp hende op at sidde.En: "Let's take a break," he said gently and helped her sit up.Da: Resten af holdet så til og fulgte med.En: The rest of the team watched and followed suit.Da: De forstod langsomt, at de måtte støtte hinanden mere og fokusere på samhørighed.En: They slowly understood that they needed to support each other more and focus on unity.Da: Træningen blev omorganiseret, så alle kunne følge med, uden at nogen blev presset for hårdt.En: The training was reorganized so that everyone could keep up without anyone being pushed too hard.Da: Freja begyndte at føle sig mere sikker.En: Freja began to feel more confident.Da: Hun ...
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    17 min
  • A Perfect Proposal: Romance Blossoms in Tivoli Gardens
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Danish: A Perfect Proposal: Romance Blossoms in Tivoli Gardens Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: Den lune sommersol skinnede igennem de grønne blade i Tivoli Haverne.En: The warm summer sun shone through the green leaves in Tivoli Gardens.Da: En mild brise fik de små lys på træerne til at danse.En: A gentle breeze made the small lights on the trees dance.Da: Mikkel og Freja gik hånd i hånd, beundrede de farverige blomsterbed og nyd smilene fra de glade mennesker omkring dem.En: Mikkel and Freja walked hand in hand, admiring the colorful flowerbeds and enjoying the smiles of happy people around them.Da: Det var den perfekte dag for en romantisk ferie.En: It was the perfect day for a romantic getaway.Da: Mikkel var en dygtig træhåndværker.En: Mikkel was a skilled woodworker.Da: Han havde arbejdet på en speciel gave til Freja i flere måneder.En: He had been working on a special gift for Freja for several months.Da: Det var en lille, detaljefyldt trææske, med plads til en ring.En: It was a small, intricately detailed wooden box, with space for a ring.Da: Indeni æsken havde han indgraveret deres initialer og en lille besked: "Vil du gifte dig med mig?"En: Inside the box, he had engraved their initials and a little message: "Will you marry me?"Da: Freja var en kunstner.En: Freja was an artist.Da: Hun elskede farver og former, og hun tog billeder af alt det smukke i Tivoli.En: She loved colors and shapes, and she took pictures of all the beautiful things in Tivoli.Da: Hun vidste ikke noget om Mikkels plan.En: She knew nothing of Mikkel's plan.Da: Hun nød bare øjeblikket og glædede sig til deres tid sammen.En: She was simply enjoying the moment and looking forward to their time together.Da: Mikkel ønskede at finde det perfekte sted at fri.En: Mikkel wanted to find the perfect place to propose.Da: Men der var så mange mennesker i Tivoli.En: But there were so many people in Tivoli.Da: Han ledte efter et stille hjørne, hvor de kunne være alene.En: He searched for a quiet corner where they could be alone.Da: De gik forbi rutsjebanerne, forbi karusellerne, og de kom til en lille café.En: They walked past the roller coasters, past the carousels, and came to a small café.Da: De satte sig og drak en sodavand.En: They sat down and drank a soda.Da: Mikkel tænkte, at måske her kunne være det rette sted, men så lød der høje skrig fra rutsjebanen i nærheden.En: Mikkel thought that maybe here could be the right place, but then loud screams from a nearby roller coaster interrupted.Da: De gik videre.En: They moved on.Da: Mikkel følte sig lidt nervøs.En: Mikkel felt a bit nervous.Da: Hvad nu hvis han ikke kunne finde det rigtige øjeblik?En: What if he couldn't find the right moment?Da: Freja holdt hans hånd og trak ham hen til en bod, hvor de købte sukkerspind.En: Freja held his hand and pulled him to a stand where they bought cotton candy.Da: Mikkel prøvede at nyde øjeblikket med Freja, men han kunne ikke lade være med at tænke på æsken i lommen.En: Mikkel tried to enjoy the moment with Freja, but he couldn't stop thinking about the box in his pocket.Da: Efter et stykke tid kom de til en smuk, stille del af haven.En: After a while, they came to a beautiful, quiet part of the garden.Da: Der var en lille fontæne, oplyst af små, glitrende lys.En: There was a small fountain, illuminated by tiny, glittering lights.Da: Det sted var perfekt.En: The spot was perfect.Da: Mikkel trak vejret dybt.En: Mikkel took a deep breath.Da: Nu var det nu.En: Now was the time.Da: "Freja, kan vi sætte os her lidt?"En: "Freja, can we sit here for a bit?"Da: spurgte Mikkel.En: Mikkel asked.Da: Freja nikkede og satte sig på en bænk ved fontænen.En: Freja nodded and sat on a bench by the fountain.Da: Vandets stille rislen gav en rolig baggrundslyd.En: The gentle sound of the flowing water provided a peaceful background.Da: Mikkel tog æsken frem fra lommen og gik ned på knæ.En: Mikkel took the box from his pocket and knelt down.Da: "Freja," begyndte han med en let rysten i stemmen, "du ved, hvor meget jeg elsker dig.En: "Freja," he began with a slight tremor in his voice, "you know how much I love you.Da: Jeg har tænkt på det her længe.En: I've been thinking about this for a long time.Da: Vil du gøre mig den ære at gifte dig med mig?"En: Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"Da: Freja stirrede først på æsken, så på Mikkel.En: Freja first stared at the box, then at Mikkel.Da: Hendes øjne fyldtes med tårer, men hendes smil var bredt og strålende.En: Her eyes filled with tears, but her smile was wide and radiant.Da: "Ja, Mikkel.En: "Yes, Mikkel.Da: Selvfølgelig vil jeg det!"En: Of course, I will!"Da: sagde hun og tog hans hænder.En: she said, taking his hands.Da: Mikkel rejste sig og kyssede Freja.En: Mikkel stood up and kissed Freja.Da: Hun kunne ikke ...
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    16 min
  • Unveiling Viking Secrets: A Summer Adventure in History
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Unveiling Viking Secrets: A Summer Adventure in History Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: Solen skinnede klart over de gamle vikingruiner.En: The sun shone brightly over the old Viking ruins.Da: Mos dækkede de slidte sten, og en befolkning af fuglekald fyldte den lune sommerluft.En: Moss covered the worn stones, and a chorus of bird calls filled the warm summer air.Da: Mikkel, Freja og Soren gik forsigtigt gennem ruinerne.En: Mikkel, Freja, and Soren cautiously walked through the ruins.Da: Det var Mikkels idé at komme her.En: It was Mikkel’s idea to come here.Da: Han var vild med historie og håbede på at finde noget betydningsfuldt, som han kunne vise til det lokale historiske samfund.En: He was fascinated by history and hoped to find something significant to show to the local historical society.Da: Freja var mere skeptisk.En: Freja was more skeptical.Da: "Er du sikker på, at vi må være her?En: "Are you sure we're allowed to be here?"Da: " spurgte hun og kiggede rundt.En: she asked, looking around.Da: Soren, som altid var let at distrahere, var allerede begyndt at lege med en pind, han havde fundet på jorden.En: Soren, who was always easily distracted, had already started playing with a stick he found on the ground.Da: Mikkel ignorerede hendes spørgsmål.En: Mikkel ignored her question.Da: "Se her!En: "Look here!"Da: " råbte han pludselig.En: he suddenly shouted.Da: "Jeg tror, jeg har fundet noget!En: "I think I’ve found something!"Da: " Han bøjede sig ned og hentede en lille, udsmykket smykkeskrin frem fra en stenhob.En: He bent down and pulled out a small, ornate jewelry box from a pile of stones.Da: Freja så nervøst på skrinets detaljer.En: Freja nervously examined the box's details.Da: "Det ser gammelt ud.En: "It looks old.Da: Måske skulle vi.En: Maybe we should... be careful?"Da: være forsigtige?En: Soren accidentally disturbed a stone, which rolled toward Mikkel.Da: "Soren kom til skade på stedet, hans bevægelse skubbet en sten, som rullede hen mod Mikkel.En: It happened quickly.Da: Det gik hurtigt.En: Before anyone could react, the box and the stone collided, causing a loud noise to echo through the ruins.Da: Før nogen kunne reagere, faldt skrin og sten sammen, og en høj lyd ekkoede gennem ruinerne.En: "No!"Da: "Nej!En: Mikkel screamed.Da: " skreg Mikkel.En: He took the remains of the box in his hands.Da: Han tog skrinets rester i sine hænder.En: "This was important.Da: "Det her var vigtigt.En: Very important."Da: Meget vigtigt.En: His face turned pale.Da: " Hans ansigt blev blegt.En: Freja and Soren stared in shock at the broken pieces.Da: Freja og Soren stirrede forskrækket på skrinets dele.En: "What do we do now?"Da: "Hvad gør vi nu?En: Freja asked, her voice trembling.Da: " spurgte Freja, hendes stemme skælvede.En: Mikkel looked at both of them.Da: Mikkel kiggede på dem begge.En: "We have to tell someone.Da: "Vi må sige det til nogen.En: We can't fix this ourselves."Da: Vi kan ikke fixe det selv.En: He took a deep breath and began collecting the shattered pieces.Da: " Han åndede dybt ind og begyndte at samle de knuste stykker op.En: They walked back to town with heavy hearts and quickly found their way to the historical society's small office.Da: De gik tilbage til byen med tunge hjerter og fandt hurtigt vejen til historisk samfundets lille kontor.En: Mikkel handed the broken pieces to a gray-haired man behind the counter.Da: Mikkel rakte de knuste stykker frem til en gråhåret mand bag disken.En: "I'm sorry.Da: "Jeg er ked af det, Vi ødelagde dette i ruinerne.En: We broke this in the ruins.Da: Jeg ved godt, det er vores skyld.En: I know it's our fault."Da: "Manden så på skrinets rester og derefter på Mikkel.En: The man looked at the remains of the box and then at Mikkel.Da: Til alles overraskelse smilede han mildt.En: To everyone's surprise, he smiled gently.Da: "De ruiner gemmer stadig på mange hemmeligheder.En: "Those ruins still hold many secrets.Da: I har faktisk hjulpet os.En: You've actually helped us."Da: " Han pegede på en lille inskription på en af de brudte dele.En: He pointed to a small inscription on one of the broken pieces.Da: "Dette viser vejen til en ukendt del af ruinerne.En: "This shows the way to an unknown part of the ruins."Da: "Mikkel åndede lettet op.En: Mikkel breathed a sigh of relief.Da: "Så vi er ikke i problemer?En: "So we're not in trouble?"Da: "Den gråhårede mand rystede på hovedet.En: The gray-haired man shook his head.Da: "Nej, tværtimod.En: "No, on the contrary.Da: Vil I hjælpe os med at undersøge det nye område?En: Would you like to help us explore the new area?"Da: "Gruppen nikkede med det samme.En: The group immediately nodded.Da: De brugte resten af sommeren på at grave og opdagede mange nye dele af ruinerne.En: They spent the rest of the summer digging and ...
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    18 min

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