Natalie Bennett is one of two Green Party Peers sitting in the House of Lords. She was the leader of the party through the 2015 general election - the ‘Green Surge’. Natalie has a new book out now called Change Everything: How we can rethink, repair and rebuild society.
I ask Baroness Bennett to share her vision in the book, covering the potentially transformative ideas for changing the UK’s political and economic system for a healthier, happier, and sustainable future. We turn our focus to the importance of the arts & culture, and how we need to respond to the way the government is treating them! I hope you leave this episode with more hope for the future :)
To learn more, buy Natalie’s new book Change Everything:
Follow Natalie
Twitter: @natalieben
Instagram: @nataliebennettgreen
Follow me and let me know what you thought of the episode!
Instagram: @tomplattzs
King Charles impression by Tom Platts
This podcast is produced by Sound Sapien