Beings are born and die. In spring the plum blossoms and
the seeing of plum blossoms.
Enfolding unfolding, blossoming and fruiting.
The dark revealing, the bright concealing in
each new relation. Each new
leaf and flower the totality.
Possibility impossibility flow in and of each other
and in the secretmost recesses of the Heart
of wholeness.
In the leaves and branches there is a hidden laughter;
its roots in the formless, its blossoms appear
within form.
Oh, disorderly face of appearance! Oh improbable visage
of sofas, volcano, landscape, wasteland, three-toed sloth
and roses, so many roses.
Hey, appearance!
Do you hold us captive?
Do you set us free?
Or, are you simply going about your business of appearing
unexpected entanglements,
quantum tracings of flower and bud’s atemporal
relationship before during and of all emergence-
the formless, strange meeting place, ant’s
foot and peony sexing.
In spring the plum blossoms and the seeing of plum