
  • Pride
    Apr 10 2023
    JESUS died that we may live for HIM not for ourselves. "Even The SON of Man came not to be Served but to Serve others and give HIS Life as a ransom for many." -Matthew 20:28. The Humility of JESUS to die for us, that we may be saved..!! 🎉🎉💎❤️We are GOD'S creation not our own, "So GOD Created man in HIS OWN Image; in the image of GOD HE created him; male and female HE Created them." -Genesis 1:27 Pride is simply trusting ourself over GOD who Created us. "But HE gives us more Grace, that is why scripture says: GOD opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." -James 4:6
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    34 min
  • GOD LOVES You, HE'S REAL not a religion/ You have a GIFT
    Mar 26 2023
    "A mans gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men." *Proverbs 18:16 You ALL have a gift, a GREAT GIFT FROM GOD IN YOU! We all needa seek to develop and live out our gifts. ❤️Thank you all for being human beings who fight day in an day out for goodness for success for TRUTH, For LOVE, For help, For PEACE, this is for all the fighters GOD is real and wants you to be HIS FRIEND❤️ Choose or please keep choosing to wage War against negativity and all things wrong in your life! YOU CAN DO THIS!! :) Also crazily- GOD gave us a whole book on who HE is! Think about it! If the Bible is just mans idea how come we (us people) cant keep and be righteous to the very ideas, and rules "we thought" of in the Bible? I Love you I really do, but: The GOD of Creation LOVES You most ❤️
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    11 min
  • Do you believe or just think you do?
    Sep 15 2022
    Much love and peace as always folks + friends, my goal is to spread forth the Life Saving Freedom I have recieved from GOD through His Only Son! Not to convince you to believe my ways or to trust me, but to Truly seek if GOD is real! Because as Yeshua said, " Seek and you shall find." Next, are you really a believer and follower of Yeshua or do you just identify as "religious"? The Lord said, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord' and NOT do what I say." -Luke 6:46 When we Truly believe in something or someone we will act in alignment with the purpose at hand! But often we only follow our own ways, but God's Son is calling your name today will you answer? "You will find me when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:13
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    37 min
  • Temptation is Common, Keep Seeking Better!
    Sep 3 2022
    Giving into temptation distracts us from the purpose at hand! So Good thing GOD will never leave us! Even though I am a sinful-imperfect person just like everyone, and have failed heavily in these past days, I Truly do have a Real LORD and Savior in GOD's Only Son: Yeshua the Messiah! Hold fast to God's Word in times of trial and really just in every time, look at what His Word says in Hebrews 13:5-6 "Keep your life Free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, For HE has said, "I Will never leave you nor forsake you." So we can confidently say, the Lord is my helper I will not fear; what can man do to me?" Much Love everybody ❤️ Though temptation can seem pleasure-filled and fun, it distracts us from our purpose at hand! GOD'S Blessings :)
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    11 min
  • If you Know GOD's SON your FREE
    Aug 20 2022
    True FREEDOM is available in GOD's ONLY SON! And if you have Truly recieved GOD's ONLY Son -Yeshua-Jesus, then YOU ARE FREE! Point blank!! Free from the bondage of the world and even Free from yourself and your own thoughts!!! Praise GOD! So LIVE IN THAT FREEDOM! Look at what JESUS said, "The thief-the devil has come but for to steal, kill and destroy, but I HAVE COME SO YOU MAY HAVE LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY." MORE ABUNDANT folks, its not limitive or restricting- although the devil will lie as if being with JESUS in this busted up world is limiting- but GOD FREED US!! "Who the SON sets FREE IS FREE INDEED" - John 8:36
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    9 min
  • A Quick Flow, You Have Purpose!
    Jul 28 2022
    Do your best Folks! You were not put on this Earth to fail! Jesus said, "I have Come so You may have Life and have it more abundantly." MORE ABUNDANTLY!! 🎉❤️ I believe YOU are Special! I MEAN WE, YOU and I were Created in GOD's Image!! "Then God said, "Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in his own image; in the IMAGE OF GOD He created him; Male and Female He Created them." -Genesis 1:26-27 I Pray Love, Blessings and Understanding is upon you through the Blood of Jesus ❤️ In Jesus Name!!
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    24 min
  • A Short Prayer for anyone in Need :)
    Jul 19 2022
    Prayer of Truth, Peace and Blessing unto ALL LISTENERS AND YOUR FAMILIES in JESUS NAME my Friends! ❤️🎉
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    3 min
  • Sobriety
    Jul 12 2022
    I smoked weed for 2+ years straight while engaging in psychedelics, But Jesus set me free literally. "If your not in control of your mind then who is!" -Grandma Sue Sober=True Self, because when you are not Sober you are living in a distorted reality.! We all desire a distorted reality at 1 time or another, but Jesus told us- "The thief-satan has come for to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come so that you may have life, and have it more ABUNDANTLY!." -John 10:10!
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    49 min