
  • Encore: Lyme Disease: The Great Imposter Pandemic
    Nov 16 2023
    Lyme disease is a true pandemic. Unfortunately it may go undiagnosed as the testing for it is considered by many to be very poor, a positive test means you have but a negative test does not mean you don't! Many people are being treated for other diseases and conditions with little to no benefits because they really have undiagnosed Lyme which is appearing as something else. We will discuss this life taking disease with all the latest information and how it can be Successfully treated!
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    1 h
  • Yes, There is a Cure for Chronic Fatigue (Syndrome)!
    Dec 26 2024

    Are you tired when you wake up in the morning after a normal nights sleep? The CDC estimates that one million people in the US have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome! It's estimated that as many as 25 million people worldwide have it. A recent UK biobank study places that estimate at 30 million. We discuss the commonly known and the less known causes of this serious health and life problem and offer real, safe and effective ways to eliminate it and get your energy and life back again.

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    57 min
  • Stem Cells: Fixing the Unfixable-Repairing the Unrepairable!
    Dec 19 2024
    Stem cells are unique cells that have the ability to divide and differentiate into various specialized cell types in the body. There are two main types of stem cells, Embryonic Stem Cells and Adult Stem Cells. Embryonic Stem Cells are derived from the early stages of an embryo and have the potential to develop into any cell type in the body. Adult Stem Cells are found in mature tissues and organs and can differentiate into specific cell types within that tissue or organ. Stem cells can replace damaged or diseased cells, accelerate wound healing and restoring organ function ,target and destroy cancer cells while preserving healthy tissue and much more! We will discuss everything about stem cells that you need to know and have to know before seeing a doctor.
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    57 min
  • Yes! You can reverse the aging process! Part 3
    Nov 14 2024
    We all want to grow old and be WELL! Growing old and becoming ill or infirmed is something people don’t believe will ever happen to them. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are proliferating because of this mistaken belief. The third part of this series on anti-aging will discuss the importance of STRESS in Anti-aging. Data is still lacking to establish a clear relationship between stress resistance and slowing the aging process. Epigenetic age and chronologic age can be completely different. What is this and what does it mean to reversing the aging process?. This show will discuss the benefits and the methods that can be used to retard aging.
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    56 min
  • The Ozone Movie: A First Look with Luciano Blotta
    Oct 31 2024
    Ozone therapy is the use of triatomic oxygen O3, in both medical prevention and treatment. The history of ozone has been covered in many published medical articles and popular books by Marc Seifer and Ed McCabe. They have helped bring to light the versatility of this amazing medicine. Finally, now, Emmy Nominated filmmaker Luciano Blotta is making an incredible documentary about this important therapy. He and Dr Robert Rowen will discuss the challenges behind the scenes and the camera in bringing this film to life.
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    53 min
  • The Importance and Benefits of Home-Care Ozone Therapy!
    Oct 24 2024
    Intravenous ozone therapy has been use effectively for over 75 years by doctors around the world.unfortunately it is not available everywhere. Great News,Home-Care ozone therapy is able to be used by everyone often with remarkable results! Tobias Segal, a world renowned expect on this (and myself) will discuss the best and latest innovations. Ozonated oils, ozonated water, ozone far-infrared sauna,nebulizing ozone, rectal, vaginal and ear insuflation,ozoaonated underarm deodorant and more will described and its uses and benefits offered.
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    54 min
  • Parkinson's Disease, Natural, Safe, Effective Treatment Part 2
    Oct 10 2024
    Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that causes unintended or uncontrollable movements, such as shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. Symptoms usually begin gradually and worsen over time. As the disease progresses, people may have difficulty walking and talking. They may also have mental and behavioral changes, sleep problems, depression, memory difficulties, and fatigue. This show will focus on the latest information as to some of the possible and likely causes which will help in prevention and most importantly, we will discuss how to stop its progression and improve function and possibly even reverse it!
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    57 min
  • Pregnancy and Probiotics: Importance, Benefits and Safety
    Oct 3 2024
    Planning on having a baby? Are you pregnant and having problems? The gut microbiome has been shown to be a key factor for maintaining health outside of pregnancy. A successful birth requires healthy microbial balence in the gut. Probiotic and prebiotic products have shown in many studies their potential health benefits, including the prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Probiotic and prebiotic products have been proven safe for use during pregnancy and lactation. Probiotic used during pregnancy and breastfeeding offer a unique opportunity to influence a range of important maternal and infant outcomes including the prevention and treatment of gestational diabetes, SIBO, depression and anxiety during pregnancy and post-partum, as well as lowering and helping colic, eczema, allergies and more in the baby. Yet the literature is filled with mixed opinions as to the effectiveness of probiotics. Why? We discuss all of this and more on this very important show.
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    53 min