“I’m not afraid of getting punched in the face. That’s my love language” Dan Joseph, Dan Zia Joseph is a BJJ practitioner, Army veteran, and author of Backpack to Rucksack: Insight into Leadership and Resilience by Military experts. In this interview he discusses How his buddy got him into BJJ, his navy seal friends influence on him, joining the Army at 32 years old, training at Dean Lister and Jocko’s academy, how BJJ philosophy Carries over to the rest of life. Battling anxiety, what Jiu Jitsu taught him about himself and how it forced him to deal with past trauma, how training blindfolded developed his game, the staggering impact of veteran suicide, his friend Eric’s impact on his JJ during the pandemic, facing the “boogie man” of fear, having your stress “beat” out of you by people you trust, why there are no bad positions in Jiu Jitsu, being there for and listening to veterans, why he wrote the book, deferent types of leaders and how they affect their people, his mentors’ impact on him, the importance of resilience, the concept of the ruck sack, and more! Listen on all major podcast platforms or at GracieJiuJitsuRocks.com.