The Greenskins, also known as the Orc and Goblin Tribes, are a group of related, highly primitive, bestial, humanoid species of green-skinned barbarians and raiders whose sole pursuit in life is that of war and battle. Tribes of Greenskins occupy much of the eastern hemisphere of the world of Mallus.
The term "Greenskins" is a common collective description used by many civilised realms to refer to the forces and tribes of the Orcs, Goblins and other biologically related subraces such as the Gnoblars. The broadest racial division is between the Orcs, who are strong, brutish, and savage warriors, and the Goblins, who are smaller and weaker, but more cunning and conniving creatures.
The Greenskins are considered by many to be the scourge of all other mortal civilisations. These tribal warriors are extremely violent, raiding ceaselessly, carrying war and barbarism to all corners of the known world. Time and again, hordes of Greenskins would arise without warning and lay a great swath of destruction that has no direction or purpose other than simple violence. Indeed, the Greenskin race's single motive is violence, an ever increasing mass of warfare that has the potential to dominate and cover the entire world in a seething green tide.
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