
  • Why your new job might feel like an internship
    Dec 24 2020

    EP 11

    01:39 - Who is Tracy and what motivated her to help immigrants that are relocating to Canada?

    05:14 - Why would a Senior Tech Talent feel like his new job in Canada is an internship?

    09:26 - How can you surpass this feeling? What should you be aware of?

    13:17 - Repeating the most important information that was shared in the first 13 minutes of the podcast

    14:48 - Why will your perception change after relocating to Canada?

    16:56 - What was the most shocking thing Tracy noticed after relocating to Canada?

    18:55 - What’s the communication like in the USA comparing to Canada?

    23:18 - What are some positive aspects of relocating to Canada and having a fresh start?

    26:08 - About making friends in a new country

    27:46 - Why you should have confidence in what you’re bringing to the new job and community

    30:21 - Tips, rules and resources for you to succeed in your new job abroad

    33:03 - How can you adapt faster to the Canadian environment?

    36:10 - Is there anything that you’ve learned recently?

    38:01 - How to contact Tracy

    5-day video series link for anyone to enroll (FREE): https://visibleatwork.podia.com/how-to-get-your-career-success-abroad

    Tracy’s Visible at Work podcast: www.visibleatwork.com/podcast

    Tracy’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracyoyekanmi/

    Visible at Work’s website: www.visibleatwork.com

    For inquiries, you can contact us at Adeline@globalskills.io

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Step up your game by Updating your LinkedIn Profile - Part 2
    Nov 30 2020

    EP 10 2nd Part.

    Community questions

    0:32 - Is it necessary to keep the LinkedIn profile and resume the same?

    2:45 - Would you put achievements, responsibilities, the technologies you worked with, on your Linkedin?

    4:40 - What are the most important sections of a LinkedIn profile that should always be kept up to date?

    6:30 - What is a good structure for the “about” section?

    9:16 - Is the Auto Option from Linkedin good enough?

    10:40 - How important is the skills and endorsements section?

    13:25 - Is it worth to list all the technologies you worked with?

    16:28 - Is it worth paying for Linkedin?

    18:20 - What should you be focused on your Linkedin? + tips

    20:16 - The services Donna offers, how can she help you improve your profile and what would you experience while working with her?

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    1. Free Resources: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/linkedin-resources/
    2. 3 Free Chapters from “Linkedin Profile Optimization for dummies”: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/linkedin-resources/
    3. Linkedin Headline Generator: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/linkedin-headline-generator/
    4. Free Linkedin Background Photos & Royalty-Free Websites: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/tools/background/
    5. Resume and Linkedin Profile Writing Packages: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/services/resume-linkedin-profile-writing/
    6. Donna's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/todonna/

    For inquiries, you can contact us at Adeline@globalskills.io

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • Step up your game by updating your LinkedIn Profile - Part 1
    Nov 13 2020

    EP 10. This episode is split into 2 parts. In the first part you'll learn:

    02:23 - How did Donna become a LinkedIn Professional Writer?

    05:43 - What are you going to learn today?

    06:05 - Why is the Top part of your profile important

    7:00 - Is it better to just have your job title in your Linkedin headline?

    8:45 - What should the “About” section include?

    11:17 - How to describe your experience based on job descriptions and attract recruiters to contact you after seeing your LI Profile

    15:20 - What does an expert LI profile writer ask its clients before writing a brief (so you can DIY!)

    18:20 - Something that very few people think about when updating their profiles

    22:15 - What are the most common mistakes people are making?

    27:15 - What are other LinkedIn tricks people can use to their advantage?

    30:43 - Why is posting on Linkedin important?

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    1. Free Resources: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/linkedin-resources/
    2. 3 Free Chapters from “Linkedin Profile Optimization for dummies”: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/linkedin-resources/
    3. Linkedin Headline Generator: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/linkedin-headline-generator/
    4. Free Linkedin Background Photos & Royalty-Free Websites: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/tools/background/
    5. Resume and Linkedin Profile Writing Packages: https://www.linkedin-makeover.com/services/resume-linkedin-profile-writing/
    6. Donna's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/todonna/

    For inquiries, you can contact us at Adeline@globalskills.io

    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • Cinthia's Successful Story - After one year spent in Canada
    Oct 9 2020

    EP. 9

    03:16 - How do you feel about being in Canada for a year and a half? Was it a good decision?

    05:04 - Does Canada still feel like home, as you said one year ago?

    06:12 - Is Canada still as welcoming towards immigrants and the LGBT community as you said before?

    06:40 - How is Canada for immigrants that aren’t developers?

    07:27 - If you would’ve known all the difficulties that are in Canada, would’ve you changed your mind?

    09:49 - How did Canada handle the whole COVID-19 Situation? Did you felt safe?

    11:50 - Until the pandemic stroke us… did you had family or friends come and visit you? What was their opinion about Toronto?

    14:53 - Did anything change in your professional life?

    17:40 - How are things different in this new position?

    20:32 - What’s next for you? Do you have any goals for the next months?

    22:25 - How do you feel when you’re looking back at the decisions you took? What advice would you give to people that are interested to take the same decision you took?

    For inquiries, you can contact us at Adeline@globalskills.io

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • About Canadian Housing (Toronto)
    Jul 31 2020


    In this episode, we had a chat with Alison Simpson (Chief Marketing Officer at Key) and Mark McLean (VP of Key, and a 30 year veteran of the Toronto Real Estate Market), and discovered more about Housing in Canada, Toronto.

    02:12 - What are you going to learn today

    03:47 - Mark’s story

    06:27 - What Motivated Mark to join Key Living

    7:44 - Alison’s story

    9:57 - About Key, What is the homeownership on-demand model and how it’s different from buying or renting

    15:14 - About the process of buying a house

    20:41 - What are the challenges immigrants will face when they’ll land in Canada

    23:10 - Recommendation: is it better to rent or to buy?

    27:01 - What are the other costs, besides rent (maintenance, etc)

    28:53 - How to start searching for housing

    31:57 - What if I’m not ready for buying yet? How will the renting experience be for me?

    33:54 - Are there furnished apartments on the Canadian Market?

    35:00 - The most popular scams you should avoid

    37:36 - Exciting things coming up from Key Living

    38:26 - How to contact Allison and Mark in case you need their help

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    1. Realtor.ca

    2. Allison's LinkedIn

    3. Mark's LinkedIn

    5. Global Skills Hub

    6. Global Skills Hub's Newsletter

    If you want Allison or Mark's email but didn't understand it from the podcast, email us at Adeline@globalskills.io

    Voir plus Voir moins
    41 min
  • How to Land a Job without Applying Online
    Jul 23 2020


    In this episode, we had a chat with Austin Belcak, the founder of CultivatedCulture.com, and discovered what a Value Validation Project is.

    2:22 - Austin’s Introduction

    4:00 - What are you going to learn from Austin

    5:00 - About Austin’s professional past

    9:23 - About the 2% of people who land jobs by applying online

    9:56 - Great advice given by an Uber employee

    11:05 - Two common things that helped Austin in landing his dream job

    13:30 - Why is it so hard for non-traditional applicants to Showcase their Skills and Value

    14:47 - What’s wrong with the System of Online Application. Is it designed to reject candidates?

    20:02 - How to land your dream job, and what is a Value Validation Project

    23:57 - How to research the company you want to work for


    29:25 - How to network. Mistakes people do while networking

    36:12 - What a Value Validation is, and how you can properly do one

    42:53 - Interesting things Austin learned recently

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    1. www.SeekingAlpha.com

    2. www.Candor.co

    3. www.Layoffs.fyi

    4. Austin's LinkedIn

    5. Global Skills Hub

    6. Global Skills Hub's Newsletter

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • (Trailer) How to Land a Job without Applying Online
    May 22 2020

    Austin Belcak, the founder of Cultivated Culture, shared with us a different job-seeking approach everybody can take to land their dream job.

    The full episode will be posted next week. (29-05)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 min
  • About Front-End Technical Interviews - with Cem Eygi
    Apr 24 2020

    EP. 6

    In this episode, we had a chat with Cem Eygi, Front-End Developer and Content Creator

    1:00 - About Cem and how he started to be interested in teaching other people

    3:24 - Who could benefit from your content and who do you target mostly?

    4:39 - What are the fundamentals that every Front-End Developer should know?

    6:18 - What types of Front-End development interviews exist?

    10:18 - Do you feel like there needs to be a technical assignment in an interview?

    11:57 - Where could one start practicing for interviews?

    12:25 - Are there other things candidates should be doing when preparing for the interview, other than practicing?

    13:53 - What resources could one use when practicing for technical interviews?

    15:09 - What are the most common mistakes developers make during the interviews?

    17:20 - What should developers pay attention to, while being interviewed

    17:59 - What are other mistakes developers make during the interviews?

    18:41 - Cem’s Interview experience (how he handled being interviewed by 7 people at the same time)

    21:41 - About Cem’s content and what you should expect from it

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    1. Cem's Youtube Channel

    2. Cem's Medium Profile

    3. Cem's FreeCodeCamp Profile

    4. Cem's LinkedIn Profile

    5. Udemy, CodeAcademy

    6. Global Skills Hub

    Thank you for listening to our show and remember - If you are a Senior Developer looking to relocate to Canada, visit us on Globalskills.io, or shoot us an email at Adeline@globalskills.io

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min