
  • The parable of the Talents - how to enter your abundant life. Taisja Laudy, Genius Formula.
    Mar 29 2021
    The parable of the Talents - how to enter your abundant life. Taisja Laudy, Genius Formula.

    I'm so excited to be with you today. Today we're going to touch on wonderful topics that I'm passionate about: faith, leading, God, and people. These are my two loves: people and following & serving God. I'm going to quote to you a wonderful parable from the Bible (Matthew 25 from verse 14) about Talents, Gifts, and Strengths.

    From today's podcast you will learn:
    👉 What are Talents?
    👉 How to find your Talents?
    👉 Why knowing your Talents and using them is key to achieving a life of abundance?
    👉 Does everyone have Talents?

    Let’s stay in touch:
    ✅ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TaisjaLaudy4…
    ✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/taisja_laudy/
    ✅ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24oYBNmGXyVy7fexhXpuNA

    Discover your talents and find your own “REASON WHY”. You’ll find everything here: https://www.taisjalaudy.com/
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    13 min
  • Energy Sources - how to manage and find them, Taisja Laudy Genius Formula®
    Mar 23 2021
    Energy Sources - how to manage and find them, Taisja Laudy Genius Formula®

    🎬 👉 https://youtu.be/OHjjgXzEUvk

    The most valuable currency today is no longer money, but time and our energy. You can have more money if:
    you work more,
    you work smart,
    you know your Talents,
    you get to know deeply who you are.

    You can change, you can make a difference in your career...this will keep the money flowing 💰 However, if you use your time and energy unwise, you will never get it back.

    In the podcast, I also talk about Oprah Winfrey's book that made a huge impression on me - I’m sure, you will love this book too!!!

    From today's podcast you will learn:
    👉 What are Energy Sources?
    👉 What are Sources of Energy?
    👉 Why is Consciousness crucial to achieving a life of abundance?
    👉 How do you find your Sources of Energy?
    👉 How does the GeniusFormula® app help you find your Talents and Energy Sources?

    Let’s stay in touch:
    ✅ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TaisjaLaudy4…
    ✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/taisja_laudy/
    ✅ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24oYBNmGXyVy7fexhXpuNA

    Discover your talents and find your own “REASON WHY”. You’ll find everything here: https://www.taisjalaudy.com/
    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min
  • How to find and live Your Calling, Taisja Laudy Genius Formula®
    Mar 15 2021
    Today I will tell you about my journey - finding my Talents and living an fulfillment. I believe that through our stories we share our experiences with others. Maybe in my story you will find something for yourself, what can change your life and help you have a great life.

    You will learn from the video below:
    👉 How to discover your Talents?
    👉 What did my Talent search look like?
    👉 How to build a career?
    👉 What is a life mission statement?
    👉 How do you find your life mission?
    👉 How was the GeniusFormula® app created?
    👉 Why is the GeniusFormula® app for you?
    👉 Where to find the GeniusFormula® App?
    👉 What's the difference between Skills and Talents?
    👉 How was the book My Life with Mr. Good created?
    👉 How to make your dreams come true?

    Let’s stay in touch:
    ✅ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TaisjaLaudy4…
    ✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/taisja_laudy/
    ✅ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24oYBNmGXyVy7fexhXpuNA

    Discover your talents and find your own “REASON WHY”. You’ll find everything here: https://www.taisjalaudy.com/
    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min
  • How to achieve and never burn out, Taisja Laudy Genius Formula®
    Mar 8 2021
    🎬 Watch and subscribe on YT: https://youtu.be/XkjvJWsyzSA

    Today we’ll talk about definitions of three concepts (Talents, Skills and Strengths) that are unbelievably important for Your life, success, happiness, joy, health and amazing relationships.

    From the video below you’ll learn:
    👉What are the differences between Talents, Skills and Strengths?
    👉 How to build your life and make it wealthy?
    👉 What is the joy of life?
    👉 How to discover your Talents?
    👉 How to build your life based on your Talents?
    👉 How to resist burnout?
    👉 How to start experiencing more joy and wealth in life?
    👉 What is a Skill?
    👉 Why does the World teach us to focus on developing Skills?
    👉 Why is it so hard to choose a growth direction based on Skills?
    👉 What are Talents and why 90% of people don’t know that?
    👉 How to connect your Talents with your Skills?
    👉 How to find Joy in what you do?
    👉 What are the kinds of Talents?
    👉 Spirit Talents and The GoodTest
    👉 What your life will be like based on your natural genius?

    Let’s stay in touch:
    ✅ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TaisjaLaudy4…
    ✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/taisja_laudy/
    ✅ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24oYBNmGXyVy7fexhXpuNA

    Discover your talents and find your own “REASON WHY”. You’ll find everything here: https://www.taisjalaudy.com/
    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min