
  • 12. Love Yourself the Way You Are
    Aug 3 2022

    We all want to love ourselves, but a lot of us just don’t know how to love ourselves, so we look for love in other people or things. We look for love in all the wrong places. But the truth is, you can’t find that love in anyone or anything. You can’t expect someone else to fill the void in your life that isn’t filled with your love for yourself. Self-love is a choice and a commitment to yourself that you are going to love yourself no matter what. 

     Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    7 min
  • 11. It's Hard to Stay Positive All the Time
    Jul 18 2022

    We all want to stay positive all the time if we can, to stay feeling uplifted, and experience prolonged inner peace. But…life can be very unpredictable, things happen, little and big bumps happen, circumstances happen, negative situations happen… and before we know it, our inner world becomes chaotic, and we are feeling all sorts of emotions.  

     Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    7 min
  • 10. You Don't Have to Prove Your Worthiness of Existence
    Jun 29 2022

    Are you tired of trying so hard to prove yourself to the world? To prove your worthiness? To prove that you deserve to be loved and accepted? The truth is, we don’t need others’ approval. We are worthy just by existing. We don’t need other people to validate us because we are already valuable. 

     Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    7 min
  • 9. We Have the Ability to Give Meaning to Everything
    Jun 23 2022

    Life is neutral and meaningless, but we have the power to give meaning to life, be it positive or negative, it’s up to you to decide. 

    Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    6 min
  • 8. Are You Living in a Lack Mentality?
    Jun 15 2022

    Do you believe that there’s not enough resources to go around in the world? No matter how much you have, it’s never enough? Does someone’s success only make you see what you don’t have? Do you feel you have to compete with others for jobs, relationships, or money, or do you trust that you will always have what you need and want? Do you compare yourself to others and feel inferior? Do you feel the pressure to earn more, have more, or be more than you are right now? Is your glass half-empty? How many of these questions did you say yes to?

    Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    6 min
  • 7. Give Yourself the Happiness You Deserve
    Jun 8 2022

    We don’t know how powerful we are, so we chase people and things, thinking they will make us happy. Happiness is a state of mind. We are the source of our happiness. We have the ability to shift to the happy state of being. Our happiness becomes so fragile when we depend on others to make us happy. We are responsible for our happiness. We must manage our own happiness. 

    Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    6 min
  • 6. Be the Change You Want to See in the World
    Jun 1 2022

    Do you wish you lived in a more loving world? Do you want to change the world? Do you want the world to be a better place? Do you want a world that’s filled with love and light? 
    If we want to see the world change, we must change ourselves first. We mirror the world, everything that’s present in our outer world is to be found within ourselves. You never know how much your actions can make someone else’s day or even save a person’s life. Small actions can be powerful. Let your light touch others around you. And watch your world change. 

    Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    5 min
  • 5. You are Your Own Universe
    May 18 2022

    You are your own universe, there is no one but you. We all have our own universe that’s unique to us. Everything in your universe begins with you. Everything in the universe is a reflection of you. What you believe in, you experience. 
    You always have to power to decide who you want to be right now. This universe of yours should be all about you. 

    Contact: gentlespace11@gmail.com

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    6 min