One of the first things that Laura Giles teaches her clients in MMEDDSSS. MMEDDSSS are the basic lifestyle things we do to stay stable. When clients return after having a wobble, she asks, "How's your MMEDDSSS?" Invariably the answer is, "Not good." They are one of the first things to go when life gets hectic, but the things that need to be maintained at all costs to help us stay stable. This is the way to put your own mask on before helping someone else.
In this episode, Laura Giles shares 8 little things that you can do every day for self care. When you're feeling good and stable, it's easier to shine.
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Host Bio: Laura Giles is extremely good at three things. Removing the things that get in the way of shining, teaching people the skills shine, and creating space where shining happens easily. Her overwhelming desire is to share this because the world is a much more beautiful place when we all thrive.
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