
  • Seasonal Depression, Transitional Periods and How I'm Dealing w/ Both.
    Aug 1 2022
    Have you noticed that you get sadder during the winter/summer? Same. I recently found out about S.A.D, seasonal affective disorder. It's about how the seasons have significant impact on our day to day lives. Tune in as I talk about how I've been handling it whilst tackling transition. Enjoy!
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    29 min
  • 'Killing The Ego', Ridding Myself Superiority Complexes and Keeping a level - head.
    Jun 20 2022
    No more 'niggas is my sons'. The basis upon which I've rated people was all superficial. Alot of unimportant things either qualified or disqualified people from having access to me. I'm not saying it's a free for all, I'm saying that the criteria one needs to meet differs now. It's about more than what/looks good instead it's about who IS good for me.
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    24 min
  • My Very Imperfect Walk w/ God. Exercising Humility and Zeroing In On What Matters To Me.
    Jun 13 2022
    Phew! Won't He do it? Yes, He will! I love me some Jesus. The entirety of this year has been a consistent testament of His LOVE and PROVIDENCE for us.
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    33 min
  • Good Men Do Exist. Your 'Type' Might Be The Problem.
    Jun 6 2022
    We're quick to paint all men with the same 'n*ggas ain't sh*t' but maaaaaybe you're choosing the same man in a different body? We need to let go of the superficial reasoning behind why we date the people we date. Im not saying discard physical attraction and sexual chemistry. I am however asking you to take inventory of the characteristics of the men you date. Could it be that you're drawn to the very thing that ends up hurting you?
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    23 min
  • The Importance of Celebrating Our Current Selves. Your Greatness Lies In The NOW.
    May 30 2022
    First and foremost I'd like to apologize for how much I hogged the mic during the recording of this episode. My attachment issues were at it again. In today's episode I speak on how detached become to our current Selves in efforts to grasp onto a better and futuristic version of ourselves. We allow our imaginations to run wild with who we'll be and what we'll have etc etc. Buuut...let's bring it down a notch, all the way down to your present self. Who is she? What do you like about him/her? What could you possibly do to optimize her life RIGHT NOW? There's so much we overlook about the present. Your greatness doesn't lie somewhere in the distant future when you buy your dream home, retire your mom or become a full - time creative. It's here...now. To become who you want to be you have to better who you currently are. There are no shortcuts. Stop waiting to be great, just be it now.
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    23 min
  • Building New Patterns of Thinking and Existing, Setting the Tone and Ridding Myself of Hypocrisy etc
    May 23 2022
    Instilling new ways of existing and showing up in the world isn't easy but it has to be done. In this episode I call myself out some more but talk about the ways in which I've begun showing better.
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    32 min
  • Coming To Terms w/ My Own Toxicity and It's Effects On My Relationships. How Projection, Past Trauma
    May 16 2022
    I've been conducting myself like a 12 year old in a 22 year old's body. The reason although plausible, is also disempowering. Yes, I've experienced pain and disappointment both of which has caused for me to build these really tall walls of 'protection' around myself. I've decided that I'm done hiding and trying to protect myself. I don't have to assume the position of a defenseless child. I'm an adult now and I can show up vulnerably and trust that I can handle what may come of that. You ready to let go of old patterns of relating? Well...let's take accountability then.
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    30 min
  • Talking About How Our Habits Stand In Our Way & Being Unapologetic About Growth.
    May 9 2022
    Welcome to season 2! I know I'm not the only one whose actions have been in contradiction with what they say. I know we're all familiar with new year's resolutions and just alike familiar with the sudden dip in motivation to do what we set out to on Jan 1st. I've done quite well this year with sticking to my goals but I've noticed that there are still some habits standing in the way of my optimization.
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    23 min