I Have The Discipline to Accomplish My Goals.
I Do What Needs to be Done, Even When I Don’t Feel Like Doing It.
I am The Master of my Thoughts and Actions.
I am Full of Discipline, I am Focused, and Persistent.
2 Timothy 1:7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
Quote: Everything you want starts and ends with you.
Song: Formation by Beyonce
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode. However you found us, I appreciate you for taking your time out to listen to what we have to say, and we always appreciate your feedback. You can leave a review wherever you’re listening to, or find our social media information linked in the show notes below. Whether it be through DM, or reviews, they all hold great value to us. So, keep them coming. And, it helps to get the podcast out to other women. I love you all, and thank you, thank you, and thank you.