Every day, you hear people in the workplace grappling with an employee's performance. But many organizations are lacking the key tools for employees to be successful. We frequently encounter potential employees who lack career development opportunities.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Meet Deb Brown Maher. Deb assists organizations' HR departments by offering training and development opportunities to those who significantly contribute to your bottom line. Your salespeople. Whether you're a for-profit organization or a ministry, Deb is an expert to learn from.
Feel positive about selling and getting the results you deserve. Deb's sales training packages equip your sales team to make more sales without being pushy.
Join host Mark Griffin and Deb as they explore the complexities of training the sales team, all while maintaining financial stability and moral integrity. It is possible to find a plan that works for you, despite past difficulties!
Concerned about your organization’s as-is HR programs? The benefits of having a trusted partner guide you and your team to excellence are invaluable.
Contact us today. You and your employees will be glad you did. Rise with us by implementing our high-performance remote human-resource programs to help find great people! E-mail us here.
Mark A. Griffin is president and founder of IHN HR. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.