
  • (095) Spirit Experiences and Analytical Thinkers – Brian Ross
    Mar 3 2025
    Brian committed himself to practising contemplative spiritual disciplines every day for a month. Here's what happened... Psychological studies suggest that certain personalities are better suited to hearing God’s voice than others. Those who are “feelers” rather than thinkers seem to be pre-disposed to experiencing the Spirit in sensory ways. So what does that mean for the thinkers and the intellectuals among us? On this episode of the show, we’re talking Spirit experiences and analytical thinkers with someone who appreciates both. Dr Brian Ross is an associate professor at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary in California who hails from the Anabaptist tradition but regularly ministers at a wide range of churches. In Brian's words, he's always "lived in his head," but things changed when he began practising some of the contemplative spiritual disciplines. You’ll love this conversation, particularly if you’re a “thinker” rather than a "feeler”! Brian brings some wonderful wisdom and insight to the topic. In this conversation, you’ll learn about: Brian’s journey to faith from a broken home, through a nihilistic and depressing season as a teenager to his decision to follow Jesus and enter pastoral ministry. Brian’s angst in discovering that the church was not always a place where people were naturally oriented to answering his questions. Relating to God as an intellectual: I’ve always lived in my head by nature, but this doesn’t mean my walk with God isn’t practical or personal. God as an incarnational being meets us where we are - that’s where God has met me. Sometimes you might hear people say things like Christianity is not a philosophy - it’s a relationship and I know what people mean by that, but I would always say, “what’s wrong with it as a philosophy?” because I find that compelling. Brian’s initiation into the spiritual disciplines and the Spirit encounters that followed. Brian committed himself to practising the disciplines - such as contemplative prayer, meditation and sitting in silence​ - every day for a month. He explains what happened: Nothing changed for a while. Then after a few weeks, I began to have experiences I’d never had before… that I do not have words or categories for. I found them often beautiful and compelling… So, this is what Pentecostals and Charismatics talk about! Brian's reflections on the variety of personalities God has created and how we all experience God differently. Since we all reflect God’s likeness, we should expect that we would relate to God in different ways. For example, through acts of service, doing justice, intellectual enquiry, participation in nature and prayer or worship experiences. The need to incorporate all aspects of our intellect to know the fullness of God including rational discourse and deep thinking. Indeed all the early church leaders related to the Greek thinkers of their time. The impact of spiritual experiences on Brian’s life… These experiences that are often beyond words are a visceral reminder that there’s much more to reality than what we see or understand or control. Some advice for those who haven’t had those Spirit experiences. Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! About Brian Brian A. Ross, DMin (George Fox University), is Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministries at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary in California. He has taught everything from the history of the rise of secular ideas to courses on prayer, from church planting to guest teaching in business courses. A twenty-six-year ministry veteran, he has served as a: youth pastor, church planter, Senior Pastor, interim teaching pastor, church planting coach, preaching coach, pastoral search consultant, and outreach/strategy consultant. He is a minister with the Brethren in Christ Church and currently volunteers as a founding board member at the Midtown Vineyard Church in Fresno.
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    40 min
  • (094) Hearing God for Emotional Healing – Terry Bone
    Feb 3 2025
    Terry Prayed for God to Heal his Church. God Answered with an Invitation to Heal his Heart. Have you ever prayed for something in your life and God answers in a completely different way? Pastor Terry Bone was praying for all the problems of the church when God answered with a vision that pointed to all the problems in his heart! Our show today is about the unexpected journey God takes us on when we begin listening for the Spirit’s voice. This was the experience of our guest, Terry Bone. His God-conversations led to him to receive healing for some of the painful experiences from his childhood to a place of freedom. This has to be one of my favourite God conversations on our show - partly because Terry shares so honestly and openly from his own experience! Terry is from Ontario, Canada and after 20 years pastoring, now has a ministry as a “transition pastor” and consultant for churches across the country. He has authored two books and is involved in overseas missions. He has a passion for the Holy Spirit and even gives a plug for my book! You are going to love this conversation and I know it’s going to challenge you to allow God to speak into your own heart. In our conversation, you’ll hear about: Terry’s God story, coming from a nominal church background and the party scene, to the days of the Jesus Revolution where Terry was drawn to God by the idea of a personal relationship with God rather than the empty religion he had previously known. How the Holy Spirit spoke to Terry to lead him on a journey of emotional healing. Terry realised that hearing God’s voice was not just about trying to find direction and guidance: “I was driven, focussed on performance - a Type A personality. So for me, hearing God was always about trying to find direction rather than the “search me O God and know my anxious thoughts” prayer. I didn’t want to go there but I got cornered." Terry’s testimony of praying for his church that was fraught with problems - a huge debt, dwindling numbers, an empty building and a board in conflict, and the vision God gave me in response. “I saw the roof of a church replaced by a stain glass dome. One of the panels had my name in it. As the picture zoomed in, I heard the words, 'that’s the church you’re trying to build.'” Terry’s experience with the Holy Spirit as counsellor, setting him free from fear and how his ministry completely changed as a result. Terry’s journey to freedom effectively led to healing of many others in his church! Today his ministry involves guiding others through the same process as they open their hearts to God. How could I live and teach without seeing this? It’s like a conversion experience. The Holy Spirit is a genius. God knows exactly what path to take us on! Terry’s reflections on our the nature of our relationship with God and the reward that comes as we continue to listen and respond to God’s voice. To just want God’s voice for guidance, that’s not friendship. When God becomes our friend, the guidance is easy. Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! About Terry Bone Terry was radically saved as a teenager during the ‘The Jesus Revolution’ of the 19070’s in North America. For 18 years he served two churches in various pastoral roles. Since 2003, Terry transitioned to full time itinerant ministry helping leaders succeed in their calling with a focus upon spiritual and emotional health. Terry’s ministry extends beyond Canada to several countries overseas. Terry has also served as a Transition Pastor and consultant for many churches. Terry has authored two books, The Family Blessing Guidebook and The Great Exchange. www.exchangezone.ca Terry and his wife Melissa have lived in the Niagara region of Ontario for more than thirty years. They have three children and eight grandchildren (so far).
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    38 min
  • (093) God Dreams: Hearing God in Dreams and Visions – Tania Harris
    Nov 25 2024
    God’s most common way of speaking in biblical history is through dreams and visions. But today many of us are more likely to dismiss our visionary experiences as the product of a spicy meal rather than a potential message from God. But could we be missing out on the voice we so long to hear? Today’s show is a different one where we flip the roles around on the show! Hosted by one of our volunteer God Conversations team members, Ali Kennedy, we hear from Tania Harris, Director of God Conversations and the author of the brand new book, God Dreams: How to Hear God’s Voice in Dreams and Visions. You’ll get a taster of what the new book is all about, plus a peak behind the scenes of the writing process. You’ll hear about: Tania’s motivation for writing the book… 25 years in the making, the book began with a personal journey when Tania first heard God speak in a dream. The problem was she had never heard teaching on the topic and when she sought to seek understanding from others, she encountered skepticism, misunderstanding and even mockery. I told my friends about my God dream and they thought I was strange. I told my pastor and he said I was strange. Then I read my Bible and I realised they were strange too, because they heard from God in dream-visions all the time! Why the topic of dreams and visions is so neglected in the church - even when it makes up an enormous proportion of the biblical material. Tania explains the reasons for this “blind spot” in the Western church. Some of the most pivotal points in biblical history happened while someone was sleeping. Why God might favour dreams and visions as a form of communication above other means. Tania reflects on the insights of neuroscience and why they point to our masterful communicator who knows the best way to get the message across. A picture really does tell a thousand words! The difference between a dream and a vision. Tania’s greatest challenge in writing the book - exploring John’s visions of Revelation, our best example of a visual God conversation in the early church. Tania joined a Revelation scholars group to ensure her interpretations had solid grounding in church tradition and biblical exegesis! Tania explains that John’s visions are not difficult to understand once you know how to interpret the language of symbolism. Listen to the interview! Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! Inspired by the interview? Check out God Dreams the book!
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    38 min
  • (092) Hearing God and Evangelism – Dave Shepherd
    Oct 21 2024
    It's Not our Job to Convert Anyone! Jesus’ last words on earth was to go into all the world and share the good news (Matt. 28:18-20). But at the same time, we know that it’s not our job to convict, convert or save anyone! The Holy Spirit alone works in people’s hearts and we should never try to control or coerce another person’s choices. So how does this work in practise? What role does the Holy Spirit play in evangelism? These days, evangelism doesn’t have such a great name. Whether it’s the image of the Bible-thumping, money-seeking TV evangelist or the fire-breathing angry preacher on the street corner, no-one seems to be listening. Perhaps we’ve forgotten what our job is? What should evangelism look like when the Holy Spirit is working with us? Our guest Dave Shepherd is here to offer some insights. Dave is a Baptist preacher from Adelaide who had a spectacular God conversation in his teens that changed his life. His insights point us to a way of working with the Holy Spirit that is powerful and beautiful. And it takes the pressure off! On this episode of the show, you’ll hear about: Dave’s back story - how Dave grew up serving the “God of sport and basketball,” and how a God-encounter at age 16 changed the trajectory of his life. Dave’s reflections on being raised in a church family and dealing with the questions that confronted him as he grew into adulthood.. Is this real or fake? Is Jesus the one? Why should I follow Jesus? How God answered Dave’s questions through a powerful God dream. Jesus was literally standing right in front of me and he had tears in his eyes and he looked at me and he said, “this is why.” The role of the Holy Spirit - who speaks to draw people closer to God as they posture their hearts to seek him. The motivation for evangelism. The first disciples shared their faith because Christ’s love compelled them. No specific "program" was needed because they operated out of relationship. Our role in sharing faith. The Holy Spirit is already at work in the world - our role is to discern and co-operate with what the Holy Spirit is doing. This is incredibly freeing as it takes the pressure off! I cannot change anyone no matter how convincing I am, how great my theology is or how wonderful my apologetics are - none of that can make faith come alive in a person’s heart. Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! About Dave Shepherd Dave Shepherd is the Lead Pastor of Hills Baptist Church (www.hillsbaptist.com), a multisite church community in Adelaide with a vision to see Jesus glorified, lives transformed and the hope of the Gospel revealed throughout the world. Dave is a co-founder of Ignite Ministries and the One Church podcast, where he works with other believers and church leaders to call the Church to unity, prayer, and worship. Dave’s heart and gifting is to fearlessly proclaim the truth of the Gospel, to raise up the next generation of leaders, and to plant churches that plant churches. Dave is married to his wife Jo and together they have three children, Bailey, Mabel and Benji.
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    40 min
  • (091) The God Conversations that Shaped the Salvation Army – Kim Haworth
    Sep 23 2024
    The Salvation Army is an incredible movement that works in 136 countries around the world and began in the streets of nineteenth century London by William and Catherine Booth. It is both a church and charity, known for its focus on justice, compassion, and supporting the welfare of others. But did you know that the Salvos began in the power and revelation of the Holy Spirit? On this episode of God Conversations, we talk to Major Kim Haworth about the God conversations that shaped the Salvation Army - affectionately known (in Australia!) as the Salvos. Kim is a major in the Salvos and leads the state of NSW/ACT as Divisional commander. She explains that the Holy Spirit was at the centre of the Salvation Army work from the very beginning. You'll hear about: Kim’s story - how she made a decision to follow Jesus at age 31. Kim tells of her belief in God in her earlier years, but how a life-changing encounter in church introduced her to relationship with God at a personal level. Kim’s unexpected God conversation that led her into ministry with the Salvation Army. I heard in my mind, “you know you’re going to be an officer don’t you?” To which I replied “yes!” and felt this crazy sense of peace from the top of my head to the tips of my toes - that is until I realised what I said! The origins of the Salvation Army and how the Holy Spirit led William Booth to reach "the lost, last and least." These were the people other churches weren’t reaching because they were the "tough ones." Booth's approach was to raise up a volunteer army to fight for God's kingdom in a spiritual battle. He used military vocabulary because it was well respected and widely understood at the time. The fundamental understanding of the Salvation Army that salvation is wholistic and involves every part of ourselves. “There is no gospel, but the social gospel - salvation is wholistic - the total redemption of mind, body and spirit. People can’t hear about the gospel while their tummies are rumbling.” A little of William Booth's story and how he received pushback from the established church because the people he was ministering to didn't fit in and weren't welcomed. Booth realised he would have to create a safe place for them to flourish and hence, new churches were founded. The role of the Holy Spirit in establishing new movements. Often we begin in the fire of the Holy Spirit, but then we get comfortable and shift into maintenance mode. Hence the need to constantly stir up the Spirit in our hearts, listen to what God is saying and bravely re-pioneer... “We see God move most in our lives when we're out of our depth.” Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! About Kim Haworth Major Kim Haworth is the Divisional Commander of the NSW and ACT Division of The Salvation Army. She has served in pastoral ministry for 10 years with her husband, Steve as Corps Officers (lead pastors) in country Victoria and Melbourne, as well as four years as the Divisional Commander for Tasmania. Kim has completed undergraduate and post graduate studies in Ministry and Theology and holds a Vice Chancellor’s Scholar award from the University of Divinity. She have three great adult kids - Jayden, Stacey and Bryce. Kim is passionate about living in the presence of God every day, and sharing the life of freedom and joy, that Jesus died to give all people who call on His name.
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    35 min
  • (090) A School in Revival – Jeff Davis
    Aug 25 2024
    A School without Rules? How Holy Spirit can Change How we Learn When we think of the Holy Spirit, we think about the God who saves us spiritually, but did you know that an encounter with the Spirit also helps us to learn? Experiencing the Holy Spirit could even improve your grades at school! In this fascinating interview, I talk with Jeff Davis, Principal of Hillcrest Christian College on the Gold Coast, Australia. In the past year, they’ve experienced incredible revival among their students, with over a hundred baptisms, the commencement of over 20 new bible study groups and enthusiastic mosh pit worship sessions. Jeff talks about how the faith of the students has become real; how they’ve seen healing and transformation of behaviour and how they students have even been leading the adults! More so, Jeff reflects on how understanding Jesus and encountering the Spirit changes the way we do education. You’ll hear about: Jeff’s back story and his own God conversation story that led to the miraculous conception of his first child. How the revival at Hillcrest College began when staff were inspired by the events at Asbury University, USA and felt led to pray. An altar call at the school chapel service followed and 400 students came forward… One boy who was suspended at the time felt God’s presence come on him in his home. He rang the school and said, “what happened?” The difference revival has made in the school. Jeff tells of the damage done to students' learning ability through exposure to certain material to the internet, and how the Holy Spirit is restoring hearts and minds. People without faith know there’s something different - they just can’t understand what it is. How Spirit encounters reorient us to a more wholistic approach to education. The spiritual dimension is necessary for success! The need for safety and vulnerability to experience God. Jeff explains that the Holy Spirit is free to move when we feel safe and secure. This includes our emotions. A school without rules? Jeff explains how the school aims to shift from a negative orientation to a positive, redemptive approach that is based on the way of Jesus. The goal is for relationships, safety and emotions to be a part of education so that students can come to school seeking to grow not thinking they’re going to get into trouble. This is the power of the Holy Spirit in education. We encourage you to listen to Jeff’s interview and pass it onto parents, teachers and school leaders or anyone who is seeking to learn! Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! About Jeff Davis Jeff Davis is the Executive Head of College at Hillcrest Christian College on the Gold Coast, Australia. With over 35 years of experience in education and more than 20 years as a principal, Jeff has led some of the largest and fastest-growing schools in Australia. His passion lies in challenging current education norms and driving change to provide a world-leading educational experience. At the core of this approach is a focus on wellbeing and emotional intelligence, aiming to prepare students for the evolving global landscape. Jeff believes holistic learning involves developing the whole child across four domains: Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual, and Wellbeing. He shares his insights on innovation and leadership at conferences, on radio and various podcasts, and through his latest book ‘Leading the Learning Revolution’. Hillcrest Christian College has achieved remarkable growth and recognition under Jeff’s leadership, labelled one of the fastest-growing independent schools in Australia and receiving an Innovative Schools Award from Educator Magazine. In 2018, Cambridge University recognised Hillcrest as one of the top 100 Most Innovative Schools globally.
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    32 min
  • (089) Common Mistakes in Dream Interpretation – Tony Cooke
    Jul 28 2024
    Hearing God in a dream can be a life-changing experience, but it can also be a confusing one! Dreams speak a symbolic and sometimes confusing language and the process of interpretation is not well understood, making it subject to mistakes and abuse. It’s no wonder the claim to hearing God in a dream is often met with skepticism, disinterest and even mockery. Dream interpretation is more art than science, so it isn’t always straightforward or formulaic, but there are some principles we can learn that will help us hear God more clearly in this creative and powerful way. In this episode of the show, I talk with British dreams expert Tony Cooke about the common mistakes people make when learning to hear God in dreams. We unpack the dynamics of the God-dream experience so that you can confidently discern God’s voice as we sleep. You’ll discover: A little of Tony’s back story and how he became interested in dream interpretation when prophetic experiences broke out in his church. Mistake 1: misunderstanding the symbolism of people in our dreams. One of the biggest mistakes people make is when they see a related person in their dream and they assume the dream is about that person. Mistake 2: over-reliance on dream dictionaries. A dream dictionary is helpful in teaching us about symbolism, but has limited use, because symbols must be understood in the context of the dreamer's life. Mistake 3: fixating on individual symbols while not considering the bigger picture. Mistake 4: dream interpreters who lapse into prophecy and thereby add to the message of the dream. Mistake 5: the inability to discern between soul and spirit in a dream. A reminder that making mistakes is part of the learning process! Given our propensity for error, humility in dream interpretation is crucial. We also need to receive training and be willing to reflect on our experiences in community. The biggest mistake of all is not getting trained properly. Humility says, “I need to know how to do this properly or I can do damage.” Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! About Tony Cooke Tony is the founder of The Dream Academy (www.thedreamacademy.online), an online training and support site for biblical dream interpreters. He and his wife Dwee planted pastored the Cheltenham Vineyard Church in 2009 and later continued to teach and train in many countries including The Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, India, South Africa, USA, Spain and Ireland. Tony is also on the Leadership Board of Patria Ministries International, a global family of businesses, churches, ministries and itinerant ministers which provides a highly interdependent personal environment where leaders can build relationships and be strengthened and equipped for greater Kingdom influence. Tony and his wife Dwee have two grown up children and live on the south coast of England.
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    41 min
  • (088) The Spirit Among the Poor with Bob Ekblad
    Jun 23 2024
    Bob heard God speak at a Bible Study with Prisoners. Then this happened... Jesus was known for the way he interacted with those on the margins of society - the tax collectors everyone despised, the lepers no-one would touch, the cripples and the prostitutes society rejected. Jesus' teaching and interactions constantly reflected God’s heart for those who had been forgotten and left behind. So today, when we hear the Spirit as Jesus’ continuing voice, we shouldn’t be surprised that we find themselves in similar places! That is, we will be led to love the poor as Jesus did. In this episode, we talk about the revelatory work of Holy Spirit among the poor with someone who is doing just that. With his wife Gracie, Bob Ekblad lives out the heart of Jesus through the power and revelation of the Spirit. After living several years working in sustainable farming in Honduras and then studying theology in France, Bob and Gracie lead a church community known as Tierra Nueva (New Earth) in Washington state USA. Here, they come alongside immigrants, street people, addicts and prisoners to demonstrate the love of Jesus in practical and profound ways. You’ll hear about: Bob and Gracie’s fascinating story from a kibbutz in the Middle East to the cornfields of Honduras, the study halls of Paris and the streets of Washington state… How working with impoverished peasants in sustainable farming led to an unexpected request: “A lot of us are tough. Some of us are violent. We don’t put God first, but we notice you do. Could we begin our weekly farming courses with a Bible study?” Bob tells of his surprise and excitement as well as a deep sense of trepidation: “You pull out a Bible in that setting, and the people look like stray city dogs who are used to being kicked. They sleek off and lurk away, fearful of being beaten by the Bible, because that’s how the Bible has been used…” How reading the Bible with semi-literate, impoverished Latinos expanded Bob’s view of the Gospel story “When people are marginalised and from the lowest classes of society, they abandon all hope and throw themselves into a life of drinking and violence.” A defining moment in Bob’s journey towards understanding the Holy Spirit… Bob and Gracie came from a background of seeing only the abuses of Holy Spirit ministry and were fearful of engaging with Charismatic Christians. Yet, they recognised that their ministry desperately needed the power of the Holy Spirit, particularly as they were dealing with hardened criminals and addicts who easily relapsed. When Bob found himself in a charismatic conference, he felt the need to pray a prayer of protection over the Christians praying as they prayed! Then he received a piercingly accurate prophetic word that changed his life: “I see you in a circle of men in red uniforms sitting on blue plastic chairs. I think they’re prisoners. I hear the Father saying, “I love how you love my prisoners.” The shift in Bob’s ministry after receiving prayer for a healing anointing. Bob tells how Jesus’ teaching from Luke 15 became relevant for a self-confessed racist, neo-Nazi gang member in jail who wanted to learn how to get along with Mexicans. After the Bible study, a word from God and a simple prayer led to a miraculous healing for one of the jail members. The connection between hearing the Spirit and developing a heart for those who have suffered, even violent offenders. Bob shares how hearing God speak about the health conditions and root emotional problems of others revealed the kind of grace that did not require change of even faith to bring healing. In his words, "pre-emptive love doesn’t require a response - it elicits a response." About Bob Ekblad Bob and Gracie Ekblad are founders and co-directors of Tierra Nueva (New Earth) in Burlington, Washington. Together they minister at Tierra Nueva and at their home-based retreat centre, New Earth Refuge in the Skagit Valley.
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    42 min