God. Allah. Yahawe. Bhagavān. Dao. Brahma.
Beloved. Holy Spirit. Shchina. Ruach Jakodesh. Nana Buluku. Rūḥ al-qudus.
These words, the names of God and holy spirits, and what they evoke in different people. For some, they are completely void and overused. Others are filled with the ecstatic nectar of devotional love, while many feel fear or awe. Which is it for you?
In this episode, I joined forces with one of my favorite eco-philosophers, Andreas Weber; together, we traversed the mystical ocean of the poetic realm within all beings.
As always, you'll experience angelic music and vocals by Kristen Meyers, this time performing a magnificent piece from the saintly composer Hildegard of Bingen.
I hope you'll enjoy this muse as much as I did creating it; please support us on Patreon: