Series: Godly Wisdom for Gospel Living
Title: The Rod or Meekness
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:6-13
Speaker: Pastor Ben Jennings
Date: January 19, 2024 (Sunday Morning Worship Service)
As believers in Christ, we must understand the role of correction in the discipleship process and what is needed for that to take place. Correction takes these three elements.
Element #1- Relationship. (V.14-15)
Element #2- Investment. (v.16-17a)
Element #3- Decision. (v.18-21)
Application Questions:
1. Is there any need for correction in my life?
2. Am I prideful or arrogant in any area of my life, fostering an attitude that is not very teachable?
3. Who do I have that I’ve given the ability to correct me?
4. When it comes to my family- my kids- do I have the kind of relationship with them that fosters the ability to correct them? Am I hypocritical? Am I investing in them? Am I calling them to make right decisions?
5. Am I making disciples?
Trinity Baptist Church
Findlay, Ohio