• Pandemic Pup Panic
    Aug 24 2022

    We don't know about you, but when those "return to the office" emails started coming, our first thought was PANIC! How would we leave our pups at home again? After years at home with your pup almost every day, it can be scary for you (and your pup) to go back to the office. 

    This week on Going Mutts, hosts Sarah and Erin talk about their own experiences returning to the office and give you tips for handling the shift yourself.

    The takeaway? DON'T PANIC! We got this.

    Episode Resources:

    • A caving project became a rescue mission after a dog was found 500 feet down: https://www.npr.org/2022/08/12/1117184413/cave-dog-rescue-abby-missouri
    • Return to Office Triggers Anxiety Attacks—for the Dogs Left Alone at Home: https://www.wsj.com/articles/return-to-office-dogs-pets-home-anxiety-11655129289
    • Your Pandemic Puppy Was Not a Mistake: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/08/opinion/pandemic-puppies-veterinarian.html 
    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Dogs of the American Revolution
    Jul 12 2022

    "Once I can be convinced that men are as worth objects as dogs, I shall transfer my benevolence." - General Charles Lee

    Dogs played a significant role in Colonial America and during the American Revolution. In honor of the July 4th holiday, Sarah and Erin welcome Erin's husband, Evan, to the podcast to discuss the dogs of the American Revolution and the way society viewed dogs in the 1770s.

    Episode Resources:

    Garrett’s Dog of the Month Feature: https://northernvirginiamag.com/family/pets/2022/06/22/pets-of-the-month-june/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=062222Pets&vgo_ee=pwYds8wMBJ86TylL%2B1j1jXwFoqDlMHNmyq65fGLdufk%3D

    Hoppy Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/605386014349930/

    Lavender: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/lavender

    JoJo: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/jojo

    Jet: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/jet

    Lucy: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/lucy2

    Rory: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/rory1

    Fancy: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/fancy

    Elvis: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/elvis

    Chewy: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/chewy

    Historical Sources






    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Get to Know: Amber, TLBD's Medical Coordinator
    Jun 28 2022

    Join hosts Sarah and Erin and special guest Amber, TLBD's own medical coordinator. Learn all about what it takes to keep our dogs in tip-top shape!

    Episode Resources:

    TLBD’s website: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littleblackdogrescuegroup

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littleblackdogrescue/

    Events: Events: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/events

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • What it Means to be a Foster-Based Rescue
    Jun 7 2022

    You may know that TLBD is a foster-based dog rescue, but do you know what that means? Sarah and Erin answer all your questions about what it means to be foster-based and what it takes to foster! 

    Episode Resources:

    TLBD’s website: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/
    Russian war dog switches sides: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10842015/Russian-special-forces-Belgian-Malinois-dog-switches-sides-Ukrainian-soldiers.html
    Foster Application: https://form.123formbuilder.com/5772606/form
    Blog Post on Foster Program: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/post/spotlight-on-our-foster-program
    Sadie’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/deborah
    Sadie and Apollo playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC5Z539CO5A
    Garrett Shirt (all proceeds benefit Garrett!): https://www.bonfire.com/blondes-have-more-fun-2/
    Garrett’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/garrett
    Foxy’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/foxy
    Events: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/events

    Ukraine Resources
    Red Cross: https://donate.redcrossredcrescent.org/ua/donate/~my-donation?_cv=1
    UNICEF: https://news.un.org/en/focus/ukraine/donate
    World Food Programme: https://donatenow.wfp.org/ukraine-appeal/~my-donation
    USA for USHCR: https://give.unrefugees.org/220224ukr_emer_d_4983/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h
  • Get to Know: Jackie, TLBD Trainer
    May 31 2022

    One of the resources TLBD offers to both fosters and adopters is training advice - thanks to our amazing volunteer trainer, Jackie! We dive into dog behavior, training advice and who we would choose to be on our zombie apocalypse team.

    ***NOTE: Since this episode was recorded, Lucy, Jackie's foster pup, has been FOUND!***

    Episode Resources:

    TLBD’s Website: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littleblackdogrescuegroup

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littleblackdogrescue/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TLBDRescueGroup

    TikTok: @littleblackdogrescue

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • Black Dog Syndrome
    May 17 2022

    While TLBD rescues dogs of all sizes, shapes, colors and breeds, as part of our mission, we recognize that ​black dogs are traditionally passed over for adoption in favor of light coated dogs. We love a black dog and want to do as much as we can to support these pups and raise awareness of “Black Dog Syndrome.” Tune in to learn more about the barriers black dogs face, and learn more about the many adoptable black dogs of TLBD!

    Episode Resources:

    TLBD’s website: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/

    Scientific American Article: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dogs-personalities-arent-determined-by-their-breed/

    PetFinder Study: https://www.petfinder.com/pet-adoption/dog-adoption/black-dog-syndrome/

    Grounds & Hounds Video: https://groundsandhoundscoffee.com/blogs/recent-posts/what-is-black-dog-syndrome

    Diesel: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/diesel1 (Adoption Pending)

    Piper: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/piper

    Malta: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/malta (Adoption Pending)

    Rocco: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/rocco

    Mommas: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/mommas

    Javier: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/javier

    Pascal: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/pascal

    Since this episode was recorded, Hopkins and Brewer have been adopted!

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    47 min
  • Get to Know: Stefanie, TLBD Foster
    May 10 2022

    If you've ever wanted to know firsthand what it's like to foster with a rescue group, this is the episode for you! One of TLBD's amazing fosters, Stefanie, joins Sarah and Erin this week to talk all about fostering, including her tips and tricks for foster success.

    Episode Resources:

    TLBD’s Website: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/

    Foster Sign Up: https://form.123formbuilder.com/5772606/form 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littleblackdogrescuegroup

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littleblackdogrescue/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TLBDRescueGroup

    TikTok: @littleblackdogrescue

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • Velcro Dogs!
    May 3 2022

    Did you know...a dog was instrumental in the invention of Velcro? Join Sarah and Erin this week to learn more about the history of Velcro, while getting an inside look at the "Velcro Pups" that came to the DMV on our last transport!

    Episode Resources:

    TLBD’s website: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/

    TobyKeith: https://www.news4jax.com/features/2022/04/18/21-year-old-florida-dog-recognized-as-oldest-in-the-world/

    Velcro (Penn State): https://sites.psu.edu/passion2bernstein/2013/03/14/a-dogs-invention/#:~:text=Velcro%20was%20invented%20by%20a,a%20hike%20through%20the%20mountains

    Velcro (Milka Photo): https://dogs-in-history.blogspot.com/2020/09/milka-burrs-and-invention-of-velcro.html

    Jasmine’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/jasmine-2

    Piper’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/piper

    Alejandro’s Profile: https://www.thelittleblackdog.org/dog/alejandro1

    **Please Note: Since this episode was recorded, Fiona, Harlie and Vicente have all been adopted!**

    Voir plus Voir moins
    46 min