
  • a little life update :)
    Jul 28 2022
    • why growth can feel so embarrassing (even though that's the whole goal?!)
    • how our generation is the first navigating growing up and changing in the public eye, whether in front of 50 followers or thousands
    • why i've been off social media for 3 months
    • chatting about a new value that feels incredibly important to me: privacy
    • the future of social media
    • where is the health and wellness space going?
    • when i'll be back from my break - spoiler: idk yet!!

    most importantly, from the bottom of my heart i want to thank you all for being along for the ride. i'm trying to practice what i preach: celebrating evolution - as it becomes a very real and tangible part of my life in this season.

    love you big time.



    Voir plus Voir moins
    41 min
  • My Yoga Teaching Journey: Tips & Guidance For Teaching Yoga, & The Process Of Becoming A 200 HR RYT
    May 10 2022

    This episode was highly requested after sharing a little more about my yoga teaching journey over the past few weeks over on Instagram! This podcast breaks down my journey with my own yoga practice and how that led to becoming 250+ HR RYT certified. We cover where I did my certification and why, where I started teaching (& a great place to get started that isn't a huge studio that makes it hard to teach at!), how to create your own yoga career, what to focus on to facilitate an amazing yoga class, and so much more.


    Teach yoga online to your existing community on Somble

    Take a yoga class taught by me on Somble

    Voir plus Voir moins
    48 min
  • Choosing The Right Gut Health Supplements, Building A Wellness Brand, & Balancing Motherhood with rmdy Founder Kate Kim
    Mar 8 2022

    On this week's episode, Kate Kim is joining the podcast. Kate is the founder and CEO of rmdy - a digestive wellness brand that makes a Daily Digestive Essential, which is like a multi-vitamin for your gut. It's 4 gut powerhouses combined into one chewable (amazing tasting) tablet that you take with your biggest meal of the day - and has been one of my favorite daily additions to my gut health routine. Kate is a power-house female founder and graduate of Penn's Wharton Business School, balancing building a successful business with motherhood, community building, leadership in the wellness space, and so much more. I was grateful to get to take a look inside her world for this hour-long conversation! We also chat about:

    • How to shop for digestive wellness products that work
    • What it's like to create a brand with a medical advisory board - and why that was so important to Kate & rmdy
    • What it looks like in practice to balance entrepreneurship and building a company with motherhood
    • Why plant-forward diets cause more digestive issues
    • The way marketing is approached in the wellness world right now and how to weed out the noise
    • and so much more!

    Shop rmdy here - use discount code ISABELLE20

    Connect with Kate Kim on IG here

    Connect with rmdy on IG here

    Links Mentioned:

    The Doctors Farmacy with Dr. Mark Hyman

    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Endo Belly, Funky Poops, Period Pain, & Fatigue with Endometriosis Dietician Christie Austin-Hore
    Feb 22 2022

    We are joined today by Endometriosis & IBS dietician Christie Austin-Hore @endometriosis.dietitian. Christie is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with expertise in Endometriosis and IBS. She empowers Endowarriors to rapidly reduce their period pain, bloating, funky poops and fatigue so they can thrive with Endometriosis. We're covering topics like:

    • How to get an endometriosis diagnosis
    • Why endometriosis is often misdiagnosed as "just IBS"
    • How to advocate for yourself with endometriosis
    • Treatment options and protocols for endometriosis & IBS (and where they overlap a LOT!)
    • Why Christie isn't a fan of misplaced restrictive diets for holistic endo care and what her approach consists of
    • Healthy habits for Endowarriors
    • & so so much more!

    Connect with Christie on IG here

    Connect with Christie on her website here [www.christieleenutrition.com.au]

    Join Christie's group coaching program called Beat The Endo Belly - and save your seat in her live Masterclass here! [courses.christieleenutrition.com/webinar-registration]

    How To Endo

    Nancy's Nook

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 13 min
  • My Birth Control + IBS Story: How The Pill Impacted My IBS, My IUD Experience, IUD Removal, and more!
    Feb 15 2022

    In today's episode, I'm walking you through my experience with birth control and whether it's impacted my IBS, my SIBO, and my digestion. I explain in detail my experience with the birth control pill, why I chose to get an IUD, when my IBS started to get better, and why I chose to go back on the pill after getting my IUD removed early. We also talk about:

    • How my birth control impacted my relationship
    • What IUD insertion was really like
    • How the IUD removal process worked (and what it was like compared to insertion)
    • How the wellness industry can negatively impact the decisions women make about their holistic healthcare
    • Why I actually LOVE the birth control pill
    • What I do to keep my IBS under control during my period & on the pill
    • & more!

    Thorne FiberMend

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • Food Freedom, Intuition vs. Ego, & Cultivating Self Awareness with Jessie Golden @jessiemgolden
    Feb 8 2022

    In today's episode, we're welcoming on Mind, Body, & Nutrition coach Jessie Golden to chat about all things food freedom, navigating the fear that comes along with necessary dietary changes you may need to make to support your overall health and wellbeing (and how to discern that ego fear from your intuition), and what it takes to cultivate self-awareness in order to find freedom in your relationship with food.

    We also dive into:

    • Her story with Hashimoto's and what led her to become a mind, body, nutrition coach with expertise in food freedom and sustainable body composition changes
    • What it really takes to create lasting healthy habits (& what you secretly don't want to give up to get there)
    • How to better relate to your thoughts in order to create meaningful change
    • The real reason you may not be ready for body composition changes 
    • Balancing food freedom with intentional dietary changes
    • What self-love really looks like in society today (& what it's missing)
    • How to hear your body's wisdom & cues again after having low self-trust

    Connect with Jessie on Instagram @jessiemgolden and dive into both of her free masterclasses here if you want more of her actionable wisdom on food freedom or sustainable body composition changes!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Guided Meditation: Future Self Visualization
    Dec 30 2021

    This meditation asks you to START with a journal prompt before diving into the meditation, so don't skip it. The journal prompt before diving into the guided meditation is:

    What went well this year?

    Focus on feelings, ways you nourished and honored yourself, and all that you were able to accomplish OR learn about yourself as a result. Nothing has to be tangible but the way you feel - the intangibles and personal growth - counts for just as much as the tangibles.

    Now you may proceed to the guided meditation! It starts at 5:20.

    If you enjoy the meditation, screenshot it, share it on IG, and tag me at @isabellekoritsas so we can connect!

    Sending you all the love in the world as we tie up loose ends of this year and make room for what gets to come next!



    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • Creating Systems For Healing Hashimoto's with Fiona Smith @heal.with.fifi
    Dec 7 2021

    On today's episode I am joined by the amazing Fiona Smith of @heal.with.fifi. Fiona is a nutritionist and nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP) focusing heavily on hormone imbalances, autoimmune diseases, and thyroid issues. We are unpacking so much together today as we explore her "one size fits none" approach and philosophy to reversing autoimmune conditions and what it looked like to take the necessary steps to put her Hashimoto's disease in remission. We also get into:

    • What it was like to treat and diagnose Hashimoto's without health insurance
    • Letting rock bottom be your rocket fuel when healing
    • How to stay consistent when making necessary lifestyle
    • Why we tend to drive towards burnout until we hit rock bottom instead of making preventative changes while things are still okay
    • Finding & creating systems that support your holistic healing
    • How to avoid tying morality to discipline
    • Why Fiona believes no one is truly lazy
    • Fiona's top favorite holistic tips & systems for navigating Hashimoto's
    • What kind of exercise is most beneficial for autoimmune conditions
    • Being addicted to negative emotions & stress cycles
    • Why Fiona gave up coffee
    • & so so so much more!

    Connect with Fiona @heal.with.fifi on Instagram HERE

    Connect with Fiona @heal.with.fifi on TikTok HERE 

    Links mentioned:

    Let's Get Checked Hormone Full Panel

    The Root Cause by Dr. Izabella Wentz

    Work with Fiona in her course Thyroid Meals For Her (Enrollment opening Jan) HERE

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 9 min