I continue to receive questions pertaining to the grafting of branches in Romans chapter 11. Many try to force application upon us, the church, the body of Christ, claiming that we are grafted into Israel, or that we are spiritual Israel, or that we, the church, have replaced Israel. However, none of those popular explanations are true. Remember, a text taken out of context, separated from its co-text, becomes a pretext: a falsehood designed to obscure the true meaning, to deceive others in support of a false doctrine. Many pastors and teachers do this because they have been deceived by false doctrines and traditions of men taught at Bible colleges and seminaries. Since many false doctrines permeate Christian theology, we must always be prepared to correct our thinking based upon the word of God. But that’s difficult because it’s much easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived. Pride is a hindrance to acknowledging one’s deception.