Hello. Today I talk to the simplicity of achieving forgiveness and gratitude through daily exercises. This practice is easy, simple, and fundamental to our wellbeing and working with the sacred tools that we have inherited from our ancestors, the seven sacred teachings. It is our innate nature, before our personal nature. Forgiveness and Gratitude are side effects of the practice of Humility and Truth. We do the practice and forgiveness and gratitude happen and this is where the Truth sets us free. Thank you. Welalioq. Until we meet again Nemultes
Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.