TYPES OF BAPTISM There are three types of Baptism 1. The Baptism of John the Baptist, which was the Baptism of water unto repentance for the forgiveness of our sins. John Baptised with water and not with the Spirit. The Baptism of John the Baptist was unto justification, men in those days were been Baptized to be justified from their evil and sinful ways. The question is do we get justified by the John's kind of Baptism of water unto repentance in the now season of Christ? Absolutely not, why then did John Baptised with water unto repentance? Because Jesus the Christ has not died in this moment. it was the pathway to be justified, it was the only way one could be justified by God from all their sins as they get forgiveness, the Baptism of John was the shadow of things to come through the Christ. It wasn't the final or complete stage, it was the foundational truth, it was the preparation of one to receive the salvation of God based on His plan, the most important thing about John was not the Baptism but the cry out to pave the way for the Messiah, for one to be saved they must make a decision to change their ways. The ministry of John was not based on His baptism, it was based on the preaching of repentance, which was a blowing of a trumpet, the awakening of one's mind for the readiness of the salvation that the coming Messiah will emprovise to those who will not harden their hearts, but repent to be baptized meaning to be forgiven. Matthew 3:1-3 NKJV [1] In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, [2] and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” [3] For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.’ ” The whole vision and the purpose of John was to announce the arrival of the Messiah with His salvation to those who have truly repented. On the other hand, the Baptism of John was the response to his message of repentance, the Baptism of John was the the significance and the symbol of repentance, that one has truly repented and he or she is ready to receive the salvation of God. How powerful r the ministry of John was, He didn't only prophecy about the coming of the Messiah, He actually announced the arrival of the Messiah, He told them that the Messiah is here, am only preparing a way for Him, am not the Messiah, I'm His messenger, His witness for His coming, and His mouth piece for Arrival. The things that I do and the ministry that I do is far less than the ministry and the works of the Messiah. If people won't come to John they will not know the Messiah, if they have not heard him and his message, they will not know and understand the requirements and the needs or expectation from the Messiah for them to be saved. John, his Baptism, his preaching was the revelation of the Messiah and was the demonstration of His arrival. The works of John was pointing to Jesus Christ, most people failed to recognize the voice of the prophet John the Baptist about the revelation of the awaited Christ poised in the Holy scriptures by the prophets, that it is why it was hard to realize that Jesus was the Christ. They killed John who points people and reveals the truth awaited Messiah Jesus Christ, that is why the kingdom of God suffers violence and only the violence takes it by force. Satan used Herod and His wife through their sinful or unlaw act that He prophesied to them, inorder to cut short the ministry of John the Baptist pointing people to Christ and His purpose. The death of John made it more harder for people to know and recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah, if they had clearly understood, and known who the Messiah was and believe, imagine how many people would have been saved? The devil always played a role in the works of God by trying to stop people from coming to Christ, from seeing and knowing Christ, blind the minds and the hearts of people not to be saved, if it is not by killing, then it will be actually by casting the unbelief the hearts and in the minds of people. Either ways John still fulfilled His Ministry of preparing the way for the LORD and the revelation of Christ and His Ministry. The other thing you need to know is that, John was showing people that the Messiah doesn't only save because one has sinned but when they decide to do something about it by creating a room for His salvation which is repentance, but then I need to baptize you to be forgiven by God for your wrongs and evil ways, so that the Messiah could save you. The second type of Baptism is; 2. The Baptism of Jesus the Christ, which the Baptism of the Spirit and fire unto a total cleansing, sanctification, predestination, newness of a spirit life, getting ride of the old self to put on the new man renewed in Him, foreknowledge, comfirmation, calling into holiness and righteousness, oneness and union with Christ into His death ...
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