Bite your lip and close your eyes, basket cases! This week we have a blast discussing Green Day's 1994 album Dookie!
Discussion includes: how we first got into Green Day; the classic Billie Joe stance; what a weird experience it was to be in high school, and how Dookie was the perfect soundtrack to go along with it; the most Green Day thing Meghan witnessed at a Green Day concert; how many teeth we've had pulled (spoiler - Juliana won!); Green Day helped open the door to our generation discussing mental health; Segments! Segments! Segments!; and we tease a series of themed episodes coming up in the next few months on Ye Olde Playlist!
Our favorites from the album: Longview; Basket Case; She; When I Come Around; Pulling Teeth; Chump
Tell us what you want! Suggest an album! Suggest a segment! Use more exclamation points! Find us on Insta and Twitter!: @yeoldeplaylist
Originally recorded Jan 14, 2023