On Juneteenth we envision the next great leap in humanities emancipation -- a way to rise above the divisions and strife to come together as one!
Laura and Emanuel show us how the Holomovement offers a fusion of science and spirit that can ignite the evolutionary impulse in us and cohere, catalyze and synergize like-minded organizations and movements into a grand collaborative effort to address the world’s challenges.
They co-created the Fundacion por el Futuro, Purpose Earth and Greenheart International.
We explore how entrepreneurs, futurists, philanthropists and activists for social transformation can empower our collaborative efforts to build a People-Powered Planet.
- See the video and ask questions of future guests at: theworldismycountry.com/club
- Music by: „World Citizen“ Jahcoustix feat. Shaggy, courtesy of Dominik Haas, Telefonica and EoM
- Check out the film on World Citizen #1 Garry Davis: theworldismycountry.com
- Endorse the ban on Nuclear Weapons: theworldismycountry.com/endorse