This is a recording of a LNAT preparation video by a student during her Upper 6th year and a few weeks after sitting the LNAT. They offer helpful advice to those considering applying to Law schools that require the test. Here is a link to the original YouTube video, so you can see the slides. The LNAT is designed to test your intellectual abilities rather than your knowledge about a particular subject. However, students are strongly advised to practise and prepare for the test. There are no facts to learn in preparation for the test. However, we strongly recommend you make use of LNAT's preparation materials which will help you concentrate on exercising the relevant parts of your brain and on familiarising yourself with the test format. The LNAT is a 2¼ hour test in two sections. Section A consists of 42 multiple choice questions. The questions are based on 12 argumentative passages, with 3 or 4 multiple choice questions on each. You are given 95 minutes to answer all of the questions. For Section B, you have 40 minutes to answer one of three essay questions on a range of subjects..