
  • Kids Fest 2022 is here!
    Jun 2 2022

    It's time for Kids Fest! Join us this month as we talk to the director of the Highland Campus Kids Fest skit Nicole Gardana! Nicole has been a part of Kids Fest as an actor for many years and is on the show to tell us all about this year's program.

    To sign your child up for Kids Fest, head over to www.healingplacechurch.org/kidsfest to register. 

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    14 min
  • What Are We Supposed to Do All Summer?
    Apr 26 2022

    This week on Snack Time we talk with Pastor Paul Musso about how to make sure our summers count for something more than endless video games and the occasional beach trip. We discuss the value of cheap fun, being thankful for messy yards, and the amazing opportunity parents have to give our kids memories and experiences that will follow them forever.

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    27 min
  • Can My Kid Watch That?
    Mar 29 2022

    In the age of infinite streaming entertainment options, every Christian family has just one question: how do we decide what is safe for our kids to watch?

    Join Michael and this week's special guest Kat McGraw as they discuss how they filter what their kids watch and what we can do to make sure our kids aren't being indoctrinated by the world's way of thinking.

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    19 min
  • Use Your Outside Voices
    Jan 28 2022

    In this month's episode, we're joined by Mike Davis to talk about the power of mentors and voices besides our own in the lives of our children. We discuss the responsibility parents have to make sure the people that speak into their kids lives are consistent with what we know the Lord is saying to them.

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    30 min
  • Artsy Kids
    Nov 30 2021

    We all know worship music, but what about worship video? Worship drawing? Worship graphic design? Our kids are full of creativity so how can we help them channel their passion and talent into something that brings glory to Jesus?

    In today's episode, we sit down with a panel of creatives from all across the ministries of HPC and hear their stories of how they came to worship the Lord through their gifts and how we can help our own children grow up to serve Jesus with their gifts.

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    33 min
  • Adoption Story
    Oct 26 2021

    This week we talk with Terry and Breanne Franks about their adoption story! After having two beautiful kids, they took the plunge to add a new member to their family through the adoption process. Come hear their story of how God showed Himself strong every step of the way.

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    28 min
  • Parenting, Racism, and the Bible
    Sep 28 2021

    Today we're in the studio with Eric and Juli Wright to talk about how we can raise our kids to love people well even if we don't all look the same. It's a tough topic, but one we believe will be a help to your family!

    Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe!

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    32 min
  • Your Best Family Worship Ever!
    Aug 31 2021

    This month we're talking about raising kids who love to worship! Join us as we interview HPC Denham Springs Kids Pastor Kay Landry about worshiping with our kids, setting an example, and helping our children to grow into adults that love to experience God in and through music. 

    Also don't forget to register for our new parenting class starting in September! Join the HPC Kids Ministry team and parents just like you as we dive into the Word of God to discover how we can raise Godly kids who grow into Godly grown-ups. 

    Click here to register! https://healingplace.brushfire.com/hpco-evening-courses/501634

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    21 min