
  • Job: Episode 15
    Feb 20 2025
    For the next several episodes, Pat and Silas look at features of God’s monologue. In this episode, they address some introductory issues as well as engage God’s sovereignty over the heavens, the earth and the sea.(00:00) Introduction(01:24) Content and Style Overview(10:34) Structure(11:47) First Speech, First Part - Job 38:1-38(17:07) The Hammer\\ Bibliography \\1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic. \\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway. \\3. Carson DA. (2006) How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil. Baker Academic. \\4. Crenshaw, James L. (1998) Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction. Westminster John Knox Press. \\5. Ehrman, Bart. (2008) God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question––Why We Suffer. Harper One. \\6. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans. \\7. Kuhn, Thomas. Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 3rd Edition. University of Chicago Press. \\8. Newman, Randy. (2010) Questioning Evangelism: Engaging People’s Hearts the Way Jesus Did. Kregel. \\9. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\10. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan. \\11. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. \\ Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    22 min
  • Job: Episode 14
    Feb 11 2025
    In this episode, Pat and Silas discuss the fourth “companion,” Elihu, and his monologue. (00:00) Introduction(00:53) Who Is Elihu? (14:26) Elihu's Message(21:43) The Hammer\\ Bibliography \\ 1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic. \\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway. \\3. Carson DA. (2006) How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil. Baker Academic. \\4. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans. \\5. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\6. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan. \\7. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. \\8. Whedbee, J. William. (2002) The Bible and the Comic Vision. Fortress Press. \\ Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    27 min
  • Job: Episode 13
    Feb 4 2025
    Pat and Silas discuss Job's "closing argument," a three-chapter monologue.(00:00) Introduction(01:06) Job's Past Joy(05:59) Job's Present Misery(11:56) Job's Declaration of Innocence, Intro(14:14) Job's Declaration of Innocence, Social Justice(16:47) Job's Declaration of Innocence, The Heart(20:02) The Hammer\\ Bibliography \\1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic. \\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway. \\3. DeLashmutt, Gary. (2024) Loving God’s Way: A Fresh Look at the One Another Passages. New Paradigm. \\4. Fahrenthold, David A. and Theodore Schleifer. (2024, December 12) “Musk’s Foundation Gave Away Less Money Than Required in 2023,” The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/12/us/politics/musk-foundation-taxes-donations.html. \\5. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans. \\6. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\7. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan. \\8. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. \\ Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    27 min
  • Job: Episode 12
    Jan 28 2025
    Pat and Silas examine the issue of humility, wisdom, and the fear of the Lord.(00:00) Introduction(00:43) Wisdom and Humility Generally(3:03) Bertrand Russell on Wisdom and Humility(10:05) Plato on Wisdom and Humility(11:00) Analyzing Job 28:28, Fear the Lord(15:23) Analyzing Job 28:28, Shun Evil(19:32) The Hammer\\ Bibliography \\1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic. \\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway. \\3. Cooper, John M., Ed. (1997) Plato: Complete Works. Hackett Publishing Company. \\4. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans. \\5. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\6. Russell, Bertrand. (1997) The Problems of Philosophy. Oxford University Press. \\7. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan. \\8. Spurgeon, Charles. (2018) Morning and Evening. Barbour Books.\\9. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. \\ Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    26 min
  • Job: Episode 11
    Jan 21 2025
    Pat and Silas examine the keystone chapter (28) of Job, sometimes dubbed, "An Interlude on Wisdom."(00:00) Introduction(00:45) Literary Features(02:21) Technical Mastery(05:19) Where Is Wisdom?(08:33) Only God Has Wisdom(14:17) The Keystone in Context(17:54) The Hammer\\ Bibliography \\1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic.\\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway.\\3. Fyall, Robert S. (2002) Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic.\\4. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans.\\5. O’Callaghan, Jonathan. (2022) “Black Hole Image Reveals the Beast Inside the Milky Way’s Heart,” Quanta Magazine. https://www.quantamagazine.org/black-hole-image-reveals-sagittarius-a-20220512. Accessed 23 Nov 2024.\\6. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic.\\7. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan.\\8. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    25 min
  • Job: Episode 10
    Jan 14 2025
    In this episode, Pat and Silas examine other edifying remarks from Job outside of his laments. They focus especially on the judgment of death, and on God's transcendence. (00:00) Introduction (00:52) On the Judgment of Death(06:52) On Transcendence, Introduction(10:00) On Transcendence, God's Oversight of Nature (16:56) On Transcendence, God's Oversight of Chaos(19:42) On Transcendence, God's Oversight of Nations(23:01) The Hammer Bibliography \\1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic. \\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway. \\3. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans. \\4. Fyall, Robert S. (2002) Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\5. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\6. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan. \\7. Waltke, Bruce. (2016) “Myth, History, and the Bible.” In D.A. Carson (Ed.) The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures. Eerdmans. \\8. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. \\ Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    28 min
  • Job: Episode 9
    Jan 7 2025
    Pat and Silas continue to look at Job’s words in the dialogues, especially the way they exhibit the features of biblical lament. This episode features Job's more edifying "confessions of trust." (00:00) Introduction(00:47) Review of Features of Lament(03:01) Confessions of Trust, Character(06:26) Confessions of Trust, Vindicator(08:16) Confessions of Trust, Witness, Advocate, Intercessor(14:12) Confession of Trust, Redeemer(20:14) The HammerBibliography \\1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic. \\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway. \\3. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans. \\4. Fyall, Robert S. (2002) Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\5. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\6. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan. \\7. VanGemeren, Willem A. (1991) “Psalms.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 5. Zondervan. \\8. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. \\ Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    26 min
  • Job: Episode 8
    Dec 31 2024
    Pat and Silas begin to look at Job's lamentations.(00:00) Introduction(00:48) Features of Biblical Lament(03:58) Features 1,2: Address to God, Cry for Help, Questions(06:46) Description of Distress, Context(09:17) Description of Distress, Loss of Wealth, Health, Family(13:34) Description of Distress, Loss of Friendship(19:12) Prosperity of the Wicked(24:28) The Hammer\\ Bibliography \\1. Andersen, Francis I. (1976) Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Job. IVP Academic. \\2. Ash, Christopher. (2014) Job: The Wisdom of the Cross. Crossway. \\3. Hartley, John E. (1988) New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The Book of Job. Eerdmans. \\4. Marwell, David G. (2020) Mengele: Unmasking the “Angel of Death”. W.W. Norton & Company.\\5. Ortlund, Eric (2021) Piercing Leviathan: God’s Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job. IVP Academic. \\6. Rothman, Joshua D. (2021) The Ledger and the Chain: How Domestic Slave Traders Shaped America. Basic Books. \\7. Smick, Elmer B. (1988) “Job.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 4. Zondervan. \\8. VanGemeren, Willem A. (1991) “Psalms.” In Frank E. Gaebelein (Ed.) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 5. Zondervan. \\9. Waltke, Bruce with Charles Yu. (2007) An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Zondervan. \\ Speaker: Pat Reeder
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    29 min