
  • Creating Care Community with Kitty Norton
    Feb 12 2025

    Kitty Norton left her job as an NBC assistant editor in Los Angeles in 2016, for her hometown of Portland, Oregon, to walk, stumble, crawl with her dementia mother to death’s door. While doing so, she authored the dementia caregiver blog Stumped Town Dementia, writing tales of dementia life which resonated deeply with readers around the world. After her mother's death, Kitty turned her storytelling talents to creating and directing the dementia family caregiver documentary, WINE, WOMEN, & DEMENTIA. The film honors this journey with her mother, increases awareness of the caregivers side of the equation in dementia, and celebrates family caregivers, letting them know they are not alone, and are worthy of being, seen, heard, and respected, alongside their person living with dementia, on this difficult road to the end of life.

    We explore how Kitty built the care community she needed, why caregivers often start care businesses, and how she prioritized social and emotional self-care during 24/7 caregiving. Plus, find out why duct tape might belong in your caregiver toolbox!

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    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    59 min
  • Boomerang Care with Heather Henderson
    Jan 29 2025

    Heather Henderson is what I’m calling a boomerang family caregiver since she has moved in with her mom to be her primary caregiver at various times in her life. Heather initially became a primary caregiver overnight in 2003 when her parents were in a fatal car accident - her dad did not survive, and her mom was seriously injured. She moved home to care for mom until she was fully recovered. Fifteen years later, Heather became her mom’s primary caregiver again and moved back in with her while working two jobs.

    In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, we discuss the ‘joint joys’ she and her mom shared, how volunteering and cat videos have helped her heal since caring for her mom has ended, how her clean skincare business got started, and how fitness classes in all the phases of her life have kept her grounded and connected to others.

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    Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal:


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    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    49 min
  • Forever Caregiving with Kelley Coleman
    Jan 15 2025

    Kelley Coleman is a California mom to two amazing boys and full-time caregiver for her son with multiple disabilities. She is a feature film development executive turned author and advocate for parent caregivers and individuals with disabilities. Her book draws upon over a decade of experience parenting a child with multiple disabilities

    In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast we talk about why Kelley treats caregiving like a job, the advantages of not having a formal diagnosis for her son, how to secure the right insurance case manager, the unexpected gifts from their son’s service dog, and how Kelley mitigates sleep deprivation and strives to make caregiving sustainable.

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    Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal:


    For podcast sponsorship opportunities contact Elizabeth:


    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    1 h
  • Helping Hands for Caregivers with Paige Wilson
    Nov 20 2024

    After struggling with the demands of caring for her aging mother, Paige Wilson made a bold move, leaving her corporate career and becoming an entrepreneur with a big idea to help family caregivers.

    In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, we learn about her disruptive care solution that utilizes technology to harness the strength of community. We also discuss normalizing asking for help, the longevity economy, downsizing possessions, and the self-care comfort of a McDonald’s diet coke.

    Show notes with product and resource links:


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    Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal:


    For podcast sponsorship opportunities contact Elizabeth:


    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    55 min
  • Improvised Care with Jennifer Cain Birkmose
    Nov 6 2024

    Jennifer Cain Birkmose is a sandwich generation caregiver, juggling the responsibilities of caring for loved ones in two different countries and life stages, while employing two distinct caregiving styles. She is also an improv comedian and instructor, with over 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry.

    In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, we explore how Jennifer integrates her professional skills into her challenging daily caregiving routine. We also delve into her digital eldercare platform, which provides trusted services to ‘olders’ in Illinois, and discuss her all-star care team that, despite their expertise, still faces the intense demands of caregiving. And, we learn how Jennifer's mindset and actions help her navigate and stay afloat amidst these pressures.

    Show notes with product and resource links:


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    Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal:


    For podcast sponsorship opportunities contact Elizabeth:


    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    1 h
  • Employee Resource Groups with Gene Lanzoni
    Oct 23 2024

    Gene Lanzoni's life centers around caregiving, both at home and at work. As an only child, Gene and his wife of over 30 years, Elizabeth, took on the responsibility of caring for his aging parents. Professionally, Gene leads the development of thought leadership research and produces content on caregiver trends. He is also a co-lead and founding member of a caregiver-focused employee resource group (ERG).

    In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, we discuss the origins of the ERG and the numerous benefits it offers to both employers and employees. And, we explore how Gene's spiritual self-care practices and his love of coffee have helped him navigate the challenges of caregiving.

    Show Notes

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    Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal:


    For podcast sponsorship opportunities contact Elizabeth:


    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    59 min
  • Supporting Caregiving Mothers with Jessica Patay
    Oct 9 2024

    Jessica Patay, a reformed perfectionist and dedicated caregiving mother, provides compassionate support and resources to other moms caring for children with disabilities or unique needs.

    In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, Jessica shares how she manages and supports her son Ryan, who has a rare genetic condition called Prader-Willi syndrome, while maintaining her own well-being. We discussed helpful and unhelpful language from friends and family and explore the various ways caregiving mothers can find support through Jessica's community, book, podcast, and retreats. Jessica also highlights the difference between self-care and self-comfort.

    Show notes with product and resource links:


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    Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal:


    For podcast sponsorship opportunities contact Elizabeth:


    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    55 min
  • My Caregiving Mission with Mark Wilson
    Sep 25 2024

    In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, meet Mark Wilson, a former senior leader at Taco Bell with a focus on organization and people development. After retiring early to care for his mom, who lived with mixed dementia, Mark embraced the role of a 'Care Leader.' Combining his corporate HR skills with his caregiving journey, he developed a dedicated care mission, hired and retained top-notch professional caregivers, and became a passionate learner about dementia care.

    In this episode, we also delve into Mark's new missions since his caregiving duties have ended and explore how 'holy moments' and the 'mood elevator' have shaped his daily life.

    Show notes with product and resource links:


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    Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal:


    For podcast sponsorship opportunities contact Elizabeth:


    The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast:


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    58 min