
  • Episode 100 - Tom Schermitzler - God's Living Room - Heal the Sick Podcast
    Sep 24 2020

    Finally we hit Episode 100!!! This is the episode I have been waiting for years to record. My guest today is Tom Schermitzler. I met Tom when I was a newer and younger Christian, and Tom's testimony is one of the main inspirations that led me to begin in healing ministry, to start Dominion Fire, and is in part, responsible for all of the podcasts, media, healing testimonies and experiences I have had. My gratitude is immeasurable.

    Tom joins me today to tell his testimony, of being nearly dead from Multiple Sclerosis, and fighting through many years, until his healing miracle came. He speaks about what God spoke to him during these times, how he was shown to find God's fingerprints in everything he sees, and what it lead to later in his life.

    In addition, Tom is the pastor of God's Living Room in Phoenix, Arizona, as well as a music therapist. His gift for music, has brought about the power of the Spirit in many situations, and has triggered many healings.

    Don't miss this uninterrupted, full-length, emotional episode, as we delve into it all of the details. Go God!!

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    1 h et 12 min
  • Episode 099 - Marty Swanson - Heal the Sick Podcast
    Aug 8 2020

    Marty Swanson from Gathering the Eagles joins us today to talk about getting back to fundamentals in healing ministry. Marty joins us from Alberta in Canada, to tell us testimonies of healing while walking through the hospital, as well as a diabetic with a demon. He shares his personal journal and busy life in ministry, and about managing all of the elements involved. Marty teaches a segment about Keys to a Successful Healing ministry, and closes with a final prayer. Thank you for listening to the Heal the Sick Podcast, presented by DominionFire.com. BOOM Goes Yeshua!

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    46 min
  • Episode 098 - Dave Aaron - Heal the Sick Podcast
    Mar 25 2018

    Dave Aaron of Welcome Mat Kingdom joins us today to tell his story about amazing healing miracles he has seen while driving a taxi. He had seen healing involving metal rods being melted, instant back healing and bodies being restored. Dave tells his story of being born into Christianity, falling into a backsliding state of sex, drugs and rock and roll, and finally rediscovering his faith through healing. In the lesson segment, Dave talks about the process of including the prophetic into healing. In addition, we discuss the role of compassion and love being bound to healing.

    Heal the Sick Podcast presented by Dominion Fire Media in Las Vegas, NV. This program features interviews, testimonies, teachings and discussions on the topic of Divine Healing through Jesus Christ. Guests to the program will share their personal experiences in ministry, healing testimonies and insight and information to help get believers activated in their rightful works. This program is mean to inspire listeners to step out in faith and bring the power of God everywhere you go!!!

    Find all of our media platforms here: dominionfire.com/media

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    39 min
  • Episode 097 - Paul Gornell - Heal the Sick Podcast
    Sep 5 2017

    Paul Gornell is a Healing Pastor at Joshua Media Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Paul joins us today to speak about testimonies that he has witnessed working at a medical office, often while seeing pre-op patients. Paul talks about testimonies involving cataracts, diverticulitis, fractured bones, and similar medical situations. Hear a story about how a witchcraft situation, and a word of knowledge, lead Paul discusses his background and experience of getting saved at 4 years old and growing as Christian throughout life. He speaks about how he came to work as a healing pastor in a doctor office, and what he has learned along the way. Paul additionally speaks about the concept and principles behind agreement between two kingdoms.

    Heal the Sick Podcast presented by Dominion Fire Media in Las Vegas, NV. This program features interviews, testimonies, teachings and discussions on the topic of Divine Healing through Jesus Christ. Guests to the program will share their personal experiences in ministry, healing testimonies and insight and information to help get believers activated in their rightful works. This program is mean to inspire listeners to step out in faith and bring the power of God everywhere you go!!!

    Find all of our media platforms here: dominionfire.com/media

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    41 min
  • Episode 096 - Emiko Soon - Heal the Sick Podcast
    Jun 6 2017

    Revivalist and Trainer, Emiko Soon joins us today to talk about healings and miracles, she has seen around the world. Testimonies include seeing muscular diseases healed, supernatural weight loss, and divine purification of water in India and Trinidad, all of which led to salvation and healing. Emiko shares about her experience of becoming a Christian in Korea, after a bout with cancer, and calling out to God for healing. Then, after relocating to the United States, she started growing in power and authority and seeing many healings. Emiko teaches about living on the Throne of God and commanding authority for all things.

    Heal the Sick Podcast presented by Dominion Fire Media in Las Vegas, NV. This program features interviews, testimonies, teachings and discussions on the topic of Divine Healing through Jesus Christ. Guests to the program will share their personal experiences in ministry, healing testimonies and insight and information to help get believers activated in their rightful works. This program is mean to inspire listeners to step out in faith and bring the power of God everywhere you go!!!

    Find all of our media platforms here: dominionfire.com/media

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    37 min
  • Episode 095 - Carol Travis - Heal the Sick Podcast
    May 30 2017

    Carol Travis joins us today to discuss her journey through healing, beginning with her family and in this current season of her life. Carol shares several testimonies of healing, how she witnessed her first real miracle through her children, and how she has grown that into the ministry work that she does today at medical clinics, halfway houses, and with people in serious need of healing and deliverance. Carol teaches today on the vine and the branch being indistinguishable, and how we have a constant oneness with Christ.

    Heal the Sick Podcast presented by Dominion Fire Media in Las Vegas, NV. This program features interviews, testimonies, teachings and discussions on the topic of Divine Healing through Jesus Christ. Guests to the program will share their personal experiences in ministry, healing testimonies and insight and information to help get believers activated in their rightful works. This program is mean to inspire listeners to step out in faith and bring the power of God everywhere you go!!!

    Find all of our media platforms here: dominionfire.com/media

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    34 min
  • Episode 094 - Nick Acosta - Heal the Sick Podcast
    Mar 21 2017

    Nick Acosta is a minister, evangelist, and teaches and equips the body of believers. Nick joins us today to talk about healing testimonies from ankle injuries, ministering to entire familes, and ministering as you go. Nick tells his background and experience and how he got involved in the ministry. In addition, Nick shares a lesson from John 14: How the Father was in Jesus and how it relates to us.

    Heal the Sick Podcast presented by Dominion Fire Media in Las Vegas, NV. This program features interviews, testimonies, teachings and discussions on the topic of Divine Healing through Jesus Christ. Guests to the program will share their personal experiences in ministry, healing testimonies and insight and information to help get believers activated in their rightful works. This program is mean to inspire listeners to step out in faith and bring the power of God everywhere you go!!!

    Find all of our media platforms here: dominionfire.com/media

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    35 min
  • Episode 093 - Tony Myers - Heal the Sick Podcast
    Sep 16 2016

    Tony Myers is a trainer at Inside Out Training and Equipping School, and minister and board director at Holy Spirit Led Ministries. Tony tells us some wild healing testimonies of limbs growing back, bodies being restored, healing revivals breaking out, and more that he has experienced in the streets. Tony speaks about his amazing testimony of personal healing from PTSD, Lou Gehrigs disease, being paralyzed in a wheelchair, then getting healed on his own. Tony speaks on the topic of getting a better and complete understanding of hope versus belief.

    Heal the Sick Podcast presented by Dominion Fire Media in Las Vegas, NV. This program features interviews, testimonies, teachings and discussions on the topic of Divine Healing through Jesus Christ. Guests to the program will share their personal experiences in ministry, healing testimonies and insight and information to help get believers activated in their rightful works. This program is mean to inspire listeners to step out in faith and bring the power of God everywhere you go!!!

    Find all of our media platforms here: dominionfire.com/media

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    40 min