
  • Using Mediumship and Spiritual Healing in Hypnotherapy
    Jul 22 2024

    This episode explores the following topics:

    - mediumship development
    - evidential mediumship
    - physical mediumship
    - how does energy healing work
    - self-healing
    - higher power/higher intelligence
    - angels and spirit guides
    - developing a relationship with spirit guides
    - spiritual awakening
    - paranormal activity
    - hypnosis for grief and loss
    - mediumship for grief and loss
    - connecting with deceased loved ones
    - non-ordinary senses
    - intuition and intuitive mind
    - releasing lower frequency patterns
    - trusting your instincts
    - mediumship sitting circles
    - astral projection
    - light beings and orbs
    - spiritual spaces
    - spiritual healing
    - time distortion
    - trance healing
    - how to energy heal
    - past life regression
    - trauma therapy
    - trauma hypnotherapy

    Visit sensoriumhypnosis.com for more information about hypnotherapy and mediumship, as well as other spiritual workshops and products.

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

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    1 h et 14 min
  • My Journey into Mediumship: How near-death experiences lower the veil and brings forth spiritual wisdom and healing for all.
    Jun 17 2024

    This episode explores the following topics:
    - Near death experiences
    - How mediumship abilities manifest
    - Channeling music from other realms
    - Religion versus spirituality
    - Dolores Cannon
    - What does Spirit say about time?
    - What does Spirit say about karmic debt?
    - How to transcend to a higher state/realm
    - How karma sets the stage for spiritual transformation and emotional healing
    - Most impactful ways to inspire change in others
    - How to release lower frequency energies
    - What happens after death?
    - What happens to our souls once we leave earth?
    - Secret ingredient for self-healing
    - What is the purpose of being born into an emotionally turbulent family?

    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

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    13 min
  • Hypnosis & Adult Children of Parents with Mental Illness
    May 12 2024

    This episode explores the following topics:

    - Childhood trauma therapy for adults
    - Breaking patterns of emotional codependency with a parent or family member
    - Emotional trauma and physical illness
    - Creating healthy boundaries with family and coworkers
    - Managing career stress
    - Using meditation to deactivate the fight or flight response and activate the Higher mind
    - Meditation to improve focus, sleep patterns and feelings of calmness & safety
    - Hypnosis to help manage autoimmune disease
    - Hypnosis & Addison's Disease
    - Hypnosis & maintaining a healthy weight
    - Stress management tools
    - Releasing the need to fix others' problems
    - Letting go of old patterns like people pleasing, perfectionism and other self-sabotaging tendencies
    - Tools for anxiety and managing conflict

    You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

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    21 min
  • Mediumship, Trance Healing & Spiritual Counseling for Grief & Loss of a Spouse
    Mar 24 2024

    In this episode, former client/guest shares her experience using mediumship, trance healing & spiritual counseling to manage the grief & loss of her husband.

    Topics include:
    - understanding the ways in which our loved ones communicate after the death experience.
    - how to create a strong connect with my loved one on the other side?
    - what is evidential mediumship and how can it help me heal?
    - what is physical mediumship and how can it help me heal?
    - what is trance healing and how can it help me heal?
    - through trance healing, can I feel, smell, touch, hear, taste things that connect me with my deceased loved one's energy and experiences on earth?
    - clairaudience
    - clairvoyance
    - clairsentience
    - claircognizance
    - role of spiritual counseling in piecing together a new formula for life
    - hypnosis
    - metaphysical healing
    - mystical meditation

    Please visit me online at sensoriumhypnosis.com for more information about one-to-one healing sessions and other services.

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

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    47 min
  • Releasing Old Patterns with Hypnosis
    Mar 18 2024

    This interview with Hypnosis client, Amanda explores the following topics:
    - healing parent/child relationships
    - recognizing & replacing trauma driven thoughts, feelings & behaviors
    - self awareness/self forgiveness
    - inner child healing
    - organic self-healing
    - establishing good sleep hygiene practices
    - letting go of the need to "fix" others
    - helping children find ways to manage their own emotions & find solutions
    - setting healthy boundaries
    - creating reciprocal relationships
    - creating space for joy & personal growth
    - opening the heart chakra & learning how to ask for help

    You can learn more or book a free consultation online at sensoriumhypnosis.com

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

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    24 min
  • Recovering from Unhealthy Relationships with Hypnosis
    Mar 11 2024

    Hypnosis client shares her experience using a self-healing multi-modality to recover from unhealthy relationship patterns.

    This episode explores the following topics:

    - narcissistic abuse recovery
    - moving through the stages of relationship grief & loss
    - codependency
    - childhood trauma symptoms
    - childhood trauma recovery
    - recognizing unhealthy relationship patterns
    - talk therapy versus hypnotherapy
    - tools and techniques of self-healing therapy
    - spiritual healing
    - metaphysical healing
    - intuition and intuitive mind
    - healing from within
    - self guided healing journey
    - learning to trust yourself
    - improving your relationship with yourself
    - manifesting abundance
    - healthy mindset
    - healthy thinking
    - growth mindset
    - coping with uncertainty
    - alternative healing therapies

    Learn more or book a free consultation at sensoriumhypnosis.com

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

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    52 min
  • Childhood Trauma Hypnotherapy
    Feb 26 2024

    In this episode, Kirsten shares her experience working with Amy, hypnotist/medium/energy healer and her multimodality self-healing approach.

    The following topics are explored:
    - how to heal childhood trauma involving a parent who is deceased
    - overcoming unhealthy relationship patterns
    - the use of hypnosis in identifying root causes of unwanted patterns
    - trance healing, mediumship & connecting with spirit guides
    - energy healing and opening up spiritual pathways
    - deepening connections with the spirit realm
    - developing the intuitive mind & learning to trust instincts
    - mind/body/soul healing
    - strengthen business practices with hypnosis
    - identifying and replacing unhealthy patterns in romantic partnerships
    - uncovering unconscious conflicts
    - creating and attracting abundance and positive outcomes

    Learn more online at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

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    37 min
  • Hypnosis: Everything you wanted to know in about 12 minutes
    Feb 12 2024

    This episode covers the following topics:

    - Misconceptions about hypnosis

    - Different kinds of hypnosis

    - Hypnosis breakthroughs

    - Tapping into the subconscious mind

    - “Ah ha” moments in hypnosis

    - Hypnosis for stuttering and stammering

    - Hypnosis for confidence

    - Unblocking throat chakra

    - Stumped by hypnotherapy questions

    - Hypnosis versus talk therapy

    - Probing questions that engage the subconscious mind

    - Unexpected breakthroughs in hypnosis

    - Can someone go into trance in a fully awakened state

    - What a trance state feels like

    - Tapping into the intuitive mind

    - Christianity and hypnosis: Are they compatible?

    - Deeper mind

    - Hypnosis and faith in God

    - Christianity and hypnosis

    - Healing through forgiveness, compassion, and empathy

    - Mind/body connection

    - Hypnosis and clairsentience

    - Hypnosis and God

    - Hypnosis and prayer

    - Deeper healing

    - Higher mind

    - Intuition

    - Releasing the ego

    Thank you for listening. You can learn more at www.sensoriumhypnosis.com.
    Visit my spiritual learning modules here: Self-Therapy Shop - Sensorium Hypnosis, LLC

    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min