
  • Ancestor/Spirit Encounters Stories Series 2
    Oct 29 2024

    This is our last episode for 2024! (more on that later). Over the last year, I've asked each guest if they have a story to share about a Spirit interaction or Ancestor visitation. We compiled these into 2 episodes. This one is mostly Ancestor visitation with some Spirit encounters sprinkled in. Check out our previous episode for the more Ghost/Spirit centered stories. Each of these guests shared a story they experienced and I shared one as well. It was always a great way to end the afternoon after recording their original episode.

    In this episode, we bring back our beautiful guests: (contact info for all guests below)

    Brandy GIbson Episode 2; Sacred Mushroom Enchantment

    Marlene martin Episode 6; Self Love

    Lena Rubin. Episode 8; Cosmic Creator

    Amber Muse Padilla Episode 12; Spiritual Art of Tattoo

    Join us (AGAIN) around the campfire for some fantastic stories!

    Dear listeners,

    We want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for supporting us over the last 20 episodes. We appreciate you sharing your own serendipitous experiences with us while listening to the podcast via Instagram or TikTok messages. If you missed an episode or 2, now is your chance to catch up because we will be taking a break for the rest of 2024. Help us spread the healing, share the podcast please and thank you. A sincere Thank YOU to THE VOID for all the effort and support, time and energy put into this last year of this podcast. It would actually be nothing without you.

    See you all in 2025! Happy Healing!



    Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.


    Episodes released every other week.

    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.

    Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com

    Marlene Martin (Embodied Mindfulness Coach)


    IG @marlenemariamartin

    Contact Info for Sponsor

    Seva Tea

    IG @sevatealounge

    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Guest Contact info: Brandy Gibson (Psychedelic Integration Coach)brandyhope80@gmail.com

    Lena Rubin (Personal Transformation Coach and Plant Medicine Integration Specialist)Lenarubin.com

    Amber Muse (Healer and Tattoo Artist)IG: @ambrmuse Her website is on her IG

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Spirit Encounters/Ghost Stories
    Oct 19 2024

    Over the last year, I've asked each guest if they have a story to share about a Spirit interaction or Ancestor visitation. We compiled these into 2 episodes. This one is mostly Spirit visitation with some ancestor stories sprinkled in. Each of these guests shared a story they experienced and I shared one as well. It was always a great way to end the afternoon of recording their episode.

    In this episode, we bring back our beautiful guests: (contact info for all guests below)

    Grace Gabel (Episode 4; Acting Alchemy)

    Marlene martin Episode 6; Self Love)

    Janell Shun (Episode 10; Exploring Reiki)

    Aluna Lua (Episode 16; Transcendence through Kambo & Hapé)

    Veronica Vargas (Episode 18; Ready to Play?)

    Join us around the campfire for some incredible stories!

    Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.


    Episodes released every other week.

    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.

    Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com

    Guest Contact info:

    Marlene Martin (Embodied Mindfulness Coach)


    IG @marlenemariamartin

    Janell Shun (Reiki Master Teacher)

    Instagram: 4th_Chakra_Wellness

    Grace Gabel (Actor, Writer, ThetaHealing Practitioner)⁠withgracehealing.com⁠ ⁠Gracemgabel@gmail.com⁠ for all inquiries

    Aluna Lua (Head Coach at The Plant Spirit School, Ceremony Facilitator)

    Instagram: @alunalua.angelWebsite: ⁠www.alunalua.com⁠

    Gift for you: The Ultimate Guide to Kambo ⁠www.alunalua.com/kamboebook⁠

    Book a Chemistry Call with Lua: ⁠https://alunaluascheduling.as.me/Chemistrycall⁠

    Veronica Vargas (Imaginovator, Creator of Productions by Shaboo)



    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@shabooprints8537

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/shabooprints

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/shabooprints

    Contact Info for Sponsor

    Seva Tea

    IG @sevatealounge

    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • Are you an Empath? (Energetic Hygiene)
    Sep 28 2024

    Salutations Healer,

    In this solo episode, I talk about being an empath, different aspects of being an empath and ways to use energetic hygiene or energetic defense to protect your sensitive self or cleanse what you feel you've absorbed.

    Going Deeper, we discuss how subconscious beliefs can support a healthy version of your empathic self. The sensitivity is a magical gift, but you don't need to be overwhelmed by others or absorb other's emotions to help them.

    I share an interesting story to support this mindset, about a entity trying to remain attached to someone near me while I wanted to help remove it, and because I believed myself to be protected, I was.

    Also enjoy a 5 minute meditation where we call in protection and in this episode, it's our last question to THE VOID.

    ps Thank you to our new listeners in Mexico and the UK!

    Wishing you peace,


    Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.


    Episodes released every other week.

    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.

    Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com

    Contact Info for Sponsor

    Seva Tea

    IG @sevatealounge

    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • Ready to Play? : Veronica Vargas
    Sep 12 2024

    Game on! Join me as I welcome Founder and Imaginovator of Shaboo Prints and Productions by Shaboo, Veronica Vargas. Veronica's mission is to connect people with their true selves through Joy and Play! In this episode, we laugh, cry, and play as we discuss Veronica's journey back to herself and how it inspires her to help others in the same way. We chat about how accessing your creativity can support your healing journey. It's a fun episode with so much meaning and value in a world that tells you to get serious and stop playing because it's childish. Veronica shares how play is a way you can maintain the truest essence of yourself.

    Remember you can heal through Joy,


    Guest Info: Imaginovator Veronica – aka Veronica Vargas – was a creative and whimsical child, but after decades of conformity she found herself struggling with dissatisfaction and a deep longing for fulfillment. In her forties, she took her extensive branding and marketing experience and returned to her childhood passions – drawing, writing, and playing – to establish Shaboo Prints and Productions by Shaboo, which create a variety of innovative gift products, programs and experiential film/video content. For instance, Your New Odyssey: An Inward Journey to Imagination, is a half-hour television creativity program influenced by the public television shows of the 1970s and 1980s and has won a Telly award in it's first year of production. Today, Veronica considers herself a social expressionist and entrepreneur on a mission to return millions of adults back to a wondrous world full of potential, play, and a knowing that creatively expressing their real self is the whole point.



    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@shabooprints8537

    Facbook: www.facebook.com/shabooprints

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/shabooprints

    Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.


    Episodes released every other week.

    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.

    Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com

    Contact Info for Sponsor

    Seva Tea

    IG @sevatealounge

    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • Healing through Chanting
    Sep 1 2024


    In this episode, I discuss my experiences with facilitating chanting in ceremony, healing circles, but also my own experiences in how chanting has helped me release subconscious memories and also support collective conscious healing. Chanting can help you meditate, allowing your focus on a mantra or your breathing. The vibrations of chanting and the mantra itself hold so much power for us in physical and energetic spaces.I also lead us through a 5 minute chanting.

    TW* I discuss sexual harrassment experiences I went through as a teenager. Thank you for being here,


    Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.


    Episodes released every other week.

    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.

    Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com

    Contact Info for Sponsor

    Seva Tea

    IG @sevatealounge

    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Transcendence through Kambo & Hapé: Aluna Lua
    Aug 17 2024

    Welcome Healer,

    Enjoy Lua's serendipitous story choosing an alternative, but not spiritual path, until she experienced what saved her.
    Going from a heavy energy to a Sacred Fire, she received Hape’ and met God. She shares the details of this journey that led her to other Sacred Plant medicines and a deep healing path.
    We navigate more of her synchronistic story from Santo Daime Church with Ayahuasca ceremonies, being a Rasta Band Vocalist, to her introduction to Kambo medicine (Frog medicine).
    She shares the beautiful education and wisdom of Kambo, its retrieval, care and ceremony, as well as how it may help you on your healing journey.
    She is authentic, hilarious in telling us how she expanded into her power as an Angelic light worker. Lua leads so many others to healing in many ways including through her transformative retreat, Kambo Body Bliss and her mentorship programs.

    Thank you for listening,
    Lara Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.
    (illuminatelife.co) Episodes released every other week.
    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG. Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share?
    Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com Guest info: Aluna Lua is the co-founder of the psychedelic media company Ascension Arts and head coach of The Plant Spirit School. She works as a ceremony facilitator, performing artist and integration coach. Lua is from Brazil and has been an ally for indigenous communities for over a decade. She specializes in the medicines of Hapé, Kambo and Cannabis and is based in Los Angeles, CA. She provides
    psychedelic peer support at Burning Man through the Zendo Project and offers trainings, retreats and mentorship for sacred space holders. As a passionate entrepreneur, brand designer and creative director, Lua also supports artists and healers to design their sacred offerings, express their healing gifts and become professional leaders of the renaissance.
    Instagram: @alunalua.angel
    Website: www.alunalua.com
    Gift for you: The Ultimate Guide to Kambo www.alunalua.com/kamboebook
    Book a Chemistry Call with Lua: https://alunaluascheduling.as.me/Chemistrycall

    Contact Info for Sponsor
    Seva Tea
    IG @sevatealounge
    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • Divine Alignment aka Manifestation
    Aug 2 2024

    It’s manifestation time! Or in better terms aligning with Divine Source to receive everything that Source is. Sometimes that looks like reminding ourselves to be in positive vibration/frequencies and other times it’s a matter of healing barriers that keep us from believing we are worthy of those vibrations.

    I give you a lot of ways people have used manifestation in the past from things as simple as: positive thinking to using visualization, the 777 method, Sacred geometry, and more.

    I talk about ways that have worked for me to manifest that might be helpful for you as well.

    As always, I share a simple personal story about manifestation and letting go of the how things will manifest and just allowing them to flow into your life in ways we can’t imagine.

    In the solo podcasts, I like to lead us through a five minute meditation, and this one focuses on manifesting the world we want to live in. Be all that you deserve,


    Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.


    Episodes released every other week.

    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.

    Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com

    Contact Info for Sponsor

    Seva Tea

    IG @sevatealounge

    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • Spiritual Art of Tattoos: Amber Muse Padilla
    Jul 20 2024

    Dear Healer,

    In this episode, Amber and I discuss everything from Psilocybin ceremonies, healing through laughter, and Sober ego deaths.
    She shares her recent wedding ceremony and how that relationship validated her healing journey as a gift for the heaviness she was processing.
    She talks about providing healing as a Tattoo Artist, but also being a Reiki and ThetaHealing practitioner and merging these gifts for her clients.
    She tells us some of her many serendipitous moments on her healing journey from when she had her chest/torso tattooed in Spain and other synchronicities around her name.
    She is also forever changing the bee population.
    We have a funny ending with a synchronicity between us and THE VOID. Love,

    Lara Guest Contact info: IG: @ambrmuse Her website is on her IG

    Presenter: Lara is an international Energy Healer for humans and animals. She is also a Sound healer and ThetaHealing Instructor.


    Episodes released every other week.

    Follow @healinghighswithlara on Tik Tok/IG.

    Have a Divine story from your healing journey you'd like to share? Email: healinghighswithlara@gmail.com

    Contact Info for Sponsor

    Seva Tea

    IG @sevatealounge

    Website: Kevalawellness.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min