
  • Talking Healing Toxic Purity
    Sep 14 2022

    Bill, Brady & Emily share their experiences with toxic purity, and perfection and explore how to approach healing this paradigm within progressive social change.

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  • Exploring whiteness, healing culture, & our immigrant ancestries
    Sep 14 2022

    Bill, Emily & Sofia explore the construction of whiteness, how to approach healing white culture as white folks, discuss their families' immigrant ancestries, and grapple with the contradictions of good intentions in a system of structural inequality on stolen land and labor.

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    40 min
  • The Software of White Supremacy: Intro and Episode 1
    Sep 14 2022

    Each month, Emily will do one episode on white supremacy as a universal software system all white folks have been running unconsciously for generations. Emily has found this analogy to be one of the most helpful engagement tools for white folks in conversation about racism in a way that emphasizes the system over the individual. She will discuss its functions, including its nature as malware-harmful to its hosts and causes us to replicate and inflict harm unknowingly.

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    19 min