Diana Tyson is an energy healing (Reiki/ Seichem) therapist and teacher who has created her own Natural Transformation Therapy which is a holistic therapy and is approved by; The Healer Foundation, The British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA) and Holistic Insurance. As an intuitive healing energy therapist. Diana creates solutions-based sessions that are tailored to fit the unique needs of each of her clients. Her therapies are accessible to all and are each designed to inspire you to connect to your inner strength, peace and confidence leading you to transform the challenges you are facing to arrive at solutions. Diana proudly provides support, guidance, and a safe holding space for healing to take place. The aim is to increase positive energy, clarity and to create healthy boundaries for your self-care and wellbeing. Natural Transformation Therapy is a wonderful investment in your mind and body and the techniques you learn will have a positive impact for the rest of your life, helping you believe that you will move forward with clarity, improved self-esteem, and confidence. Diana has been awarded three awards in 2023- Global business awards Best Transformational therapist – West Yorkshire 2023, Corporate Livewire Prestige award – Best Holistic Therapist 2023 – West Yorkshire and the Best Holistic trainer 2023 which is so wonderful to be acknowledged for the therapies and training that Diana provides in such a tranquil healing lodge. Contact Diana Tyson: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalTransformationTherapy https://intstagram.com//nattransform1 https://naturaltransformation.uk/transformational-therapies/ email : hello@naturaltransformation.uk Dr. Kimberley Linert Speaker, Author, Broadcaster, Mentor, Trainer, Behavioral Optometrist Event Planners- I am available to speak at your event. Here is my media kit: https://brucemerrinscelebrityspeakers.com/portfolio/dr-kimberley-linert/ To book Dr. Linert on your podcast, television show, conference, corporate training or as an expert guest please email her at incrediblelifepodcast@gmail.com or Contact Bruce Merrin at Bruce Merrin’s Celebrity Speakers at merrinpr@gmail.com 702.256.9199 Host of the Podcast Series: Incredible Life Creator Podcast Available on... Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/incredible-life-creator-with-dr-kimberley-linert/id1472641267 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DZE3EoHfhgcmSkxY1CvKf?si=ebe71549e7474663 and on 9 other podcast platforms Author of Book: "Visualizing Happiness in Every Area of Your Life" Get on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3srh6tZ Website: https://www.DrKimberleyLinert.com Please subscribe, share & LISTEN! Thanks. incrediblelifepodcast@gmail.com Social Media Links LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-kimberley-linert-incredible-life-creator/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimberley.linert/ The Great Discovery eLearning Platform: https://thegreatdiscovery.com/kimberley