
  • How a busy New York Surgeon Transformed his body with online personal training - Client Spotlight: Antonios
    Nov 26 2024

    In this episode, I invited Antonios, who's a fantastic online fitness client of mine to share his fitness journey. We were able to put together some wellness strategies, to complement some personalised exercise plans and nutrition advice without a healthy reliance on cardio workouts. In our first three months together Antonios was able to achieve 10lb weight loss while measuring an increase in chest and arm muscle size at the same time as losing body fat, getting down to 12%. But perhaps most impressive of all is that Antonios noticed performance improvements by way of greater energy and resilience, which, when you consider the busy schedule of a New York surgeon, is a testament to the dedication and consistency Antonios showed throughout!

    Learn more about my online fitness coaching service

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    1 h et 2 min
  • Ep. 54. Dr. Marc Bubbs - How to Optimise Health in Your 40s - A Discussion on Training, Mindset & Rest
    Sep 28 2023

    In this episode, Dr. Marc Bubbs returns to the Healthy Ambition podcast to discuss how best to navigate your 40s from a health & fitness perspective. We cover the typical trends we all face with our health through our 20s, 30s & 40s making sure that we're set up well for our 40s. We also discuss how a workout program in your 40s must meet you where you are if it's going to be maintainable. We also touch on how to manage low testosterone levels and how to determine when to push and when to rest and why this only gets more crucial with age.

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    1 h et 4 min
  • Ep. 53. Dan Fogler - On Role Preparation, Weight Loss, Fasting and Affirmations For Success
    Apr 8 2022

    On this episode of the podcast, I'm joined by the multi-talented Actor & Writer and star of The Fantastic Beasts Film Franchise & The Walking Dead Dan Fogler, this is a special episode as it was actually recorded over an informal zoom workout. We Discuss Dan's health practices, weight loss achievements and affirmations for success.

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    44 min
  • Why You Should Never Say You Are Unmotivated To Exercise
    Mar 21 2022
    I often hear the statement "I am not a very motivated person" In this episode, I delve into why that can be a very limiting statement, and what you can do to bolster exercise and momentum in any area of your life by utilising calculations you're brain is already running...
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    24 min
  • How To Survive The Festive Period - A Comprehensive Guide
    Dec 14 2021

    This podcast is the audio recording from my latest Q&A where I outline various ways to navigate the festive period, from the zoomed-out and philosophical all the way to a tactical set of tips to use for Xmas day itself. This guide will help you get to January 1st without having to lose ground on your goals, nor miss out on the festivities.

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    33 min
  • Ep. 52 - The Importance of Personalised Health + Optimising for Wellness with Dr Olivia Lesslar
    Nov 18 2021

    On this episode of the podcast I invite friend and colleague Dr Olivia Lessalr onto the show to discuss personalised health and medicine and some of the steps you can take to improve your energy levels and performance. We explore the fascinating topic of what signals your behaviours are sending to your sympathetic nervous system and what that means for how you feel.

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    1 h et 33 min
  • October Q&A - Discussing Mindset, Water Intake, Meditation, Morning Routines
    Oct 25 2021

    This is the audio rip from my monthly Youtube Q&A. This was my first time doing the stream live and I really enjoyed it! Please subscribe to my youtube channel www.youtube.com/scottlaidler to be notified for the next one!

    Questions answered were:

    Addressing the following topics: * Weightlifting basics * How to start exercise after a long lay off * Tips on increasing water intake * How to start meditating * Starting fitness at 20 years old * How to turn your life around with exercise

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    35 min
  • MiniSode #1 - How To Make Exercise A Daily Habit
    Oct 17 2021

    In this short 'minisode' I show you how to make exercise (or any new habit) a daily practice.

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    14 min