
  • Tom Cox on Telling a Great Story in History Class
    Mar 6 2025

    Mr. Tom Cox’s approach to telling great stories in the classroom starts with a self-limiting 3×5 notecard. The challenge when telling any story from history is that all such stories run together, are infinitely entangled, and lack the defined clarity of exposition, crisis, climax, and denouement. Mr. Cox provides a practical framework and examples for “putting flesh on dry bones” in an effective, compelling way that students will remember.

    This talk was delivered at the Forum Teaching Conference in the fall of 2024.

    Featured opportunities:

    Teaching Essentials Workshop at The Heights School (June 16-20, 2025)

    Also on the Forum:

    A Better Approach to History featuring Tom Cox and Bill Dardis

    Keeping the Story in History by Mark Grannis 9/22

    Seeing History: On Using Images in the History Classroom by Kyle Blackmer 2/22History the Way It Was by Bill Dardis

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    38 min
  • Alvaro de Vicente on Dumb Phones, Feature Phones, and the New Tech Landscape
    Feb 27 2025

    If we’ve decided against smart phones for our kids, can dumb phones come to the rescue? New options for families have hit the tech market, offering few or select features, and giving parents new things to consider when it comes to kids and phones in 2025. Headmaster Alvaro de Vicente offers a framework for thinking about smart phones, dumb phones, and feature phones in a culture still weighed down by anxiety and distraction.


    4:04 Deciding when
    5:17 Phones as tools
    10:05 The dumb phone: what problem is it solving?
    16:11 The feature phone: constant connection
    17:30 Healthy friendship
    22:03 An age of distraction, even offline
    23:44 The need for silence
    26:29 School policies
    27:14 Family policies


    School Phone Bans Alone Do Not Improve Grades or Wellbeing, The Guardian, February 5, 2025

    Apple Just Reinvented Its Biggest App, The Atlantic, September 14, 2016

    The Anxious Generation: The Great Rewiring of Childhood by Jonathan Haidt

    Only the Lover Sings: Art and Contemplation by Josef Pieper

    Featured opportunities:

    Parents’ Conference: Passing the Faith On to the Next Generation at The Heights School (April 12, 2025) link coming soon

    Also on the Forum:

    Technology in the Home: Perspective, Principles, and Practices by Michael Moynihan

    Forming iGen: On the Forces that Shaped Them featuring Alvaro de Vicente

    When Is Your Son Ready for a Smart Phone? featuring Alvaro de Vicente

    Smart Phones: Why Wait When He’s “the Only One” featuring Joe Cardenas

    On Freedom and Phones featuring Alvaro de Vicente

    Reconsidering Electronics under the Tree featuring Alvaro de Vicente

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Dr. Benjamin Storey on American Restlessness
    Feb 20 2025

    “It is an atmosphere we breathe in, rather than an argument we consider.” Thus wrote T. S. Eliot about the very idea of happiness Americans have adopted for their own. When raising sons in modern America, we should understand what cultural air they—and we—are breathing. Is that “pursuit of happiness” keeping our hearts and minds restless?

    In their book, Why We Are Restless, Dr. Benjamin Storey and his wife Dr. Jenna Silber Storey explore the inheritance of American-style happiness: where did it come from? Who has wrestled with it before? And how should we really engage with it? Ben Storey sits down with us to discuss this week on HeightsCast.


    00:08:44 Montaigne’s recipe for happiness

    00:15:16 “Immanent contentment”: now is enough

    00:17:19 Pascal’s reach for God

    00:20:11 Rousseau’s earthly transcendence

    00:29:09 The American Dream

    00:33:45 Democracy and restlessness

    00:39:38 The highs and lows of infinite possibility

    00:45:02 Advice for high school seniors

    00:49:30 Advice for parents


    Why We Are Restless: On the Modern Quest for Contentment by Benjamin Storey and Jenna Silber Storey

    Also on the Forum:

    ChatGPT Holds These Truths to Be Self-Evident by Mark Grannis

    The Importance of History, Part I featuring Dr. Matthew Spalding

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    58 min
  • John Cuddeback on Teaching Men
    Feb 13 2025

    At our 2024 Teaching Conference, Dr. John Cuddeback of Christendom College unpacked what boys need from their fathers and teachers in order to grow into the men they truly desire to be. And what boys desire, he argues, comes from their God-given nature: one that resonates with fatherhood, moral character, and the ability to speak truth.


    6:21 Today’s rejection of masculinity

    10:11 Education: formation of right appetites

    15:33 What they enjoy and what pains them

    18:52 What boys should desire

    21:26 To be fathers

    29:15 To be men of character

    31:33 To articulate the truth

    33:32 How we educate: by example

    36:16 By curating influences

    37:57 By great art

    42:49 By direct articulation, in friendship


    LifeCraft, John Cuddeback’s website featuring free courses, videos, and articles

    True Friendship: Where Virtue Becomes Happiness by John Cuddeback

    The Intentional Household Podcast hosted by John and Sofia Cuddeback

    Also on the Forum:

    Made in the Image and Likeness: On Man and Masculinity featuring Bishop Erik Varden

    Friendship for Fathers featuring John Cuddeback

    The Man Fully Alive: On Our Vision featuring Alvaro de Vicente

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min
  • Colin Gleason on Listening to Our Boys
    Jan 30 2025

    It’s true: we talk too much. And we know that just one more brilliant lecture from us will not solve our boys’ every problem—but we can’t seem to help ourselves.

    This week on HeightsCast, lower school head Colin Gleason takes an intentional look at how we as parents and educators engage our boys, and how we might do better. The conversation reminds us that parenting is relational, not a delivery system, and that ultimately we want to keep the lines of communication open.


    2:30 Talk less, engage more

    8:31 Over-supervision leads to acting, not being

    15:11 Strategies for listening

    17:23 Recon: trying to draw something out

    21:12 Showing unanxious interest

    25:38 Response: when they come to you

    28:13 Keep them coming to you

    31:01 Let the emotions breathe

    37:32 Disrespect and complaints

    43:38 The impact of listening

    Featured opportunities:

    Parents’ Conference: Freedom and Addiction at The Heights School (April 12, 2025) link coming soon

    Teaching Men’s Conference at The Heights School (October 2025) link coming soon

    Also on the Forum:

    On Emotional Presence and Imperfect Parenting featuring Alvaro de Vicente

    Seeing Our Boys with Loving Eyes: Not Projects but Persons featuring Tom Royals

    Building a Relationship of Trust with Your Son featuring Alvaro de Vicente

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    50 min
  • Jimmy Callahan on the Man Your History Class Is Missing
    Jan 23 2025

    In this episode, our guest (an AP U.S. History teacher) and our host (an AP Government teacher) delve into the worthy American most likely missing from your U.S. history or government class.

    Orestes Brownson was a nineteenth-century political thinker who wrote about the American project through his unique lens as a post-Civil War American-Catholic. He was well known in his time but is often only featured in the footnotes for the Election of 1840, the Transcendental Movement, and the Emancipation Proclamation. Brownson’s essays, though, belong in the classroom. They seek to answer with optimism and insightful reflection: what is this country all about? For what did our sons die in this great Civil War?


    4:20 Why read Brownson?

    10:11 A religious and political wanderer

    14:01 Arrives at the Catholic Church

    17:00 Magnus opus: The American Republic

    21:57 “Territorial democracy”

    27:44 History as human experience

    28:51 Territorial democracy and American Union

    32:31 Missteps of democracy

    36:54 Brownson’s vision: “Freedom of each with advantage to the other”

    37:41 Yet history repeats itself

    41:47 America’s role in the story of history

    44:55 “Unwritten constitution”

    49:36 The task of the modern teacher

    54:24 One’s development of ideas over time


    The American Republic by Orestes Brownson

    “Democratic Principle” by Orestes Brownson

    Orestes Brownson Symposium hosted by the American Family Project

    “Catholic Lives: Orestes Brownson, the American Newman” on Controversies in Church History

    Featured opportunities:

    On Faith and Beauty in Churches talk by Joe Cardenas at The Heights School (February 1, 2025)

    Series for Heights Fathers: Accompanying Our Sons as They Grow in Understanding of Human Sexuality at The Heights School (Thursdays in February 2025)

    Parents’ Conference: Freedom and Addiction at The Heights School (April 12, 2025) link coming soon

    Teaching Men’s Conference at The Heights School (October 2025) link coming soon

    Also on the Forum:

    ChatGPT Holds These Truths to Be Self-Evident by Mark Grannis

    The Importance of Ugly History by Mark Grannis

    Keeping the Story in History by Mark Grannis

    Seeing History: On Using Images in the History Classroom by Kyle Blackmer

    Patriotism and Piety: Honoring Founders and Fathers featuring Matthew Mehan

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    59 min
  • Dr. Peter Kilpatrick on the Idea of a Catholic University
    Jan 16 2025

    All the first universities were—St. Thomas Aquinas would tell us—Catholic ones. But in this modern day, it takes intentionality to maintain the rich tradition of Catholic education.

    In a talk recorded for HeightsCast, Dr. Peter Kilpatrick, president of The Catholic University of America, spoke to families at The Heights about what it means to be a Catholic university. He first consults the experts: Thomas Aquinas, John Henry Newman, John Paul the Great, and Pope Benedict XVI. He then offers examples from his own career in school leadership, and how to put the exhortations of popes and saints into action on campus.


    6:14 Universities: a Catholic inheritance

    8:06 Newman and Aquinas on universities

    11:58 Papal directives for Catholic universities

    15:56 Theodrama vs. egodrama

    19:16 Getting these ideas on campus

    19:36 Mission-enthusiastic faculty

    21:26 Mission-integrated curricula

    24:12 Counseling with a Christian anthropology

    25:01  Teaching a professional call to holiness

    26:21 Campus ministry

    28:15 The distinctive value of Catholic education

    31:10 Q1: Technology and the next 50 years

    36:13 Q2: College affordability and value


    The Idea of a University by St. John Henry Newman

    Ex Corde Ecclesiae by Pope St. John Paul II

    Regensburg Address on Faith, Reason, and the University by Pope Benedict XVI

    “The Real Cost of College Education—for Students, Families, and the Nation” by Jamie Merisotis

    Superhabits: The Universal System for a Successful Life by Andrew Abela

    Hannah’s Children: The Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth by Catherine Pakaluk

    Also on the Forum:

    Receiving Beauty: A Liberal Arts Education featuring Dr. George Harne

    Considerations for the College-Bound Student featuring Dr. Peter Kilpatrick

    The Idea of the Liberal Arts University, Part I featuring Dr. Thomas Hibbs

    Rethinking College: Why go? How? When? featuring Arthur Brooks

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    45 min
  • Joe Cardenas and Nate Gadiano on Living Simplicity
    Dec 20 2024

    Advent invites us to reflect on our Christian disposition, oriented towards peace, hope, joy, and love. St. Josemaría Escrivá was known to summarize that disposition by calling it, simply… “simple.” In The Way, he praises the apostles and St. Joseph for imitating Jesus himself in being simple. And then he exhorts us: “May you not lack simplicity.”

    Heights faculty Joe Cardenas and Nate Gadiano join us this week to explore the Christian meaning of “simplicity,” beginning with the ways that God is simple: unified, sincere, essential, and wholly true. As we strive to reflect his example, how do we find that interior disposition of simplicity? And how can we help our boys find it too?


    3:07 A Catholic sense of simplicity

    10:13 Moving beyond “minimalism”

    18:38 Simplicity in Scripture

    20:43 Social simplicity

    24:12 As opposed to duplicity

    26:08 How spiritual direction simplifies you

    30:36 A unity of purpose

    32:39 Distinct from feelings-based “honesty”

    39:02 Helping our boys as parents, mentors

    41:41 A boy’s insecurity, overcome by trust

    47:38 Secure in divine filiation


    The Way, Furrow, and The Forge by St. Josemaría Escrivá

    Also on the Forum:

    The Virtues Playlist on The Heights Forum

    Voir plus Voir moins
    52 min